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Umm..Why you got to dis? PM me bro!

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last i check ratsun is a community.

It was my understanding we are here to help each other and share what we have and know.


"In that way" are the key words here.


I remember jukism selling some 521 eyebrow trim gaskets way back for a ridiculous amount of cash. Did I chime in and tell him he was crazy and they'd never sell? No I just laughed to myself and said nothing. Would someone have got ripped off at the price he was asking? I guess that's debatable to a point but I think not. Everything is worth what someone will pay, cheap or expensive. If the price is too high for you than move on. No need to be over opinionated about stuff.

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i have a hard time with this too.. there are alot of bottom feeders here and they get jealous if someone has anything good or of value.... they just cant afford it.

Keep in mind the ones that bash your car or get upset over the price are the ones who have a $100 4 door 510 that someone gave them as a leftover parts car, these people are shit in the car hobby world, ignore them and move on.


That comes off harsh. There was a time I was a 16 year old punk ass kid (now 41) and my 1st running car was a 68' 510 4 door I bought for $100! I had to scrounge and rely on the kindness of others to get the parts I needed to fix her up. Luckly, there were a lot of people that sold stuff to me for less than it was "worth" to help the cause. Not saying everything I desired I got, but striking up a positive conversation with the seller went a lot farther than just complaining about how I could not afford the part or bitch about it being overpriced. Now, over 20 years later, I am fortunate to be in a place in life that I can return that help I received back then, either by helping someone out with parts or knowledge. I doubt I'd be involved with these old Japanese cars if I did not receive the help I did back then.



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That comes off harsh. There was a time I was a 16 year old punk ass kid (now 41) and my 1st running car was a 68' 510 4 door I bought for $100! I had to scrounge and rely on the kindness of others to get the parts I needed to fix her up. Luckly, there were a lot of people that sold stuff to me for less than it was "worth" to help the cause. Not saying everything I desired I got, but striking up a positive conversation with the seller went a lot farther than just complaining about how I could not afford the part or bitch about it being overpriced. Now, over 20 years later, I am fortunate to be in a place in life that I can return that help I received back then, either by helping someone out with parts or knowledge. I doubt I'd be involved with these old Japanese cars if I did not receive the help I did back then.





people like you are why i like ratsun,

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people like you are why i like ratsun,



roger that :D


gotta have thick skin around here sometimes! ive noticed 99% of the members are willing to help, give advice or steer you in the right direction. there is that 1% who are douchebags just to start shit. half of these id be willing to bet are younger kids that "know everything"



luckily though, the majority of the asshats dont seem to be around long.


and just remember, we're all here for the same reason ;)

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As a mod, I have to say I'm not here to babysit and I would hope your all adults here.


We aren't able to read every single thread here, there are just to many.


If I come across something that seems out of line, I will take care of it when I see it.


If you have a problem in any of your threads let a mod know, we will take action if warranted. Starting a thread to bitch about people bitching is, well....


This is a public forum on a very public internet, what you post here is what alot of people will judge you by. Remember the golden rule, it applies here as well as the real world.





BTW, There are a few other guys here that help out all the time for the fuck of it even though they aren't mods, they know who they are and I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks for the help.

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This is exactly what I had in one of my status updates here a few days ago. Glad Im not the only one who has noticed this. Yes it is a forum, but if I am going to be ridiculed I am taking the part to craigslist where there is no public replies. Looking at NorthWestNissans (yes I know we all hate them, I rarely visit) Their classifieds have no reply options. Im sure it has something to do with what this thread is about, but probably lots of other things that northwestnissans goes through.

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My favorite responses in FS threads are the "$100? I bought one for $20!!!" kind. Just because, at one time, your great uncle's neighbor sold you a part for dirt cheap, that doesn't mean everyone has to sell that same part for that price from now on (talking to you h2theizzo :lol: ). It's supply & demand, people. If someone doesn't do a little homework and look on ebay or craigslist for the same part, and buys it on a forum for a higher price, that's their own issue. There's no reason someone cannot sell a hard to find part for a premium. If they didn't, then all the wankers would buy said parts and they wouldn't be around for those that want to restore a car. Now, if someone came on here selling readily available parts for more than you can buy them brand new from anywhere else, that's different. There was a guy recently trying to sell wink mirrors for more than you could buy them online or at your local autoparts store, claiming they were rare NOS parts, when in reality they're still made and cheaper than what he was asking. That becomes an ethical issue, where the guy is misleading potential buyers into thinking he has something rare. In that case, I think it's fair for people to chime in saying hold-up, bro, those are still available new for such and such a price. This somewhat applies to the OP, since he was purporting his sale item to be in better condition than it really was, but at the same time a buyer is going to be willing to pay what they're willing to pay, since regardless of his price/condition, they can't just go out and easily buy a 510 whenever they want.

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who have a $100 4 door 510 ???

Mine was $250 and 22 years later its still rolling.


Personally Ratsun are cheap people. Its hard to post something for mega bucks then the next day Jeff Hino/Frank finds a straight 510 in the sticker bushes for $300.or recently the nice green wagoon for 600 in Oregon.


if you want top dollar best to post on the 510realm or the Dime Quarterly ads section so nobody can comment.


I try to give stuff Free and people wont comby to pick it up. Go to the 510 realm post it for 300 and there is a line of callers wanting it.


Sometimes the cheapness of some Datsun owners and kill a great car. Why so many 510 in back of houses not running? Being Cheap and lazy not to learn on such a simple car in the usually excuse.

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I totally agree with making sure people don't get jacked.

100% legit.

Thanks not what I'm talking about though.

I'm talking about throwing your 2 cents in on shit that's not fact.

Motivated by hating, or personal opinions, hurting someone's for sale thread.


"no no bro, nope not worth it um...yah bro not worth it". Instead of steering a person

in a right direction. This forum is by far my favorite forum. I'm just making a point,

that's a fact. People "chiming in" when it's not warranted. That's what I'm saying.

And it happens a lot. You say you want to help, fine then help, PM them and tell them what's up.

If they get lippy, hit up a mod.

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in the bottom left hand corner of every post theres a "Report" button.



I'm talking about throwing your 2 cents in on shit that's not fact.

Motivated by hating, or personal opinions, hurting someone's for sale thread.





this is exactly what its for...........









if it really bugs some of you so fuckin much use it, we see all the reports........


and none of you have used it. except indy510 who reports like every spam account lol

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in the bottom left hand corner of every post theres a "Report" button.








this is exactly what its for...........









if it really bugs some of you so fuckin much use it, we see all the reports........


and none of you have used it. except indy510 who reports like every spam account lol



Why are you getting angry bro?

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that dosnt sound angry to me,

and even if it is hes right.

Its not the mods jobs to watch our every move, its there job to try and help with what they can when people ask.

sure if some one is straight bombing the site, or trashing threads and they come across it they should fix it but

i dont expect them to check every post on every thread to make sure we are all getting along or acting like adults.

at least thats what i thought.

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Okay, this is getting off track.

If someone is trying to rip someone off yes I understand.

But if it's just your lame ass opinion STFU.

90% of the time is just some bullshit opinion with nothing to back it up.

And if that's stopping a seller from selling something that's shit bro.

You're only looking at ONE side of this debate, open your fucking eyes.

Sometimes it's legit. Go look through a bunch of for sale threads and you

be the judge. It's bullshit. Disclaimer: I'm not mad.LMAO.

How's that?



Seriously, I'm not upset. Promise.

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