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Benefit Rock show everyone should attend

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Don't you hate when you type a big ass reply then you lose the wireless connection then hit post and it all disappears....... Well lets see how much I remember.


I just want to thank everyone. I really can't believe how many generous datto guys are on this board. Wow!!! Thanks to everyone that has donated! I really just thought this thread might get a few more people to the show. It's awesome what you guys did! I really appreciate it and thank you guys! Lately with everything that has happened in the last 2 months don't even feel like doing any car related stuff. It's tough to get the motivation that was once never ending.


My bro is in treatment right now and it's just depressing, he turned 18 on sunday. Talk about a shitty birthday, watching your hair fall out and basically being stuck at home feeling like shit. He lives about 2 hours south of me on an average commute time but I make it down as much as I can to cheer him up. He sent me this pic a when his treatment first started. From what I understand which isn't much it aligns his head so they can pinpoint the cancer and zap it.





It's just crazy what the cure is doing to him. He is a bit taller than me and was just as thin. With all the steriods they gave him he looks so much different. I just hope everything goes well, some of the texts he sends me are depressing!


Thank you everyone!


Hope everything is going well with Jamie. I can't believe he's 18; he must have been 4 or 5 when I first met him. That kid should be out lighting skateboards on fire like we did at his age. :)

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Guest DatsuNoob

I had a great time slamming around in the pit with Frank, Skib, Atomchurch, and everyone else who participated. Always good to get out to these things whenever possible. I'd like to see some pics too if anyone has any.

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I had a great time slamming around in the pit with Frank, Skib, Atomchurch, and everyone else who participated. Always good to get out to these things whenever possible. I'd like to see some pics too if anyone has any.



ya Im waiting for pics and video! :hyper:

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  • 1 year later...

Today my brother passed away. I know a lot of you guys who attended the show were are always asking how he is doing so I thought this would be the best place to put the news.


After the show we did last year the radiation and kemo put the tumor into remission. At the beginning of this year during one of his routine checkups they found two new tumors. His body was still really weak from the last treatment but he tried treatment again anyways. It made him to sick his body couldn't handle it, so he decided to die of the disease and not the cure. He had to stay at the hospital a few times since then but always got well enough to go home. They did a scan two months ago and they couldn't even understand how he could talk with that much tumor in his head. He could talk just fine though. On Fathers day me and him were BS'n in the living room and out no where he went into a seizure. The ambulance took him back to the hospital where they did another scan, he now had 3 tumors and his brain was bleeding. He told us and signed a paper that said he didn't want any machines breathing for him so they just made him comfortable. He slept there until early today when he passed away at the age of 19.

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Jeff as I said in our conversation this morning I am so sorry to hear of your brothers passing, he is no longer feeling pain and is in a better place.... Much love to you and the rest of your family :(



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Jeff, I am so sorry for your loss. Words cannot convey the emptiness that this news bring me. Any passing is sad but it is especially acute when the loved one is so young. My condolences to you and your family.

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Jeff, I am so sorry for your loss. I cant begin to understand what losing a little brother is like. I lost my very close uncle to long Cancer battle and I'm still recovering. If there is anything I can do to help let me know. I know all of here @ Ratsun Feel your loss personally. Truly heartfelt condolences to you and your family.

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