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Everything posted by motavated

  1. Did you guys know that there was an all american car show for free like a mile away from the show? I found it by luck. I paid 12 buxs for parking for JCCS and 8 buxs to get in... WTH? Then people cant bring in their own food or water into the event? I wasted 45 minutes looking for parking and trying to get it. I swear this even was a big disappoint for me. I was only expecting to waste like 12 buxs. And they ran out of water!!! WTH?!!! I wanted to stay for a while more. But hungry and thirsty, I decided to leave early. The American show was real nice. Free and lots of parking. How come JCCS cant be like this? Was does JCCS have to be so expensive? I was expecting the American car show to be twice as much in price. But there was food everywhere and water and cool cars. Not only that. But it was public! No gates, no guards, no nothing. It made my crappy day fantastic! Sorry... But I had to rant on this...
  2. I dont know.... I didnt like the JCCS show this year...
  3. I am loading them up as we speak. Went to two shows. The other was free and had great cars that I stumbled upon. Sad JCCS is so damn expensive... Hope you enjoy my pics.
  4. motavated

    Defrost hoses

    Why not get them foil type hoses that go to the intake from the manifold?
  5. I went to hassiben for a compression test. And it reads 100 all across. I dont think that is very good for a new engine? Also it smokes when I let go of the gas... Is that ok for an engine less than 70 miles??? Thanks!
  6. So what was the problem? Full boost now? Congrats!!!
  7. Tuned it and used a 60 dollar NOS part I didn't want to use but had to...
  8. Man that looks sick as a limo. WAY better than the 510 limo... WANT!!!!
  9. I bought this at a thrift shop for 5 buxs. I like it. Very sturdy...
  10. I actually want to remake them... MMMMmmm... Has anyone noticed that it has the artist signature in the bottom? I wonder if this sticker was something like Goki makes? An artist with an idea that wanted to share. This is one a cleaned up and modified some. I added the white on the tail, chest and added a smile. I see on the poster. The tail tip is white? And so is the chest? All the stickers I see are all brown... :(
  11. The cable is not adjusted right. So the cable sticks. At some points Its at like 200 rpm and it dont turn off. I drove her around today for the first time. Just went to the freeway and picked it up to 75 and got off on the next exit. Did the "LOOP" 2 times, just real quick cus I need to weld on the muffler again. I would get on the HWY on Rosecrans then pick it up to 75 and get off in Redondo beach. Then get on the hwy on Redondo, pick it up to 75 and get off in Rosecrans. Just breaking it in. :D
  12. O shit it beat A v8! NICE!!!!
  13. motavated

    My Yello620

    Always fighting you huh? I hate that shit. WHY CANT YOU LOVE ME TRUCK!!!
  14. I can tell.... The seal pops. I think what is wrong is the rod be too short. Try going to the yard next time and pocket a rod from a z or something. I bet it be a little longer. ;)
  15. Autozone brand? I had three break on me already. LOL!
  16. I might go to JCCS with the truck. But why? Its not really registered... Yo know?
  17. I really didn't see anything wrong with your post realllllyyyy.... I guess the reason for that rule is that many people dont post anything. Like no price or location or anything. Just... KA24DE GOOD RUNNING CONDITION. See my profile for pic's.....
  18. What is up with you man. Your from the realm? I would just let the mods take care of this... Or are you a mod? Or a cop? Or a lawyer? Anywho... Just been seeing you enforcing the Ratsun laws to a T... Freak'n me out...
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