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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. My kids probably didn`t hear your yelling over the top of mine..

  2. More cheap workmanship ahead if ya aint got the stomach for it please click away NOW !! Im building this to be cheap and on that note i am going to be putting most of the money spent on brakes and engine, so i made me an exhaust out of scrap today.Going through "the hole" would take either to much time or money so it exits out in front of drivers side rear tire..IMSA style baby Started with this pile of crap..and, what i think was a galvanized fence post ended up with this ( completely sealed ) pile of crap. probably gonna rain tomorrow so i will be able to get radiator in and some engine wiring done And shot i had of my son from a few years ago..........
  3. Something about how size doesn`t matter and whatnot.... Saw yer name at the bottom and thought you were here at the time
  4. Dood you thought that vice comment was here Edit..... But it`s not Edit again......Am I loosing my mind
  5. Oh crap i see it right in the title now...sorry....
  6. Can`t you go around 2nd till you get a newer trans installed , isn`t it mostly freeway driving? Just to get you there And definitely take pumpkin up on his offer..........
  7. Datsunfreak, that would be nice if it was glue cuz i know if it`s mold the integrity of headliner is shot, which would/ does suck. Played around this morning making a linkage thingamabob because carb doesn`t have removable nut. I started with a rectangle-uluur piece of metal cut a chunk off , but it was to wide so i had to cut and re weld. Then i drilled four holes a tiny bit bigger than shaft and ground out between to make a slot, like original had . I then welded it to carb ( that was still full of gas ) and that solves that problem. Couldn`t grind/ clean up welds because carb never came off car ......live with it. ..Oh, I used boxed because that way i could use alot lighter metal and still have the strength. Piece of exercise machine Now just have to make some kind of bump stop on firewall so it wont over rotate..
  8. Teddy Roosevelt , bah If you find yourself in a confusing situation, simply laugh knowingly and walk away. "Reverend" Jim Ignatowski
  9. You guys aren`t going to make the 280zx guy park down the street and across the street again are ya?? j/k
  10. YA, well im thinking i should have bought THIS ONE!! .......................................................but actually.....
  11. You sure you want to get rid of heater cores? Seems like those and my speedos go bad the most ...I dont want them im just thinking out loud. As for the door being beat up well, my rigs pretty beat up so it would seem destiny may be bringing the two together..
  12. Definitely going to need a muffler ,,the engine is running on it`s own circuit to eliminate any out side forces. Carb is a motorcraft of maybe a 80s mustang but it`s the only one that is either complete or, not a Hitachi i will have to fab a bracket to hook up but , meh , it works. Probably going to run fuel cell currently in my 55 ford truck because car has sat so long. But now i can throw on the radiator and hoses and then on to brakes.
  13. Went back and re-read first post and see that it was a auto ( apparently all domestic 1981 turbo models were )................so maybe just leave them off
  14. I am not certain but i dont think Datsun 280zxt came with any thing but a T5 did the motor and trans come in actual car or just two separate pieces?? Also dont think you could have plate on backwards because it would cover up starter hole ..
  15. Mine is a 83 with T5 ( i think ) are you using standard 5 speed maybe thats the difference.... oics of mine, if this is even what your talking about.. WOW could somebody please get on that oil leak for cripes sake..
  16. Could not make this show but im telling you if i ever plan a outing i am going to ask sssr20det510 what day it should be on, cuz yesterday was ( by far ) the most beautiful day of the year.
  17. When i was younger ( and before the price of metal went sky high ) i used to race bump to pass / thunder cars, and demolition derby on a 3/8 mile short track so almost all the racing i ever did was crashing.. ALSO ........more pictures are needed on this project please.
  18. Man, it takes a pretty big pair a danglers to think you could put a alternator that frickin huge in a Datsun, But you did an such a good job it looks like it came that way, nice work man..
  19. Ok, since im using mostly parts i have laying around, i dont have a manual trans cross member, so made this plate to extend bolts to reach each other. Plate is 1/4 inch thick and is drilled to accept original bolts just farther apart . It was previously used on a 510 with a B&W trans mounts so it has extra holes but at least now it will fit anything....LoL That was all i needed to get engine in car (((((((((((((( FINALLY ))))))))))))))))) Cut hole for shifter it`s a little to the drivers side because there are brake lines about 1/8 inch on the passenger side of hole. But it goes in reverse with no problem.. AND FYI .......if you try hole sawing through tar like flooring material it may give you the,, and i mean THE worst charlie horse of all time when the 1/2 inch drill handle " comes a callin " And how many carburetors does it take to run a Datsun .........well at least more one than this .not counting the Hitachi that made it run but dumped enough petrol on exhaust to scare Fire Marshal Bill
  20. You make my car building skills look like a dirty monkey is working on my car .
  21. If you ever buy flair nut wrenches.... only buy Snap-on , other than that, nice set, makes me wanna buy some more. I went to a mall in Tigard Oregon once ( a long time ago ) and almost the whole second floor of that Sears was tools.
  22. Although you got to admit ya did walk right into the hat joke...........
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