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Everything posted by dat521gatherer

  1. where are you located? i have a decent front bumper you can have for free!!
  2. they dont wanna see you outside wrenchin on your dat?? boy do they have another thing coming. tell them at least you have a hobby cause i bet they dont. i'm sure they're just jealous you have a hobby that keeps you out of trouble. unlike their gambling and whore mongering.:lol: are we talkin tenets or management? my wife and i have been apartment managers for for many years. put in on the street while you work on it and management cant say shit. were fortunate to have a actual person/human being that owns our complex rather than sending our rent to some company out of state. good luck with that.
  3. hmm how to make a bench seat not bouncy or bottom out. how about a custom made wooden box under the seat for the springs to sit on. add a little padding on top of the box and have a nice stiff ride just like buckets. i prefer the bench myself. my 521 suspensions are stiff enough let alone putting some buckets in it. ouch!!:eek::lol: good luck.
  4. i would also like to know. the 510 paint codes are listed on this site somewhat but i haven't seen any about the 521 codes yet.
  5. phonebooks and telephones. ads for parts and junkyards in the auto mags.
  6. argh!! wtf. dont let those doctors give you anymore shit. tell them to rebuild your shit right and be done with it. i'm right down the street from you, let me know if you need anything brother. i don't think your going to be leaving this planet anytime soon. you and your family shall pull through this. dats right.
  7. i cant see the pics cause i dont have a myspace anymore:( link says i must be logged in to do that. how about a photo host?
  8. i too have fixed the pumps. it's very easy. i just take them apart and clean it up with my dremel and bam! it works again. it seems to me they all fail due to rust locking them up from leaking and sitting. never have i seen a burned out motor. nice read danielc. the hardest part is finding the bag with the plastic cap hanger still intact. it lets the cap hang next to the bag without loosing it. pm tdaaj has some bags and may be willing to ship. get one with the motor dissemble/clean and it'll work.
  9. not a millionth as rare as a 521 clock. as far as i know nobody on this forum has one let alone seen one.
  10. i think we need to mention some info about the 521 front inner wheel bearing 32kb02 that is no longer available. most all of the parts stores are wrong with their application. a 30304 will not work. the a-24 will not work. is the a-24 the one that says 32kb02 11b on it? are there 3 bearings that say 32kbo2? one for a 521, one for a 620, and the above mentioned 11b? can you tell the difference by just the numbers for the 521 and 620 or do you need a caliper? i know nwde has some links but this sticky is getting messy enough. the nwde links i consider to be important info but under semi different topics, oh no thats what this is!:eek: come on big wigs tell us what you know and please dont just point to posts. not all of us want to do the 620 conversion but i guess a link wouldn't kill me:D
  11. i've heard the j series are built like tanks but i dont know about pulling power. the l series can literally pull a ton of crap around. you may not be able to stop though.:eek:
  12. haha i was going to ask where that crank pipe was going. but i guess it has a hose dangling on it.
  13. 521 wiring diagram but i have no idea what to do with it. if i copy image location and prieview post it stays small. so i'm doing copy link location for now. maybe one of you can do something with it or tell me what to do. as far as pdf i'm lost.
  14. yep both my 521's are about 4000rpm on the freeway. great info bleach and datsunaholic.
  15. how can blackdatto be blackdatto without a blackdatto:D
  16. if your talking about the 3 ring binder one from australia yeah i saw it. it's a right hand drive book. sorry no computer skills here.
  17. holy shit they actually came stock like that? i wonder what the production numbers on those were. hey 70 isn't bad i'm sure you were passing a few people that were saying wtf:lol: nice score though cant wait to see it primed.
  18. nice truck. wow 4/72 must have been one of the first 620's to roll off the press.
  19. first link was supposed to be ele. ign dizzy specs on that link. second link was supposed to be electronic ign. dizzy faq on that link.
  20. i assume the truck ran before the tune up with the electronic ignition? to make sure you have the correct cap and rotor look at the numbers on the side and compare them to this 620.com link i'm not sure which caps are interchangable. http://www.the620.com/620tech.htm# yes 1342 counter clockwise is correct. put the timing mark on the crank pully to 0 degres. rotor will be pointing at #1 on the cap or will be 180 degres off. to find tdc on compression stroke take off the valve cover and look at the two cam lobes for cylinder #1. if they're not both pointing up then rotate the crankshaft on revolution back to 0 degres and the 2 lobes should point up. at that position the rotor will point twards the #1 plug wire. if you are just now putting in the electronic dist there is a write up on the 620.com http://www.the620.com/620tech.htm# also try doing a search on the forum and buy a book.
  21. it does have a l20b in it. i find alot of people use there old datsun's as yard trucks. useless unless it had a lager engine? you'd be suprised how much an l20b in one of these trucks can haul. it's not about the engine anyway it's all in the gearing. hell i pushed a 70 t-bird up a hill one time. had to stop on the middle of the hill cause a jackass got in my way and i still got to where we were going. can you imagine the amount of money this company saved on gas and steering boxes rather than using a full sized american truck?
  22. strange bed indeed, there's no wheel wells. i wonder if the bed rubs on the tires under a load?
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