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I will post a pic later today so don't get your panties in a bunch just yet.

Found a KC 78 or 79 in town here. I finally stopped by today to tell the guy about our club and our drive thru the parade. He said it aint running it has a blown head gasket. Asked what he was gonna do with it, and he said the "S" word. He said he was gonna scrap it!! Muther frackin old codger is gonna scrap a perfectly good KC cuz it has a blown head gasket. He said its no good to me, its no good to anyone else.

I told him I would give him scrap price for it and he said no way. I offered him 300 for it, and he said he was thinking more around 500. I don't have the money to get the truck. I'm hoping someone does that could come and get the truck. Or you could all pitch in on it and i'll bring it to canby and auction it off:D Pic will be up today before i go to work. Any other ideas would be great.

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hey LCDC, do you know any of the local scrappers in your area?, if so then have one of them go over and see what he will let them have it for, if they get it cheap enough you can give them an extra $50 for their time and effort and have this truck in your yard before night fall. it is always nice to get to know the local scrappers in your area, i have become friends with a couple of different ones over the years, and they have proven to be valuable people to me, if you break down they are a cheap way of getting your ride home, they also find vehicles you would never see, they can get rid of hulks without papers easily, and sometimes they find that rare part or vehicle you just cant live without. i have given these guys more scrap cars over the years for them to just remove so they can make money, but when they come across anything on my car and parts lists, they always call me first to see if i still want it. this is just a thought, but you might try the old networking thing, it has proven valuable to me.

Edited by freebie1600
needed corrections
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I called one of the scrappers (Pacific) and there paying 70 bucks a ton which brakes down to 3 1/2 cents lb.

the other local scrapper are probly 10 to 15 bucks more a ton but they have a way of screwing you over when they hand you the check.

which probly works out about the same.

Edited by 420n620
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Why do people give up all hope when they hear "blown head gasket"?

It's not that big of a deal to fix, especially with a little four banger.


If he really is planning on scrapping it, I'd say just offer him what he would get for the scrap plus some extra.

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i have heard that story MANY times. i looked at a straight but rusty 65 mustang many years ago. the owner had a 71 stang convertible as well. she wanted it for parts for her 71. 3 days later it was being hauled off for scrap. why you ask??? because it was not useable as parts for her. so scrap it is.... even though i had offered her $1000 for it and she got $50. some people are just stupid. leave your name nad # with the guy and hope it doesn't get scrapped before he calls you.

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Sadly this is an all to common thing around here. There was a 70 2dr 510 sitting in a guys back yard that my dad had been making offers on for at least 10 years, then all of the sudden we see it on a rollback owned by one of the local junk guys. We followed him and asked how much he paid for it, the kicker is he got it free, the guy just wanted it gone. Not even a month before my dad had asked to buy it and the guy said he was going to fix it up.


I get so pissed off when i go to LKQ and see some car that i made a cash offer of more then what LKQ pays for them, but the owner said he was going to fix it up.

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hey LCDC, do you know any of the local scrappers in your area?, if so then have one of them go over and see what he will let them have it for, if they get it cheap enough you can give them an extra $50 for their time and effort and have this truck in your yard before night fall. it is always nice to get to know the local scrappers in your area, i have become friends with a couple of different ones over the years, and they have proven to be valuable people to me, if you break down they are a cheap way of getting your ride home, they also find vehicles you would never see, they can get rid of hulks without papers easily, and sometimes they find that rare part or vehicle you just cant live without. i have given these guys more scrap cars over the years for them to just remove so they can make money, but when they come across anything on my car and parts lists, they always call me first to see if i still want it. this is just a thought, but you might try the old networking thing, it has proven valuable to me.



Well I'm working on that slowing. I already know some one at one of the scrap yards that will usually "set something aside" for me if i ask them. But the scrap metal recycling yards around here where you get the most money for scrapping your vehicle aren't into selling parts or cars. Last I knew the wrecking yards only gave you a couple 20's if you bring a vehicle in and that depends on if you drive it in or tow it in.

Anyway, i'm off to go get a picture of it right now and it will be up shortly.

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heres a story thats backwards from everyones story.


