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Canby 2012: Are we there yet?


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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Its still a beautiful drive. Shitty part about being where I live, I am the only one around. Datto510 lived about 45 minutes from here and I caravaned with him a few years ago. But that's it. There's a few other datsun guys around here but nobody interested in the datsun game.


This is my fourth year going. Went in 09 for the first time and brought the wife. This year I'll bring the girl friend. shes more friendly :D



Any drive in a Datsun is awesome...

Sounds like the Island when it comes to Datsuns few far and between. Alot of the guys that we used to roll with to Shasta with got all domesticated and shit..Now their cars are dust balls...But hope to drag Steve out...


The first time I went to Canby was 04 I think or was it 05 ...

This will be year 6 for me and 3 for the wife

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That wagon I got has been sitting at Freaky's house this whole time. I managed to get over there once and do some work on it one time. I need to figure out a way to get my ass over there again and finish up a few little things on it.



Here's some advice I saw a few posts back.... muthafucker.


Mother fuckers, get unlazy and get to work on your rides. Get off ratsun, get off the internet, get off your ass... do work!


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Today I worked and was so tired when I got home..... but I jacked the car a foot off the ground at the back so I don't have to do it tomorrow and say ah, fuck it. Have to get under and measure the driveshaft angles. Fuck, yesterday I spent 3 hrs polishing two mags.

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Ooh. I know dat feel.


I spent 4-6 hours on EACH wheel when I sanded them out and polished them. I was literally covered from heat to toe in buffing compound and remnants of cotton, sisal, emery, and tripoli.

I now say screw it and just 2000-grit 'em and mothers polish.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Is this where I start making Camby jokes? Ya, eh?


Hey Lou, posted some nostalgia on my build thread for ya!



I just looked.. geesh that was 04 or 05 wasnt it?


whats the first letter of the alphabet eh :rofl:



Dalton the night of his stag... :rofl: we put him in a dog house too.

He was mentioning he "may" go too..

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L20B is super duper easy...!


Here's a good one for ya. Every day, do something. Even if it's wiping the bloody dash off, do SOMETHING.

Amazing how quick things get done when you do them. ;)

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