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someone tryed steeling my ratsun

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But if there is a kill switch or some other way to disable the car, wouldn't said friend or loved one still be confused or flustered? I think either way, anyone that you would allow to drive your car/truck should be informed of the disabling device, no matter which route you go.


No, just a master kill switch to disable the vehicle. Just turn it on and give them the keys and everything works normally. When they are done with it, you, or they, throw the switch to off, and it's disabled again. All you need to do is hide the switch so it's not easy to see or find by anyone else.

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I don't have a switch in my car (yet) but I do have the Solex locks, which I almost ALWAYS put in the deadbolt position (lock must be turned with key in order to open the door)


In a bad neighborhood, or somewhere unfamiliar, I'll unplug or even remove my coil wire. In a pinch, you could pop the cap off, pull the rotor, and put it back on. This way everything would look normal (leave the coil wire obviously loose so it looks like the problem) but they'd need a rotor to start it, and a rotor is small enough to pack around in your pocket :)


Might be overkill, but if you're worried, and don't have any fancy ign. disable, it'll sure slow em down!

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I don't have a switch in my car (yet) but I do have the Solex locks, which I almost ALWAYS put in the deadbolt position (lock must be turned with key in order to open the door)


In a bad neighborhood, or somewhere unfamiliar, I'll unplug or even remove my coil wire. In a pinch, you could pop the cap off, pull the rotor, and put it back on. This way everything would look normal (leave the coil wire obviously loose so it looks like the problem) but they'd need a rotor to start it, and a rotor is small enough to pack around in your pocket :)


Might be overkill, but if you're worried, and don't have any fancy ign. disable, it'll sure slow em down!



If you own something that you love, protect it yourself. Cops can only do so much after all.




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washington is a permit state???HELLS YEAH...ya'll go get your permits!! it is well worth the money!!! The class teaches you all the legalities and when you can or can't use force, its worth it for a situation like that. though this did happen at his place of work, most places aren't cool with guns being on the job site (but they can do nothing at all about you having a weapon in your car, though...if you had a gun in your truck it wouldn't have been too useful) bottom line is...you still have your truck

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i do have a coil kill switch, im going to be puttin a push button in so that you have to push it THEN turn the key.. it will be hidden also... no one usualy drives my truck.. once in a while a buddy will drive it.. but they're fellow ratsun'ers and they know where the kill switch is... an when i put the button in i will inform them how to use it... as for guns... i dont have the money.. nor do i trust my self enough ... i have a SKS but as you know its a rifle so its not really easy to hide..


i DID install a brand new ignition switch... it works VERY nice.. cant just start it with any old nissan / datsun key haha


the reason im going to install the push button start after the ignition is so they cant just unplug and hot wire it... they would have to find the button an use it or clip the wires an twist them together.. but hope fully i can hide it good enough so they cant find it.. an also make the wiring look semi stock an not look like someone obviously wired in something

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doensn't seem to matter if the vehicle is fenced in or close to a house or anything, as most must be on drugs and aren't thinking clearly in the first place. I have NO Tresspassing and dog signs up everywhere and a car with a couple of creeps pulled way up into my driveway when I had my big dog next to me anyway to ask me about my vehicles!


Let's keep our Datsuns safe! Jeff chased away a car of tweekers once...but you know Jeff...he could scare anyone away after he has been working on cars! Tana

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Don't count on door locks or ignition. My truck was stolen years ago using a flat screw driver jammed in the door lock and just twist the shit out of it. Same with the ignition. These things just won't stand up to this. I did wire my dome light switches to the horn but you need an external switch to disable it so you can get in. My 720 column has steering lock!! The 620 doesn't, but there is a hole for it on the side of the shaft. Maybe a 720 ignition could be modified.???

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I grew up in San Francisco in the 50's and 60's. I lived in the Barrio of the Mission District and had friends all over in some even sketchier hoods. There were gangs and turf in those days, but it was more like West Side Story than Compton. Still, I saw a lot of bad stuff come down and I probably had every scam know to man run on me by the time I was ten years old. I don't trust anybody I don't know.


I worked all over SF in the '70s and '80s doing construction work. My 620 got broken into on a regular basis. After losing three expensive car stereos, I went ten years with a hole in the dash and wires hanging out. I quit locking the doors because I got tired of replacing door glass. Some junkie busted my glass to get ten bucks worth of bridge toll money in my ash tray and a gym bag full of dirty cloths.


I could tell stories all day long about going to band rehearsals over in the Haight/Ashbury. I used to carry this little kids baseball bat that the Giants gave away on bat day. A cop saw the bat on my passenger floor and told me that he hoped I had a mitt and ball, because otherwise it was a deadly weapon and he could lock me up.


