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Broken Nose!!!

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Ouch. Had a buddy do that at a party once. Irony was we were all drunk as hell running around the pool/spa and he broke it by slipping in the bathroom while taking a leak.

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Ouch. Had a buddy do that at a party once. Irony was we were all drunk as hell running around the pool/spa and he broke it by slipping in the bathroom while taking a leak.


I was running then i tripped rolled and my shoulder tucked forward and i rolled over it, i didn't feel it until i stopped running :P

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Metalmonkey, that dosent look like a doctor office, that look like homemade surgury... :sick:


KA620c thats :sick:


LOL good eye! That was at my neighbors house. We were changing the bandages. he's a doctor, so we had no problems. Hurt like a bitch when the bandages were caught on the staples though!

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Jeezus christ, I'm looking at this right before bed you assholes!!!!!! Baaarrrrffff! I'm amazed how much one can screw up one's body.


I suggest you not GIS "degloving" then :sick:

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My contribution. Got back into skateboarding after a 5 year hiatus, 360 flip to slip out, put left arm back to break fall, body weight falls on wrist.


Wrist snapped right out of joint (and poked out the side, you can see the hole on the right).


Metal plate and about 6 screws to hold the 4 pieces of my wrist together and we are together again



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