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someone tryed steeling my ratsun

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so last night a little after 7:30 i was walkin to my truck with my co-worker an we hear something turning over an back firing.. we get closer an he says.. "is that your truck" then i see someone in my truck... so i ran up an was like WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOIN IN MY TRUCK DUDE.. the guy says.. this is your truck? im like FUCK YA ITS MY TRUCK WHAT THE FUCK YOU DOIN IN IT.. he asked if my name was nick i replied FUCK NO MY NAME AINT NICK GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY TRUCK... he gets out an puts his arm in his jacket so i go to the passenger side of the truck where the mechede is located (big long knife usualy used for wackin bushes an shit).. so he gets out an says.. huh i guess its the wrong truck.. i said YOUR DAMN RIGHT ITS THE WRONG TRUCK... he repeated it again.. so i repeated it again.. basicly i should have kicked his ass but from what my co-worker said it looked like he was going to pull a weapon.. we're not sure if he had one or not.. but... i need to replace my door locks so they f-ing work an my ignition so its not so easy to start.. honestly what scared me most was the thought of losing my baby

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Rig up a push button for the starter somewhere under the steering column, kinda under the dash. I had a setup like that in my old 510 wagon. Only my Dad, Grandpa, and I were the only ones that could get it to start.



OK I know there was a thread somewhere 'bout this......BUT, could you

elaborate on the installation of the push button and how you wired it up, etc.....Ron

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this was not datsun related but still almost lost 2 rigs


1* my truck came back from wheeling, and had it in the yard ( fenced ) in the middle of the night whoever that tried to take it, couldn't start it. Would help if the had a coil and battery with them , so i take it they was going to roll it away, I take it they didn't know I'm running spools front/rear and my hubs were locked . so my neighober knocked on my door and said your truck in in the middle of the road blocking everyone since it was locked all the way around they weren't able to turn the truck to roll it away


2* they try to take my woman's 85 on 35's. since it was a carb truck and now has efi you got to know what your doing to start it. anyways you can't start the normal way's. so we woke up for them honking the horn . they thought it was the start button. the horn was ran to a actual start button that had start and lite red. dumba$$

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i have a coil kill switch.. that wasnt engauged at the time.. its going to be now that that happend.. any time i get out for more then just runnin in the stoor that switch will be flipped... as for fuel... its a manual fuel pump so no way to cut that off that i know of... this guy was a fucking idiot.. he must not have tryed the gas pedal.. or if he did he didnt realize its a ratsun with a weber with no choke.. (broken choke) if he had kept a foot on the pedal it'd have started... but he wouldnt have made it far.. or atleast not very fast cause my trucks so cold blooded it'd have died if he tryed to just take off without warming it up... im so happy i caught the mother fucker.. for those of you who know me im not a very aggressive person.. and i dont care for police much.. if worse came to worse i'd had whooped some ass if i catch him again he's gettin it forsure without hesitation.. anyways.. im just glad to have my truck still

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man i'm really glad you didnt lose your ratsun! my friends make fun of me all the time for carrying my gun on me (permit holder) but its situations like this where it is nice to have some security. sure, you arent supposed to point it at anything without your "life being threatened" but if he would have had a weapon, he would have showed it then...at that point you can use force. ok...sorry for the mindless rambling, i'm guessing washington isnt a permit state, and plus you said you were at work and most work places frown on packing heat. anyway...really glad you still have your truck!!!

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man i'm really glad you didnt lose your ratsun! my friends make fun of me all the time for carrying my gun on me (permit holder) but its situations like this where it is nice to have some security. sure, you arent supposed to point it at anything without your "life being threatened" but if he would have had a weapon, he would have showed it then...at that point you can use force. ok...sorry for the mindless rambling, i'm guessing washington isnt a permit state, and plus you said you were at work and most work places frown on packing heat. anyway...really glad you still have your truck!!!


im not sure if he had a weapon.. my co worker saw him reach in his coat like he had something.. at first he only saw me until my coworker poked his head around.. co-worker was on phone with police.. an i quickly manouvered myself to my brush cutter (mechedey) not sure how to spell it.. maybe i should have kicked his head in.. or had the cops come.. i dont know.. i hate drama... im gettin a new ignition switch tonight.. an havin keys made for my doors (i have a feelin my ignition swith came from another truck an they didnt keep the door keys or something) i guess it took a smack in the face to get me motivated... just glad to still have my baby.. i've always said i'd never sell it an it'd have to be takin from me one way or another...

