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My license is good in California, but not Arizona?

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About 5 years ago I got a speeding ticket. I never paid and never went to court, so my license was suspended. It took me 2 years to pay off the fines and get my license back, so it has been about 3 years since I had it reinstated. I have been pulled over since then and never had any problems.


Well I drove to Kinsman Arizona yesterday to visit family. I got pulled over this morning for not signaling a lane change (which I know I did because I knew a cop was back there. A few blocks later he pulls me over, tells me why, and says if all of my stuff checks out it will be a warning. He comes back saying my license is expired, so I show him that it doesn't expire for 3 more years, and he goes back to double check. This time he says it came back suspended for failure to appear. He let my dad switch spots with me and didn't ticket me or anything, so we get to where we are staying and I look up my license state on the dmv site. It checks out good, so I call he local sheriffs office and the chp and have both check. They both say it is valid and not suspended and that their system shows no failure to appear. So I call the Arizona police department that pulled me over and tell them it is good and ask if there is anything I can do so they know it is good. I'm told I'm SOL and have to deal with it when I get back to CA. So apparently my license is good in CA, but not AZ. Anyone have similar problems and how did you fix it?

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It just goes to show you, it does no good to ignore them, if you do, they are going to stick it to you for years, somehow, someway, they are going to stick it to you, so you might as well bend over if you ignore them, unless you leave the country permanently, and they will still try, even if you leave.

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About 5 years ago I got a speeding ticket. I never paid and never went to court, so my license was suspended. It took me 2 years to pay off the fines and get my license back, so it has been about 3 years since I had it reinstated. I have been pulled over since then and never had any problems.


Well I drove to Kinsman Arizona yesterday to visit family. I got pulled over this morning for not signaling a lane change (which I know I did because I knew a cop was back there. A few blocks later he pulls me over, tells me why, and says if all of my stuff checks out it will be a warning. He comes back saying my license is expired, so I show him that it doesn't expire for 3 more years, and he goes back to double check. This time he says it came back suspended for failure to appear. He let my dad switch spots with me and didn't ticket me or anything, so we get to where we are staying and I look up my license state on the dmv site. It checks out good, so I call he local sheriffs office and the chp and have both check. They both say it is valid and not suspended and that their system shows no failure to appear. So I call the Arizona police department that pulled me over and tell them it is good and ask if there is anything I can do so they know it is good. I'm told I'm SOL and have to deal with it when I get back to CA. So apparently my license is good in CA, but not AZ. Anyone have similar problems and how did you fix it?



The CA/AZ computer link is one of the older- if not pioneering- ones~ odd that there'd be a problem. Get a current CA DMV printout and copies of any other pertinent (i.e. court docs) info, and submit it via certified or registered mail to AZ with a cover letter explaining the circumstances. Request a letter of resolve from AZ, and keep a copy with you for a while JIC.... In the meantime (or for a quick/temporary fix) keep a copy of that CA DMV printout in your glovebox. It's not the kind of document you want to leave layin around tho~ so remove it asap....



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I'm the right skin color to not warrant a passport request, plus I have a CA ID lol. I was a dumb young kid when I didn't pay the ticket. I learned my lesson, $1600 later.


As far as requesting a printout, the DMV is closed until Tuesday, I leave tomorrow. I'm letting my pops drive until we cross the state line then I will drive in CA. I guess I'm lucky in a way, the cop said their system sucks and that he had no doubt my license was good. He said they are supposed to impound the car for 30 days and arrest me, but he knew something was wrong so he just told me to switch with my dad and have him drive while in AZ. I dread having to wait in line at the DMV to get the wrong info taken care of.


It didn't affect me at all, its just really weird that 2 states have 2 different records and I was wondering if anyone has had problems with prior offences still showing up.

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I'm the right skin color to not warrant a passport request, plus I have a CA ID lol. I was a dumb young kid when I didn't pay the ticket. I learned my lesson, $1600 later.


As far as requesting a printout, the DMV is closed until Tuesday, I leave tomorrow. I'm letting my pops drive until we cross the state line then I will drive in CA. I guess I'm lucky in a way, the cop said their system sucks and that he had no doubt my license was good. He said they are supposed to impound the car for 30 days and arrest me, but he knew something was wrong so he just told me to switch with my dad and have him drive while in AZ. I dread having to wait in line at the DMV to get the wrong info taken care of.


It didn't affect me at all, its just really weird that 2 states have 2 different records and I was wondering if anyone has had problems with prior offences still showing up.

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Double post is lame ass Arizona fault! I'm staying real close to the grand canyon tonight so service is hit or miss on my phone.


I was driving my Altima coupe, its black with black interior, black wheels, tinted windows, and tinted headlights and tail lights. I think they saw an out of state car that was flashy and wanted to check it out so made up an excuse to pull me over. The funny thing is he never said anything about the toned windows, light lenses, or crack in my windshield.


It was also a rinky dink town, which seems like most of AZ, so they might have 199 technology.

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The CA/AZ computer link is one of the older- if not pioneering- ones~ odd that there'd be a problem. Get a current CA DMV printout and copies of any other pertinent (i.e. court docs) info, and submit it via certified or registered mail to AZ with a cover letter explaining the circumstances. Request a letter of resolve from AZ, and keep a copy with you for a while JIC.... In the meantime (or for a quick/temporary fix) keep a copy of that CA DMV printout in your glovebox. It's not the kind of document you want to leave layin around tho~ so remove it asap....




+1 keep the copy in your wallet, just in case you get stopped while not in your car, that saved me in the past.


I've had the same problem years ago., and even the CA system still showed that it was suspended, The DMV computer and the CHP/Police computers are not the same and not always in sync.

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Im going to call the DMV tomorrow and figure out whats up. I dont need to send anything to AZ, I dont plan on going back anytime soon so Im not worried about it.


Thought this was funny. My buddy that was following me took a picture of me pulled over:




That only shows 1 of the 4 cop cars there. 4 cars, 6 officers. Good thing they didnt impound and search my car, paraphenelia + firearms would be a good thing to find.


That was on my way to this:



This was scary as shit. Straight down both sides and really skinny. I got dizzy and disoriented just standing up there




I had to pee ollz



I act like a child I know. And yes thats a Datsun hoodie


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i can believe it.

you get pulled over w/ CA plates.

arizona cops suck more than LA cops!

i bailed from the state w/ several outstanding issues. havent been back for 10+ years. hope its out of the system by now...


anyone on here ever seen the jail in salome? know where it is? :rofl:

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more accurate to say they don't assume all americans are here legally


read dirks comment that he knew that he signaled?


my guess is if dirk had no proof of citizenship, he'd probably be sitting in a refugee camp as we speak

If you're here illegally,you're not American and neither is your kid.



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^ok patriots, don't get too excited as SB 1070 is still in limbo

in other words, anchor babies are still a go


again, probably wanna say "not a u.s. citizen" or "not a legal resident"


because technically american can mean anybody from north, central or south america

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