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Fuckin thieves


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We had someone break into our truck to steal an ipod, there was a mac laptop, 1935 gibson guitar, xbox 360, a cd player, some vintage guitar pedals and 2 other ipods in there too but all they took was the ipod! We had 3 ipods and 2 cd players taken out of our truck.... not to mention the truck itself was taken too at one point. It's ridiculous! Even the times we hid the ipods they took them but the time when we had all those valuables in there they only took the ipod! Thieves are stupid bastards!

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Im gonna get the solexes and wire up an ignition kill switch and Im going to bolt a metal lock box to the floor behind one of the seats

so the valuable shit I do leave in there will be locked up and bolted down.




anyone got a claymore I can set in the front seat?

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Guest DatsuNoob

no, but there are gopher/mole traps that use a shotgun shell pointed into the hole so that when the little bastards emerge from the hole they get blown to bits :lol: They're pretty cool, not sure if they make em any more. Probably one of those "pre-peta" or "pre-tree hugger liberal era" inventions that were discontinued based on animal cruelty or misuse from stupid people. My buddy Travis' grand dad has some of them. I'd love to rig one up to point directly at the nuts of afore mentioned car thieves. Could be disastrous if forgotten though.

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Its too bad the dude lives in an apartment complex, I refuse to live in one just for this reason... I know some people cant get a house or something like that to rent.. But to me its worth the extra cash so I can install a security camera system... If someone is in my driveway I know it, even while I'm not at home.

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Im gonna get the solexes and wire up an ignition kill switch and Im going to bolt a metal lock box to the floor behind one of the seats

so the valuable shit I do leave in there will be locked up and bolted down.




anyone got a claymore I can set in the front seat?

glue fish hooks behind stereo, and around gas cap.... Seriously it works every time... easiest thing in the world

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Kill switches are the best thing ever, just hide it good. My dime was stolen 2 times while my dad owned it, by the same damn kid if i remember right. Installed a kill switch and it never happened again. But nowadays the lil shits will just tow your vehicle. So my cars stay in the garage 90% of the time. Like you said skib, dont trust anyone, not even my friends.

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this weekend to get a set of solex locks for it :rolleyes:

makes NO difference! :rolleyes:



remeber my same titled thread?

fuckers broke the window of my UNLOCKED door!!!

... broken into recently and the only thing damaged was teh pass window was broken out of an UNLOCKED car.


^^ see ???

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glue fish hooks behind stereo, and around gas cap.... Seriously it works every time... easiest thing in the world

razor blades - same effect :unsure:


now-a-days the cops have been running DNA as its cheaper then all the man hours for easy results

a little blood on the evidence :devil:

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