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and if you install that kill switch, you hit the switch every time your foot leaves the truck... even if you're in your own driveway and running inside for a second and back out.




with my Z and my truck, I would have those things locked down even when they were in my garage and I was working on them. Take no chances... but then again, my truck was stolen while it had a starter kill switch. The coil kill switch is a better method.

(or use both)

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It's machete, I carry one on my job. Should have kicked the fuck out of him and planted the machete on HIM! The asshole! j/k Ha Ha sure feels good to let it out eh?


Reminds me of a buddy once, had this hole come up and ask for a ride down town, got in his face and threatening . He says no, not going there and starts to drive away and the hole kicks his car. Now unknown to this idiot, my buddy has had the day from hell, nothing go right and he not happy. Also he's big and has worked as a bouncer. Gets out and goes over to this guy who's mouthing off and he tries to take a poke at him! Well that's it!... plows him in the ribs. You could hear shit crunching! My wife phones the cops saying this guys attacking my buddy. Before they get there the hole tries to get up and leave, buddy says to stay down, cop are coming. Idiot gets up, boom! down with bloody face. Cops arrive and ask if he's hurt. My friend says he's ok and they throw the hole in the cruiser. My friend asks if they need any info and they say "Nope, don't worry, we know this guy"

These dicks are usually known to police an if they see that they got the shit kicking of their lives, they probably aren't too worried about it.


I don't know if this waste of skin was on crack or drunk or what but I'll tell you this, when it wears off he's going to be in a world of hurt.


If you own something that you love, protect it yourself. Cops can only do so much after all.


A start button is not a good idea. It should always start with a key so that there is no chance of a friend or loved one being confused of flustered in a serious situation. Like stalling on a RR crossing. By all means have a kill switch or some way to disable the car.


Oh yeah, my buddy was in a much better mood the rest of the day. lol

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A start button is not a good idea. It should always start with a key so that there is no chance of a friend or loved one being confused of flustered in a serious situation. Like stalling on a RR crossing. By all means have a kill switch or some way to disable the car.


But if there is a kill switch or some other way to disable the car, wouldn't said friend or loved one still be confused or flustered? I think either way, anyone that you would allow to drive your car/truck should be informed of the disabling device, no matter which route you go.

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lynch- i'm sorry to hear you almost lost her. i've never had to deal with this, so i don't know what i'd do.


as far as start button problems, i agree with jason... if you're letting somebody drive your car, make sure they are very understanding of the starting system, how many people really drive your car?

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but you let him go steal someone else's Datsun or other make's(cough) truck...

I too would have been explaining to the cops why he was bleading and I wasn't...been there, done that twice before...both times they went to jail and I kept my truck and another theif off the streets, even if for only a few minute with those revolving doors they have there...was living in Vegas at the time....

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So with the kill switches do yours have to be physically armed or opened every time you leave the car? If thats the case why not wire a normally open switch inline with the starter wire so that it must be depressed to complete the circuit? This way it is in essence always armed. All you would have to do is depress it and turn the key. Any way it sucks to hear about your truck. Glad to hear you got him though. Congrats!

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Years ago....mid winter...snow on the ground...


Cops come to the door mid morning...Mr Crawford do you own a Ford Courier...yes...did you loan it out....NO! WHY?


It turns out some Douche bag took it, got about 6 blocks from my pad and it died. He tried to PUSH START IT IN THE SNOW....DUH!


Cops see him... check him out and find it's not his. I get a ride to the scene of the crime:D.... and the phuqewaud is in the black and white.


Do you know him Mr Crawford...uh NO!!! Away he goes ...I pop the ignition back onto the wires, pump the gas and drive it home.


Fucking thieves, I hate that!

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