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Finding Bigfoot

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So alot of you guys are in the PNW. DatzenMike lives on Vancouver Island which is nicknamed "Ape Island" according to sasquatch shows. I live in Southeast Texas, which is swampy and has lots of monster stories. My grandfather even claims to have seen a "giant hairy naked [black man]" in the woods when he was 9 years old.


So, I've been watching Finding Bigfoot on Animal Planet, and I must say it's pretty damned funny. My friends and I have gotten a ton of new inside jokes by making comments about the show. Did anyone else watch the show/ apear in the background of it. What do you think on the subject? Do you make bigfoot calls at night?

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I grew up in the woods, and if you have seen the oics of my town, i mean IN the woods. I have been out a bunch, alone, quiet by myself and have only once ever felt the presence of something else.......not like an animal but another person? Not easy to describe but I have never seen any bigfoot tracks or anything of the like..My great Uncle however has a bigfoot story that will curl your hair, with some very very old oics backing up the story, but many stories are just that, stories. Never saw the show you speak of however.....


Alien visitors, I definately believe!

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You know I'm not a hunter but often work in the woods, sometimes reasonably remote and have found many many piles of animal bones. Deer and elk, maybe a bear once. See where I'm going with this? These bones can last for decades unless covered by trees shedding needles. Unless these creatures are extremely long lived there must be breeding going on and in order to do this there has to be a certain density of them so they can find each other and mate. Well, unless they live in clans, in which case they would leave more evidence that if solitary. So if they die and if they have bones we should have found a skeleton laying around in the last few hundred years don't you think? Or, like the believers like to say: They all make a pilgrimage to a remote valley to die like the mythical elephant graveyard???


I have never seen much in my life that couldn't be explained. I've watched for UFOs and aliens, fairies, Santa Claus, guardian angels, ghosts ... you name it and sadly have seen some of the magic of childhood slowly fade away. There are many other special and magical things in this world without running around looking for bigfoot, chem trails and aliens.

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You know I'm not a hunter but often work in the woods, sometimes reasonably remote and have found many many piles of animal bones. Deer and elk, maybe a bear once. See where I'm going with this? These bones can last for decades unless covered by trees shedding needles. Unless these creatures are extremely long lived there must be breeding going on and in order to do this there has to be a certain density of them so they can find each other and mate. Well, unless they live in clans, in which case they would leave more evidence that if solitary. So if they die and if they have bones we should have found a skeleton laying around in the last few hundred years don't you think? Or, like the believers like to say: They all make a pilgrimage to a remote valley to die like the mythical elephant graveyard???


That is pretty much the strongest argument that makes the existence of bigfoot implausible.


Anymore I would say the existence of aliens is more plausible than bigfoot just because that one is so much harder to disprove with certainty.



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Believe or not. The show is pretty great. Each episode typically includes some sort of re-creation of alleged bigfoot evidence. First episode's re-creation was of a police dash cam video.



Upon seeing this I was hooked. I sent my best friend a txt that said "So what we're gonna do is get a car going 55mph. Then we're gonna have Bo Bo run out in front of it. Why? 'Cause we HATE Bo Bo."

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There are a few bigfoot sitings here in OK as well.. Man, That fucker must own a fast car or something.


I was driving through the Ouachita National forest in eastern OK, and stopped at a Gas station/Feed store/restaurant to let my stepson use the restroom. There was a sign out front advertizing a Bigfoot festival the last week of September that will have live music and bigfoot stories. Sounded like an awesome time to me.

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Never seen sasquatch, but have seen a UFO when I was younger. Don't know what it was to this day, no military craft I know about could have moved like it moved. But never saw anything more, so oh well. If they were alien visitors, they probably had the good sense to run off after seeing our planet. :)

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Never seen sasquatch, but have seen a UFO when I was younger. Don't know what it was to this day, no military craft I know about could have moved like it moved. But never saw anything more, so oh well. If they were alien visitors, they probably had the good sense to run off after seeing our planet. :)



They just saw our bitchin' dattos and decided to go home cause their shit was hella flush.

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Why this thread is so popular escapes me. Maybe guys that like old Japanese cars make up the same demographic that watches this show. I keep an eye out for big foot on my hikes in the PNW. I believe the good Lord could create all sorts of neat animals. I am also skeptical of scientists and there theories and hypotheses. I mean, haven't you read or heard hundred year old cutting edge information. It's funny listening to the greatest minds of the time tell everyone the world is flat. I think many of the scientific facts we hang our hats on today will be laughed at by school children of the future. What we don't know about the universe, or even the earth could fill a million libraries.


Yikes, that was all over the map. Well thanks ratsun for my daily therapy.

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I am also skeptical of scientists and there theories and hypotheses. I mean, haven't you read or heard hundred year old cutting edge information. It's funny listening to the greatest minds of the time tell everyone the world is flat. I think many of the scientific facts we hang our hats on today will be laughed at by school children of the future. What we don't know about the universe, or even the earth could fill a million libraries.


People should always remain skeptical of scientific theory, as this is how theories become stronger. In science, this is actually encouraged.


Maybe my history is incorrect, but I am pretty sure it was NOT the scientists or greatest minds who were preaching the world was flat long after it was proven to be round. Science typically led the change in thought and many were persecuted for their work. Not to overly generalize, but the people preaching things like the world was flat were isolated groups, religious groups and uneducated people.


This is not to say science is always right and has all the answers. Any good scientist would admit that is not the case. Science (and I mean good science) has been wrong in the past. And it is more than likely some of the scientific theories we follow today may be laughed at by our children. However, this is no reason to disregard evidence or science in general. Science doesn't necessarily prove something with 100% certainty, but it does attempt to establish a working model with solid plausibility. For instance, everyone here is has solid belief that the computer they are using right now, as they read this post, actually works and is real. But nobody can prove with 100% certainty that the theory used to develop those electronics is actually a perfect model. As far as I know, nobody has ever seen a group of electrons flowing through a wire (maybe evidence of an electron cloud). Yet we believe it is the case.




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