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What JDM really said.

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No offence to either of you, but does this have to be out here in public? It is alot of drama over a truck... :blink: You two need to square the issue between yourselves IMO, either in cash or trade, but all the other threads I have seen has been locked over less. :yawn:

Nothing personal, but there's always someone who says something along these lines and it's always retarded. Personally, I want to know about scuzz like JDM510. Maybe if you guys would listen to these same topics in the past this wouldn't be happening. Or do you want to get ripped off by someone and then after the fact have everyone say, "Yeah, everyone except you knows that guy's a crook, sucker!"

dude seriously if i want ill give him nothing and tell you all to kiss my ass!!!!

Classic JDM510. Should have been banned long ago because he is a selfish child. He's tried to pull shenanigans on the realm, and he's banned on zilvia for this typical immaturity and douchebaggery.
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dude seriously if i want ill give him nothing and tell you all to kiss my ass!!!!



another thing i tried to low ball after i relized the carb he gave me was trash and the tranny was trash im knocking 100 off for the carb and 50 for the trans.... this was supos to be a runnign driving everything working truck... he said it was his daily driver... i challenge anyone to come over and tell me everything everything on this truck works!!!


Did you realize all private sale car sales are AS-IS, so unless you pointed these flaws out at the time you took delivery of the vehicle, it's not his fault things broke or didn't work. You still owe him the agreed to price. Don't try to get out of the agreement over emails/PM's whatever you two agreed to because technically that's a binding agreement that you can't get out of.

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kellys the one making threads taking shit out in public pissing me off making me only take longer to pay him... stupids if you ask me...



this is just an excuse to not pay us. The truck is legally mine, it's in my name not his. You really owe me, not him. Saying shit like this only makes you look like more of an ass about all this. Proving our point even more that you have no intention of paying us.

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truck is still in my name but he has the title. I think the whole towing thing was another excuse to not pay us he never lost it.

in california, a car's title can be transferred without having the original title.

the cars owner would need to fill out a substitute form (lost title/paper transfer). if the car was never put into JDM's name, per california DMV, then if he was to sell it as is, there would be problems in the title chain.

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Nothing personal, but there's always someone who says something along these lines and it's always retarded. Personally, I want to know about scuzz like JDM510. Maybe if you guys would listen to these same topics in the past this wouldn't be happening.


Better idea, no cash, no deal. Sorry, if I have to take payments, you can get your shit when it is paid off not a moment sooner, on top of that if you break the deal, you lose your deposit.

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in california, a car's title can be transferred without having the original title.

the cars owner would need to fill out a substitute form (lost title/paper transfer). if the car was never put into JDM's name, per california DMV, then if he was to sell it as is, there would be problems in the title chain.



If theres any problems with title tranfer i'll help out by letting the oregon dmv know it really is ok.

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the truck was towed but i found a loop hole since the truck was never unregisterd i told a famous white lie and boom badda bing truck was back out.... only thing is i had to pay for a one day permit... so its already in my name i just need to pay for the tags and plates




if you are interested in the truck come see it... i ended up getting a weber from the yard (needs tuning) and i got the truck started but like i said none of the light work like was said, it dose NOT have a bad head like kelly said. it was making a sqeeking noise i disconected the fan belt and it stopped.. alt bearning went south,, so yeah alt a transmission and fix some lights install the new windshild and you could prolly start DD this thing....

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Look JDM, before you get too defensive like you've done in past threads where you're called out on stupid shit, why not save face here and just appologize for it taking this long and say you'll pay him back as soon as you can and just leave it at that. Saying things like now you'll take longer to pay him is just idiotic and makes you look more like an ass. I don't see how you can justify anything since it was you that made the decision to start this whole transaction. He didn't force you to go beyond your financial means to get it and be stuck in this current situation.

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the truck was towed but i found a loop hole since the truck was never unregisterd i told a famous white lie and boom badda bing truck was back out.... only thing is i had to pay for a one day permit... so its already in my name i just need to pay for the tags and plates




if you are interested in the truck come see it... i ended up getting a weber from the yard (needs tuning) and i got the truck started but like i said none of the light work like was said, it dose NOT have a bad head like kelly said. it was making a sqeeking noise i disconected the fan belt and it stopped.. alt bearning went south,, so yeah alt a transmission and fix some lights install the new windshild and you could prolly start DD this thing....



we've told you, he works nights, the lights were fine its just a fuse or something simple

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Look JDM, before you get too defensive like you've done in past threads where you're called out on stupid shit, why not save face here and just appologize for it taking this long and say you'll pay him back as soon as you can and just leave it at that. Saying things like now you'll take longer to pay him is just idiotic and makes you look more like an ass. I don't see how you can justify anything since it was you that made the decision to start this whole transaction. He didn't force you to go beyond your financial means to get it and be stuck in this current situation.



words of wisdom Mario

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dont be a bitch about it, just pay what you owe and let it be water under the bridge



excuse me skib...... i think the bitch move was bring this out in the open and dragging my name threw the drit... i dont have the money and like i said when i get it i will pay i never ONCE told kelly that i would not pay him,,, trust me you dont think i want it paid for and over with... fuck i wish i could just keep it i already had to give up my 510 for a new DD cuz the 510 was not cutting the 60 mile a day drive for work... sucks man i gave up alot to help out my family you guys are making it seem like im the bad guy here im just trying to make things right.... if i wanted to fuck the guy i would disapear put the truck in my name and tell everyone to suck my dick!!!

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Better idea, no cash, no deal. Sorry, if I have to take payments, you can get your shit when it is paid off not a moment sooner, on top of that if you break the deal, you lose your deposit.



