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So tell me about the PNW

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So I've posted on this forum a few times, I don't need to elaborate on this..... anyway I've posted a bit and lurked a lot. Call me weird, call me unsociable, lol. Anyways I've ingested a lot of Kentucky's finest (Jim Beam not fried chicken lol) which probes the question: What is the pacific northwest like? What is similar to the rest of America? What is vastly different? I ask this because I am planning to move back to the west coast within the next few years (I used to live in Sacramento), and would like to expand my horizons, so to speak. I also listen to Modest Mouse quite frequently, and I feel that whatever emotion I may be feeling at any given moment, there is a Modest Mouse song that describes it, haha. Now maybe it's just a coincidence that MM are from the PNW, or maybe it's not, you tell me. And to keep things coherent on this forum, I also love Datsuns, and they seem to be readily available in the upper left hand corner of America. So please elaborate, and tell me all about the Pacific Northwest.

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Well,im sure you have been told about the precipitation,it rains all the time. The summer is beautiful (usually the 1st week in august)You can start in western washington,drive 3.5 hours to eastern washington and have a total climate change. The people here are as diverse as the weather.From total conservatives to full-blown liberal. I think we have outstanding radio stations and yes there are quite a few datsuns still around,more in cali than anywhere else.Over half of the parts I make go to cali.

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Well I think the rain keeps the vehicles alive for the most part, lol. I mean, I rescued my 280zx from a dealer, he got it from a pair of transients, (from the way he described them I think of those in "natural born killers" haha") anyways the car was bought in NJ then driven to Chicago where the couple lived in it along with a pair of dogs, according to the guy that sold me the car. What a mess the interior was when I got it! Furthermore, the rain here in the NYC metro area is miserable, people here hate the rain and lust for endless summer lol. We got hammered with snow and crappy winter this year (we usually get minimal snowfalls and a lot of cold days and black ice), which leads to a bad persona for all. Thankfully, we're getting out of it now, it's 46 right now with clear skies, something unconscionable just a few weeks ago. Oh, how I miss sac town, I could go outside and be blessed with either rain or sunshine, here it's just grey skies all around.

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Just remember, if you listen to Modest Mouse in the PNW anywhere outside of Portland, the local rednecks will find you and go deliverance on your ass! :D Classic rock ftw! No, really, it's probably similar to NJ, being roughly the same latitude. The sun will not rise on the ocean however. Lots of rain on the west coast. A few hundred miles inland and it can be desert dry. I imagine there's some foliage difference too. It's quite nice, though I prefer the inland northwest because then I'll have beachfront property when the big fault breaks through Seattle area, and the West coast slides under the subduction zone there. ;)

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As much as it rains here, I've actually been told by a friend of mine that has lived all over the states, that on average, we only really get between 7-12 more days of rain a year than most of the rest of the country. The nice thing about Oregon is, though, that it's very mild. I can't speak for Washington, as I've never lived there, but don't count on seeing blizzards and feet of snow yearly. Once in a few years we may get a freak snowstorm or ice storm, or some minor flooding in valley regions, but overall, it's very comfortable living; not too cold in the winter, not too hot in the summer. I love it.


As for the people, yes, there are all of the above. From the tip of the left wing, all the way to the right. Life is slower paced over here, and it's not the rat race that you see all along the east coast. Things move slower here, and the feeling is more relaxed... which occasionally can actually be more stressful, but mostly is a relief.

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Let's see:


Weather...we get pretty much every kind.


There are mountains all around where I live, the ocean is close and the Puget Sound is full of islands. Plenty of National Forests around and a quite a few places to go wheeling (not as many as there used to be though :( ) Plenty of night life and lot's of good beer.


It does rain a bunch, but I like it. You really appreciate the sunny days, hell even the not so sunny ones :lol:

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What I love about the Northwest is there is lots of islanders here. We all stick together for the most part. It is great!

Then there is also this.

There is always a group of people that you will get along with if you just get out of the house and check out the sites.