He said that what he used was a whiffle bat. So I got me a kids black plastic whiffle bat. One Friday, I took my crew out to lunch and when we came back to the job site, some junkies were trying to push a big old KNACK box, fully loaded and locked, down the sidewalk. I got the bat, came up behind them and started to wail on them. I said turn this thing around and push it back MFers! They were so freaked that they said, don't hit us and we will push it back! I was so upset that I just beat the pie outta these sukkas. That bat came in handy a few times.


I was on my way out to the freeway and going pretty fast. A big South Sea Islander dude in an old beat Caddy passed me on the outside and cut me off just as I was diving onto the clover leaf on ramp. He can't handle the turn and gives me a big brake check. I almost hit him, I'm angry and I'm fixin' to kill. I pull up along side of him when we whipped out onto the freeway. I had my carpenter nail bags on the seat next to me and I grab a framing hammer, roll down the window and try to get close enough to do something, I hadn't figured out what yet. This big 'ol boy reaches into his armpit and draws a freakin' Dirty Harry cannon and points it at me. I hit the brakes so hard my eyeballs almost popped out.


I have a pretty bad temper and I'm not always a nice guy. I have to check myself a lot and see if something is worth getting upset about.


I got drafted and they were going to send my young ass over to Viet Nam. In ten weeks of basic training, they did a pretty good job of teaching us how to kill people and blow shit up. I was just dumb lucky that I played a musical instrument and got sent to the band in Germany. Still, I had my fill of weapons and crazy people with bad attitudes.


After throwing hand grenades, shooting M60s and blowing off claymores, I don't have any desire to have weapons. If I had any guns, I know that I would get upset, do something stupid and land in jail. Weapons are just bad Mojo.


The most important thing I learned in the Army was to pick your fights and that as badd as you think you are, there is always someone more crazy and with more fire power.


One day last week, I parked my company work truck in the driveway in front of the garage. I was working on the Datsun and was getting tools out of my tool boxes. It got late and my wife called me in to dinner. I forgot to lock the truck. It's parked less than five feet from our heads in our bedroom. If someone opened the door I would hear it. I always lock my tool boxes and the cab, but the one night I forgot, I got ripped.


When I went to leave in the morning, I see that fifteen bucks worth of change is gone from the ashtray. They took the money and replaced a radio knob, stubby pencil and a small washer that was in with the change. Must have been kids. If I was going to jack an unlocked car, I'd just take the whole ashtray. When I got to work, I open the big box and my Skillsaw was gone. They left a Sawzall, Holehawg, and a brand new Porter Cable D handle router with a $60 solid carbide bit in it.


Thieves are so stupid. The stuff they do never makes any rational sense.


One time many years ago, I was moving into an apartment in San Francisco. I was up stairs painting the place, drinking beer and cranking the radio. I hear big booms and crashes from the garage below where my truck is locked. It has all my worldly possesions in the camper shell. Expensive stereo, 500 vinyl records, three saxophones, clarinet, flute, two guitars, amps and so on.


I hear more crashing and turn down the radio. I look out the window and the door is closed. I'm on a really busy street and I think that its just traffic noise. I'm getting back up on the ladder and I hear a noise like the door to my truck getting slammed.


I get the garage key, run down stairs and open the garage. At the back of the garage there is an old wood panel door that was all boarded up and nailed shut. It went into the service alleys that they have in the City. I see a guys legs and feet hung up in a big hole that he busted through the door. As I get to the back of the garage he runs down the alley and jumps the fence. I look at the truck and my $400 Pioneer stereo is gone.


What a dopes! I left the key in the ignition! He went through all the trouble to break in steal the stereo and all he had to do was open the garage door and drive the truck away with all my stuff.


Lynch, you got to chalk this one up as pure luck. I am going to take this as a lesson too. I'm going to wire up my truck with hidden kill switches. I remember reading about Bleach's truck getting stolen. I always thought that eventually he would get it back all stripped or crashed. I couldn't imagine never seeing my truck again.


Funny story. I do some volunteer work for PDX Jazz, the group that puts on the Portland Jazz Festival. The legendary Sonny Rollins played a concert last month and knowing that I'm a sax player, they ask me If I would go pick up Sonny from the Airport. He comes in a day ahead of his band so he can get relaxed. For me, this was the chance of a lifetime to get to meet one of the foremost exponents of improvised music in the world and a true god in the Pantheon of jazz musicians.


I got the key thingy from the PDX Jazz office and went out to the parking lot to leave. There was no key, just three little buttons and printing so small that I couldn't read it. I figured that the top button would probably open the door locks. It didn't. I just started pushing buttons until lights were flashing and I heard the locks pop.


I get in and there is a big old button right where you would expect to insert the key. It says START. I'm pushing away and nothing is happening. I make sure that its in park and I'm flipping switches and turning knobs. I hit the button and it starts all of a sudden, but I don't know why. I'm getting late and I take off. The brakes are super touchy, but for the most part, all the headlights, windshield wipers and radio stuff seems pretty intuitive and works for me.


