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Everything posted by dat521gatherer

  1. cap received thanks kiz. put me in line for the valve cover if nobody pays up.
  2. damn i wish i would have noticed this thread sooner. looks like the vc and caps are gone so i'll take the gas cap shipped to 98405 if still available.
  3. if you have part numbers nissanparts.cc has some good stuff.
  4. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/19296-59-on-cl/ http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/cto/1600886678.html might be a crank here for you.
  5. i wish he had posted some pics. half burried in mud would be cool to see.
  6. if anyone's wondering why the tacoma pull-a-part doesn't have any datsuns anymore it's cause the main guy that used to haul them in doesn't work there anymore. he said the owner is a bitch and wouldn't pay him. now he picks up datsuns and takes them straight to a place that crushes them. i'm sure they will get in one every now and then but the days of having multiple 620's at once are gone. i wish i had a place to keep them cause he said he would call me when he pick's up a datsun. 521's only in my case.
  7. you can have your old one recored or post in the want section. i found mine from a fellow member less than a year ago. post a want add and keep bumping it for a week. lots of members have those just sitting around. i have one if you want to have it recored. it wasnt in a wreck but i went through a deep puddle and the water pressure made my fan get sucked up into my radiator.
  8. damn those are cool. i didn't even know they were out there. i wonder how many others are out there that i dont know about. now i have another thing to look for on ebay.
  9. damn son! at least you weren't hurt bad.
  10. there was a great write up on nwde but i cant even find the forum. i tried to find the pics on my computer but cant find those either. i'll keep looking.
  11. i swear the dch or dhc340 what ever the 340 hitachi is was faster on my l20b than my weber. not to mention a hell of alot quieter sounding with that big'ol air cleaner. stupid fucking weber air cleaner housings pit and rust after a year or 2. not easy to find the old school aluminum ones. lets not mention that you have to drill your carb mounting holes over 1/4 inch to fit it on the adapter which is supposed to be a direct bolt on. i know nobody knows what i'm talking about on that one for some reason. yeah i bitch and then have webers on both my 521's :fu:
  12. i'm sure when you say limping it home you mean not over say 15mph. thats not ballsy thats just saving a tow bill. i just want to know if you had a cotter pin in that thing when it popped off?
  13. last time i got pulled over on river road i wasn't asked for insurance either. and i'm usually the first to pipe up and say i dont have insurance before they even ask. but last time i just kept my mouth shut and he didn't ask. he must have been hiding in a damn good spot for you not to see him but saw your plate light out.
  14. intake valves were so tight they weren't closing so i couldn't get any compression. adjusted them and it started right up. #3 intake is now adjusted as loose as it will go and it's around .007 the other intake valves are also running out of adjustment room. what causes running out of adjustment room? too much head shaving? what is the remedy cause i guarantee next time they wont adjust anymore. cam tower shims or something?
  15. awesome, redeye is the shit. thanks for the stickers bro.
  16. my buddy is going to the seattle show. he's lead guitar for mephitis. METAL LIVES!!
  17. i'm guessing a datsun engine in a wood splitter. i wonder which engine though?
  18. pm and paypal sent for 2 stickers. :hyper: :hyper:
  19. who lives in edgewood,wa? i keep seeing a red 521 and today there was a blue 521 and a green 510 wagon at your house. i know you must be a member. i've drove by a few times doing deliveries.
  20. for all to know on stock dual points the wider male blade is the second set of points. meaning female wire connector that goes to male blade. and it should have a squared insulator/shield on it if it's original. if original you can put the second points wire on the first set of points but cant put the first points wire on the second set of points. one day i'll take a pic of this cause my explaining sounds like shit. :poop:
  21. damn that was so fast it was there after i clicked the post button. good job thomas. B)
  22. looks cool though. even though i was getting used to the other new version. type of member is listed 3 times. once under avatar twice as a line of dots 3rd listed under group. thomas, can we trade up one of these for a location?
  23. the locations under our name is missing. i really liked looking where people are with the blink of an eye on each post.
  24. i've tried to buy these from nissan.cc and they were nla. let us know if you actually get these and what shape they are. the front ones are supposed to look rectangle like a box. but the ones that are sold on ebay are triangle shaped. i dont know if the rear are supposed to be triangle or not but the fronts are rectangle box shaped.
  25. maybe your switches are in the wrong holes/ wires going to the wrong switch. you should be able to put your ohm meter on the switch while its in the trans and stick your shifter in reverse and see if it works. check for power at the reverse lights.
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