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turbo exaust whister device.lolz!

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Oh wow, so not good. If you scroll farther down that page you'll see a trick noise maker to stick in unsuspecting friends' tailpipes. My buddies tried that on me once. I didn't leave the parking spot. Started her up, heard something odd, climbed out and walked towards the noise, found it in the tailpipe. They were all laughing, I'm like, okay, I'm not mechanically challenged here.


A better prank is to get a buddy's car and wire his reverse lights to a horn, but mount the horn inside the car. :D

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A couple of months ago, I-24 near Nashville. I pass a 240sx all riced out and going slow, no noise. Then a few min's later, passed me like a bat out of hell, making a noise like a jet plane. Extremely loud, perhaps the boy racer had one of these. I asked around what it could be, but no one had any idea.

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some good pranks ive done.... working at a repair shop, little shop privately owned, had a truck on the lift and did some work on the suspension etc. owner tells me and the other guy to take the lift down so he can test drive it and then goes to use the restroom or something. while hes away we strap 3 or 4 of the GIANT zip ties to the driveshaft. he cranks it up they start slapping the shit out of the underbody and he freaks out. was hilarious.


another one was we had a car outside the doors in the lot and he had us checking something under the hood. we light a smoke bomb and place it under the car so it comes out of the engine bay and scream for him to come outside cause we got a problem. hahah he comes running out like WTF DID YOU DO!?!?

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some good pranks ive done.... working at a repair shop, little shop privately owned, had a truck on the lift and did some work on the suspension etc. owner tells me and the other guy to take the lift down so he can test drive it and then goes to use the restroom or something. while hes away we strap 3 or 4 of the GIANT zip ties to the driveshaft. he cranks it up they start slapping the shit out of the underbody and he freaks out. was hilarious.


another one was we had a car outside the doors in the lot and he had us checking something under the hood. we light a smoke bomb and place it under the car so it comes out of the engine bay and scream for him to come outside cause we got a problem. hahah he comes running out like WTF DID YOU DO!?!?


I hope you knew them. If some random mechanic pulled that with my car I would be pissed.


A good prank is kind of like mentioned before, but splice the brake light wire into the horn, everytime hey brake, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

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Loosers who install this probably tried to hold cardboard against their spokes with clothes pins but big kids took it away from them. .




I always ran over a pop can with my front tire. Made an awful ruckus.

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I always ran over a pop can with my front tire. Made an awful ruckus.


I taped cards to my spokes, plus had the can in the tire, a string of cans trailing behind me, and big ass ooga horn on my bars. You could hear me from a mile away.

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