You may find your new best friend.


Just know this, we don't tan up here , we rust!

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It rains. It pours. We have showers, Lite rain, intermediate showers, sprinkles, downpour, heavy rain, on & off showers, wind & rain, terrential rain, mist, precipitation............ :P You get the picture. But, when the sun does comeout its one of the most beautiful places on earth. We have some excellent breweries in Washington & Oregon. Some good wineries. There are a lot of Datsuns. Back in the day Portland was the #1 importer of Datsuns & Seattle was #2.


We have some big cities in Seattle, Tacoma & Portland. The Cascade Mountains. The Pacific ocean. Lots of rivers Lakes & of course the Puget Sound. We have desert like conditions in the eastern part of the NorthWet. (not a spelling error :P )


So too sum it up:
















Oh & because of the before mentioned rain, Lots & lots of trees.

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what you really need to know about washington...




after 25 years you no longer have to pass emissions, just buy tabs


after 30 years you no longer have to buy tabs


after 40 years you can get a cool "horseless carriage" plate, and again: no tabs, no emissions




any questions?

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We have lots of variety here, we have 1200s, b210s, 310s, 311s, 410s, 411s, 200s, 240s, 260s, 280s, 300s, 320s, 510s, 520/21s 610s, 620s, 710s, 720s, 810s,1600s, 2000s, hardbodys(thanks nismo dr), datsun roadsters, and coupes, and wagons, and if anyone of these sits to long in one spot we have rust, there's surface rust, and rusty colored paint with bubbles, rust holes, rusted pitted areas, and this rust is caused by???, you guessed it, RAIN, there are/is sprinkles, drizzle, sleat, showers, heavy showers, area showers, rain cells, light rain, heavy rain, heavier rain, torrential rain, there is sideways rain the hawian express, rain all day long, or traces of rain, and if it rains enough, it seems come up out of the ground under you also, lets not forget the freezing rain, and hail and snow, and frost, because of all this H2O, we have moss, it grows on everything, including your datsun, but i'll tell ya, it's a great place to live, especially when it quits raining. :lol: Sorry if I forgot anything. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I used to live in Albuquerque NM. I was like 10 when we moved up here but still. I love Oregon. Everyone else has pretty much said it all. Lots of rain which makes awesome summers. Lots of places to go camping and such.


Maybe it's just because I grew up in NM being a minority (there are more Hispanic people there than anything), but I love the diversity of Oregon. I swear in high school most of my friends came from different states. Seems like people from all over the world end up in Oregon.

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I figure southern coast of BC is close enough to add to this conversation


I keep seeing people refering to the PNW and southern BC coast as the west coast, obvious spelling correction is wet coast it is called so for all the water that seems to fall even from clear blue skies.

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It rains and then it rains some more and then it keeps raining! If you can handle the rain its a good place to live for the most part. There are plenty of rednecks and lots of different kinds of beer!

So what is the rain like? I mean rain is different all over the country. When it rains in NJ, it gets at least 10 degrees colder with four times as much wind as there was before. In western PA, it's all acid rain due to the pollution. In Sacramento it only rains in the winter.



what you really need to know about washington...




after 25 years you no longer have to pass emissions, just buy tabs


after 30 years you no longer have to buy tabs


after 40 years you can get a cool "horseless carriage" plate, and again: no tabs, no emissions




any questions?


What is a tab?

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And Oregon in general has the most xxx book stores/sex shops of anywhere in the world. Or at least it seemed that way when I was last there. Every corner had some xxx shop. We'd roll up, oh look, someplace to eat, oh, nope, just another sex shop! :) (I'm totally not kidding.)

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And Oregon in general has the most xxx book stores/sex shops of anywhere in the world. Or at least it seemed that way when I was last there. Every corner had some xxx shop. We'd roll up, oh look, someplace to eat, oh, nope, just another sex shop! :) (I'm totally not kidding.)



yuuuuuuuuuup :lol:

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