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Poll for name change...

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Change is good.... if for the best. It is also called personal growth. And usually takes a lot of effort if you have a goal in mind. Deleting e mail accounts, passwords, clothes and music is merely outward change for others to see and meaningless. Your changes should be inward. The outward will follow.

agree. amen brotheran.

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sounds liiiike someone....


had a big ol drinky night...

...awoke to carnage...

....foggy to nil memory, but definite feeling of regret....

....slowly discovered scope of mistakes made....


...bad feelings linger... " gotta change my life man! :( "





...or was that just me?

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah like mine is NWOleman and people think it's like cause i'm an oldman! lol at least that's what izzo tells me but hell i'm only 35, well maybe that is old! :D that doesn't make me want to change it tho. and for the record it's for Northern White Oleman!


35 thats almost dead :rofl:

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It was me, he fullfilled my requirements by creating this thread for the lolz and begged me to change it. I caved :P


He's still dwnshfter as far as I'm concerned, although drama llama might get some more play. :lol:

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No, I am just trying to change my life for the better. I'm trying to less impatient when driving. I'm trying to be more active in church, and I'm finally going to go to college. Wife and I are moving back to Panama City Fl. so we can help her grandparents and get their yard and house taken care of. I came up with dwnshfter when I was 14... I'm 30 now and I still have the same email address. I'm closing the account and have had my new one for a few months now. I'm changing the way I dress and I deleted almost a third of my music from my iTunes. You have no idea how hard I'm trying to have a better life.


Your name doesn't change the shape and color of your soul. We are judged more by our actions than our words. I don't know you, or your nature~ so I can't say "little llama" is a bad fit. If you don't like it, change it~ or start a new profile. If it bothers you that much, then who cares about how many posts your old profile had?


I can offer one point to ponder~ "cotton candy" to me sounds like the screenname of a pre-pubescent girl in pigtails on myspace~ or was it that hooker on MacArthur Blvd in Oakland...?

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Your name doesn't change the shape and color of your soul. We are judged more by our actions than our words. I don't know you, or your nature~ so I can't say "little llama" is a bad fit. If you don't like it, change it~ or start a new profile. If it bothers you that much, then who cares about how many posts your old profile had?


I can offer one point to ponder~ "cotton candy" to me sounds like the screenname of a pre-pubescent girl in pigtails on myspace~ or was it that hooker on MacArthur Blvd in Oakland...?


We are on an internet forum. So our words are our actions.

And little llama is the new name. Dwnshftr is the old alias.

Just a bunch of llama drama, really.

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