Man, you could get spoiled driving something like that. Great sound system and comfy ride. When I went to park it back in the parking lot, I wasn't sure how to turn it off, but hit the start button and it shut down. I couldn't figure out how to turn all the lights off. I was turning, flipping and pushing the key fob buttons for all I was worth. Finally I just locked it and was going to go back to the office to see if anybody knew how stuff worked. In a second all the lights went off automatically.


The day after the concert, I went to pick up the car to take Sonny back to the airport. I ask the guy that got it from the rental place what the deal was with starting the car. He said that it took him a while too, but you needed to have your foot on the brake for the start button to work. I never would have figured that out. I guess I put my foot on the brake at some point and it started.


On the way back from the airport, I gave the Altima a little road test. Pretty impressive car. :)

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but hope fully i can hide it good enough so they cant find it...


On one of my 510s, I took out the cigar lighter, put a push-pull switch in it's place, and replace the knob on the switch with the knob from the CL. You had to pull out on the switch/CL for the fuel pump relay to turn on.


No one ever figured that one out. :D


Personally I like fuel pump kill switches. Usually if someone steals it, you can find it a block away unmanned a few minutes later. Also works nice in the event of a car-jacking. Put it somewhere that they won't see you flip it as you get out. ;)

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The most important thing I learned in the Army was to pick your fights and that as badd as you think you are, there is always someone more crazy and with more fire power.


Thieves are so stupid. The stuff they do never makes any rational sense.



What a dopes! I left the key in the ignition! He went through all the trouble to break in steal the stereo and all he had to do was open the garage door and drive the truck away with all my stuff.


Smart doesn't enter in to it, it's a crime of opportunity, if you give them the opportunity they'll take that too.


Good stories figbuck!

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My thoughts on this............... Just how far was Your truck located from exactly where Bleach's was stolen. If it is very close, You might have met the person face to face that stole Bleach's truck last year. Now I think that with another person beside Me (Your co-employee) that I would have taken a few photos with My cellphone and FORCED Him to give Me His personal identification somehow. The both of You should have been able to get that. You might have seen a person involved in a ring of thefts. That photo and information might have broken it up. Beings that You didn't get that, start with this................ How old, race, nicely dressed or poorly, beard, hat, scars, eye color, how He left, etc. Can You maybe draw up or get somebody on here to draw up a sketch? Maybe, just maybe, it is someone that one of You has seen at a cruise night, car show, run or etc. Maybe, that guy can be found. It might be easier than You think. If He is "into" Datsuns in any way, His sketch on here might be identified wherin a drive over to His house might find lots of Datsun parts or complete vehicles. I would do ALL POSSABLE before His features fade from Your memory to RIGHT NOW draw or write down EVERYTHING You can remember about that guy. Get Your co-worker to do that too. Maybe also, Your Police has His photo in "suspects" of auto thefts. Good luck!!!

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he looked like that guy from that show the shield.. thats bout all i can remember.. we didnt have camera phone.. an he got the fuck out pretty quick an by the time he left eye sight he disappeared.. i live like 150-200 miles from bleach maybe more not sure.. if i see him at a datsun event.. i'll recognize him.. my truck was parked at the store next to the carlot i work at.. on the side of the building.. now i park accross the street where i can see it at all times.. and i hit the kill switch every time i get out now soon to install another switch just gotta think of something clever..

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ya, I have one suspect of who I thought might have stolen my truck but I never persued it. I didn't want him or any of his nasty friends bothering me at my old house. I have my daughter over there sometimes.


I live 150 miles from Vancouver, WA. Probably not the same guy.

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i would have kicked the shit out of him. i just renewed my cpl permit last month. $35 for another 5 years. law says you can protect your family and property. i've carried a gun so long i feel naked when i leave it at home thinking the only deadly weapon i have now is my car/truck. i got my cpl the month after i turned 21. have had it for 10 years and never had to wave my gun at anyone yet and hope i dont have to.


better to have one and not need it rather than need one and not have it!!!

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Gun won't help if you don't catch the bastards! Which, usually you dont :(


This is SO true! Total idiots and tweakers aside, a burgler or thief won't do it in front of you. Your property has to be safe and/or protected when you're NOT looking.



Do NOT put Pioneer or Kenwood or any other stereo equipment (speakers) or custom car parts (K&N, whatever) stickers on your windows! Beside looking like a total pile of shit, you're advertising for one stop shopping for thieves.

When you take your face plate off, glue a Velcro tab on the unit so you can quickly attach a small harness of wires and a broken in-line fuse holder.


(a National Rifle Association sticker is ok, "this car protected by GPS tracking" is also ok, unless it's on a Ford Tore-ass, and then it's just plain funny and no-one will believe it anyway!)

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