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I have good service with Firefox but the last week every time I start up there's a pop up for some XP anti spyware warning, blah blah blah trying to get me to buy something. Today I can't even get on firefox. Says firefox is infected... trojan... data can be stolen, blah blah CLICK here toi remove infections and it takes you to a Buy This anti spuware package.



What in TF???

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Previous post was from Int Explores which we have at work and it sucks big time. Had to pull the plug and now Firefox is working again.


I wish XP would kindly fuck off with their shit. Fix any prob and then GTFO.

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I wonder if thats what I got a few weeks ago..... I had a pop up that looked REAL official, it wanted to DL something. It was too late. I got infected. My home screen would change on its own saying that I was infected. EVERYTHING I tried to do to counter it would be blocked saying that the file was currupted. PITA!!!

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Not a firefox or XP problem.


You have a virus/trojan, basically malware of some sorts. Do the suggestion as above about malwarebytes.


About chrome, if you like it and it works for you are good to go. I hate chrome, its super buggy and never runs right for me (yes I am updated).


Finally, what virus protection do you have? I would suggest Windows Security Essentials. Highest rating free antivirus, and it is not annoying to have running.

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the "XP Antispyware" program that brings up all those warnings is the issue. Its fake and is a scam to try to get you to send in money. I've fought that thing at work and on friend's computers. Sometimes easy to get rid of, other times very difficult.


None of the warnings are real though. You probably don't have any virus or other issues.

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the "XP Antispyware" program that brings up all those warnings is the issue. Its fake and is a scam to try to get you to send in money. I've fought that thing at work and on friend's computers. Sometimes easy to get rid of, other times very difficult.


None of the warnings are real though. You probably don't have any virus or other issues.


Thanks, they are usually benign but lately they are constant and very aggressive, trying to freak me out. Usually I just ignore them but today I would click on the FF icon and nothing but warnings of doom.

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That is a malware virus, it takes over and says you need to purchase something to protect your pc and info, but once you make the mistake of giving acc info it kills your pc and congrats. You just gave you checking info to a malware hacker.


Norton is a great malware and Amit virus, if you want to go free, use avast and always update as soon as they come ot

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everything you guys discribe sound like what happened to me. stupid hackers.... stupid me for not thinking before I clicked.


You got lucky with some simple house cleaning. it took us a couple hours to get it off the PC.

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Ya get malwarebytes. Personally I wouldn't mess with Norton though too much unnecessary shit comes with it. Another good thing to get to help avoid malicious scripts is NoScript it is an add-on with Firefox, can be a bit annoying until you get the pages you use often are all allowed but it is an extra step to protect yourself. Best thing is to never click on pop ups!! If a pop up is asking you to purchase something to yelling at you to scan your computer or give your info out it is not legit and should be avoided.

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Boy I tell you, after that hemorrhoid, I have a fear of tentacles probing me too! :P


Normally I use Chrome, lately I found that if I have Chrome open and try to open Photoshop, it will sit there and go non-responsive unless I close chrome. Not sure why. Never used to do it.

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