I found a 77 KC in rusty condition last year when iron was high. I asked the guy if he would sell it. He says, well iron is up and I should be able to get 150 to 200 for it but I don't want it to go for scrap so I'll sell it to you for 100.

he says he hates seeing old vehicles going to the scrappers. To bad some people couldn't think the same way.

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Get to know the guys in your local wreckers. I spend maybe 1/2 hour every week or so just shooting the shit. Some of the workers come and go, but they get used to seeing me talking to the boss so never ask 'what the fuck you doin'?' Often I get stuff for a case of beer. Beer to them is worth more than it's value in money. Every X-mass I drop a case off. I never get hassled over small shit. Besides, for every door hinge (or whatever) that I actually pay for, my pockets are so full with other stuff that I walk out funny. :D I keep an eye out for vehicles that go on the crush pile then offer a case for anything I want to strip off of it. The last one was an R-180 4:11 and an FS5W71B with Z bell. Got the Z24 head as well.

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lcdc sent me the pic of the orange 620 kc. it only one. if I can find time, I'll buzz up there and get more.



Thanks for gittin it posted 420. The Truck is pretty straight all around. I haven't got a close up look as to the condition of the cab. I've gotten more partial to king cabs then I have standard cabs. They offer a foot more of room in em to put stuff, and put some Z seats in. Personally I have two or three trucks and don't really want any more. I just hope some one can come down and save it before it goes to the scrap yard. But I will let the local scrap yards know to call me if he brings it in so i can get to it right away.

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Why do people give up all hope when they hear "blown head gasket"?

It's not that big of a deal to fix, especially with a little four banger.


If he really is planning on scrapping it, I'd say just offer him what he would get for the scrap plus some extra.


That depends on how long it was run that way. You can assume/ half ass it but the proper thing to do is check the block and head, maybe deck one, or both. Blown gaskets overheat motors which warps heads or overheating initially could have blown the gasket, ydk. Where the leak is forms a valley if run over time as well.


To most of us we rather swap out the whole motor then scrap it, esp since as said its worth shit in scrap. To an old guy who doesn't give a hoot about datsuns but maybe knows some things about the issue I can sort of understand his choice.


I don't like greed, I'd have laughed in his face at a $500 demand. Let him take it to the yard for the 100 bucks, offer the yard double what they gave him......

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I got it, after the Parade, we'll go up and pull in his yard with all the datsuns and tell him he aint scrappin it, thats if he hasn't done it yet. I'd pay 500 bucks anyday for something that runs and drives. But for doing the work pulling the motor and what not i would at least give him 200 bucks if he'd take it. Which is 100 bucks more then what the scrap yard will give him. I'll have to get a pic of the old codger, you'll all beable to tell when ya see him.

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Well, old groucho wasn't such a grouch today. I talked to him at his small engine shop and he seemed to be in a better mood. Apparently he has a couple datsun pickups. He got this one from his brother in law and hasn't got the title yet. He was apparently upset because his business takes to much time from him, so he was upset that he didn't have the time to work on the truck. Sounds like he might be willing to come down on the price if he decides to sell it but i'm a bit more positive that he won't just go and scrap the truck now.

I'll keep you updated.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Since its saturday now, I will be picking this truck up today for 200 bucks. Don't know exactly what I'm gonna do with it yet, but I am considering robbing the doors from it for my KC so i don't have to pound out all the dents in the drivers door before I paint it. then I can have a truck with a gray and yellow and orange nose clip and red doors with an orange cab and bed. at least until I pull it off the frame and put it on the 4x4 frame. I would use this one, since its interanally regulated and electronic ignition but i'm a bit concerned about the floor boards.

I am gaining 4 original hub caps however. :D

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I got the truck today. didn't realize it but its a 4 speed. guess I should have known. I decided today that the bumper is coming off right away and going on the datrat. At least for now. As for that, its gonna sit until lugnuts truck is done.

once i take apart the kc, [deerkiller] that motor is going in this truck just to make it a runner for now.

I am how ever thinking about making it a streetable fever 4 lookin race truck. Anyone got a spare frankenstien laying around.?

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