I just think its sad that we live in a society where doing something nice for someone is veiwed as being the wrong thing to do in this situation. Thats really sad :crying:


That there is people who would take advantage of nice people and act like this.

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excuse me skib...... i think the bitch move was bring this out in the open and dragging my name threw the drit... i dont have the money and like i said when i get it i will pay i never ONCE told kelly that i would not pay him,,, trust me you dont think i want it paid for and over with... fuck i wish i could just keep it i already had to give up my 510 for a new DD cuz the 510 was not cutting the 60 mile a day drive for work... sucks man i gave up alot to help out my family you guys are making it seem like im the bad guy here im just trying to make things right.... if i wanted to fuck the guy i would disapear put the truck in my name and tell everyone to suck my dick!!!



excuses excuses


your the one that did something wrong here dude theres no way around it

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Look JDM, before you get too defensive like you've done in past threads where you're called out on stupid shit, why not save face here and just appologize for it taking this long and say you'll pay him back as soon as you can and just leave it at that. Saying things like now you'll take longer to pay him is just idiotic and makes you look more like an ass. I don't see how you can justify anything since it was you that made the decision to start this whole transaction. He didn't force you to go beyond your financial means to get it and be stuck in this current situation.



i understand but after how many PMS opf me telling the fucking guy i dont have the money im sorry and he has to wait he pulls some shit like throwing dirty laundry out???? i think we are pretty far beyond that mario

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i never ONCE told kelly that i would not pay him,,,







look, its a bummer about the fam and all but we all got shit, and its on you to pay your debts because your the one that committed to buying a truck and where trusted to be good on your word. whether or not you where in the position to actually complete that transaction was your decision.


someone stop me if that sounds crazy :rolleyes:

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i understand but after how many PMS opf me telling the fucking guy i dont have the money im sorry and he has to wait he pulls some shit like throwing dirty laundry out???? i think we are pretty far beyond that mario



You never sent a message like hey guys i need more time some shits going on isthat ok...it was always i cant pay you yet but i will later. thats not a trustworthy way to go about that. nothing you have done or said implies you ever intened on paying. its really that simple.

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Well from what I read it was you that came up with the negotiated pay scale along with the time schedule as well...so he simply expected you to stick to that since you were the originator of it.


I know you don't like all this in the open but he was rightfully frustrated at the situation. It's tough luck for you, but that's not supposed to translate into tough luck for him. So like I said you can still fix this by letting him know (and the rest of us that think you're in the wrong) how you'll correct this. Why not sell off some of your 510 parts to make up some of the money...just an idea.

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Well from what I read it was you that came up with the negotiated pay scale along with the time schedule as well...so he simply expected you to stick to that since you were the orignator of it.


I know you don't like all this in the open but he was rightfully frustrated at the situation. It's tough luck for you, but that's not supposed to translate into tough luck for him. So like I said you can still fix this by letting him know (and the rest of us that think you're in the wrong) how you'll correct this. Why not sell off some of your 510 parts to make up some of the money...just an idea.



he even said he's trade us parts, over a week ago and still hasnt sent the headlights. also hasnt let us know what other parts he'd be willing to give us instead of the cash. He will not work with us at all. If we asked he'd flip out and say he's not going to pay, maybe sasquatch will come steal the engine out of it next so he'll owe us even less.

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this thread is funny to me.....im sorry skunk but this ass was gonna rip you off from the beginning...hes got bad rep and hes nothing more than a fucked up peice of shit ...he doesnt think we are good enough for his single cam 2400cc balls to the wall fury...lol for reals ...hes been known to be flakey and a RIP OFF....fuck him and everyone be warned

from the sounds of it his dad got tired of getting jacked by him and sold his last ride....


jdm you need to grow up and take responceability for what you do..fuck id brake both you legs for 400.00 this carma will only fuck you...hope you like it ..you rip off fuck.... :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu:


i guess were not good enough for you so fuck your thread you bitch

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dude im going to pay the guy are you fucking retarded?????



you keep making it seem like im trying to get out of paying for the truck... dont trip i was jsut hoping i could sell the truck within a week pay sklunk off get my money back and call it fucking done...



but for some reason as soon as i put the truck for sale every one started bitching like im trying to sell the truck keep all the money and tell skunk to eat a dick... when thats clearly not the case... im just trying to get the kid his fucking money faster????

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this thread is funny to me.....im sorry skunk but this ass was gonna rip you off from the beginning...hes got bad rep and hes nothing more than a fucked up peice of shit ...he doesnt think we are good enough for his single cam 2400cc balls to the wall fury...lol for reals ...hes been known to be flakey and a RIP OFF....fuck him and everyone be warned

from the sounds of it his dad got tired of getting jacked by him and sold his last ride....


jdm you need to grow up and take responceability for what you do..fuck id brake both you legs for 400.00 this carma will only fuck you...hope you like it ..you rip off fuck.... :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu:


i guess were not good enough for you so fuck you thread you bitch



hindsight is 20/20


hopefully nobody else will make our mistake with help of this thread.

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this thread is funny to me.....im sorry skunk but this ass was gonna rip you off from the beginning...hes got bad rep and hes nothing more than a fucked up peice of shit ...he doesnt think we are good enough for his single cam 2400cc balls to the wall fury...lol for reals ...hes been known to be flakey and a RIP OFF....fuck him and everyone be warned

from the sounds of it his dad got tired of getting jacked by him and sold his last ride....


jdm you need to grow up and take responceability for what you do..fuck id brake both you legs for 400.00 this carma will only fuck you...hope you like it ..you rip off fuck.... :fu: :fu: :fu: :fu:


i guess were not good enough for you so fuck you thread you bitch



my dad sold his truck to pay for rent you stupid fuck..... we sold it to our land lord.....

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