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Everything posted by motavated

  1. Do my mod and you can have two temp guages man. One before and after the thermostat... Stock and after market... The thermostat housing is from a mazda miata. I like it since it tells you if your thermostat failed.
  2. Thinking of doing the meet in the 55 and 91 interchange. Then we roll up to Fontana to BBQ. People who are interested. Hessianben Jeremy Me Nis720 Ruckycharms Let me know who else is interested. Thanks.
  3. I seen some one frame swap a 720 body to a ka hardboudy frame. he had a gap... You might have to weld new mounting tabs? The frame can be to long and the cab and bed would have a huge gap... I guess its possible.
  4. Yeah.... My homies had food/drinks. But I felt bad in asking since I came unprepared. And they had like a few hours of sleep. I just came unprepared... You got me there. I already got all the food and drinks ready for the BBQ this sunday. I wont let that happen again. My bad...
  5. :rolleyes: If you guys like to spend money, go ahead. Don't tell me what I can or cant do with my money or time. It just an opinion and people get so offended here.... Jesus... Then people get on a negative spree? Pffff... As you can see, I also asked questions. I was not attacking people with out knowing all the facts. But I guess people these days...
  6. They are cop tires. Cops take off the tires from their cruiser if they get a nail. They get new ones! FOR a nail! Firehawks v rated. You can get them cheap... If you can find them... I like it since it filled up the gap on a stock 620 height truck... I think they be 225/60 r16
  7. I had 16 toyota in the rear at this point. They looked nice... Stock height...
  8. 39592453261443 This discount code expires on November 14, 2010.
  9. Any one interested in doing a caravan? I was thinking in meeting up in orange county and then rolling up.... Let me know!
  10. The only reason JCCS is going strong if for friendship... People come from Arizona, oregon, new mexico, etc. For that at least one day a year everyone will meet up and talk, share ideas, and BS. 2/3 of the cars are most repeats from years past. Why? because they are friends. They enter for that special day they can come and talk and have fun. THAT is what makes JCCS special. No matter what. No matter the cost. No matter the distance or time. People, animals, friends all unite on that special day. That is why I went.... And that is why everyone goes...
  11. I go to the Moreno valley meet as well. 30 for gas and 15 for food. 45 dollars. I have fun at the moreno valley meet. Dont say that I am a "codo" or a cheap. I spend money where I enjoy myself. Next time I might register my truck and save my self the hassle. Ready or not. Say whatever... My opinion stays...
  12. I have money. I have more than 20$ But I only brought 20$ with me. In the JCCS show they did not accept atm or credit card. I don't carry money with me. I did spent 75$ at the other show.
  13. You can get an idea of how it looked here. I am only saying this so that people can know. If I ever go to Long beach for the car shows. I will plan my day differently. http://baycityrodders.com/belmontshorecarshow2010.htm
  14. I heard from a friend that the still make cherry's at 1,000 a piece.... Only in 14's...
  15. Will upload the last batch soon.
  16. I have some more pics of different Jccs cars. But didnt come out 100%. Just let me know if you want to see them anyways...
  17. Sorry guys. I am just frustrated....
  18. K K I take them down... But common man. That was awesome. Cars are cars to me... But you guys are right...
  19. I know... But it was around the corner. I swear!
  20. We have the same camera Nico!!! Here are more!!!
  21. I dont know Ben. I think you should box flair that fucker out! More pics coming soon.
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