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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Quote..Problem with the supply and demand theory is as soon as he got yours the demand dropped down to 0 making my part worthless Now what am i going to do with the 4 i bought on the way home.. don`t take me to serious ..........i don`t
  2. Don`t worry about it?? Dude i made him pay $45.00 for two ..supply and demand dont cha know.. j/k oh and one for Ted for pointing out location
  3. Lacey wa area ......my camera doesn`t even come close to capturing this color, it was smooth deep gold.
  4. Just got back from pick-a-part ........ P-M sent Now to see what`s in the troll frig.
  5. My bran-ass-new brake master cylinder is now in Troutdale Oregon come on, fedex come on fedex daddies gotta make that red light go away
  6. I could go look at my local ( Olympia ) area yards tomorrow , ( If Pumpskin hasn`t already ), what is the bolt head size? so i could just carry that one wrench
  7. You may see me and/or my brother broken down somewhere between Maytown and Canby . And for all you SR--KA 5speed ballers don`t honk at us cuz we are going to slow,, just go around Just leave the light on for us
  8. Was the dude who sold you this car named ,, Mad Max ?
  9. I looks to me as if it is not pivoting on the ball, just being pushed front to back. but just a guess And, are you certain you have the fork on the trans side of sleeve maybe it`s just extending the spring holder ..although this problem would be much harder to have done.
  10. Did i miss read something ?? How did you get rear wheels on car is they are wrong pattern?
  11. I would buy one for everybody and we would all take a frickin cruise.. Did not notice this was in truck thread
  12. If you have negative rep it means you are a bad person on the internets..
  13. you did no send no pm

    1. izzo


      I did too lol.... Got your PM, thanks tho homey.

  14. Maybe you need a new feet warmer
  15. Think im going to have to Cheech and Chong wipers but like Datsun freak eluded to it never rains in Oregon in the summertime.. And i love my mini-lite type wheels ---------the tires not so much. Ok didn`t want to try straighten door and fender and have primer on it anyway so i thought about painting front wheel red and using it for a sun in a flag mural. Then i thought thats probably been done SOOO i decided to do a Japanese dragon. After quick research i found a cool one but it was way to small, so i copied it off then traced it onto 1/4 square paper,,then went down to Kinkos Fedex ?? and had the dude ( and i really mean THE dude ) make it 1/2 but that wasn`t big enough so we went to 3/4 and stuck it to car and and cut it out ...... here are some pictures not done yet but most of the hard work is done Original oicster Traced onto 1/4 grid paper and the 1/2 inch inlargement Now that may be just big enough Cheapest paint i could find at hardweird store Have my wiper housings soaking so i have to wait for some paint to dry..
  16. Was reading your trans thread and micheal (on the office) said that to a little kid while i was reading it.

  17. Next stop...


  18. Probably going in this con-trap-tion if i can get wipers sorted out Have this for backup if needed but as you can see by the grass being mowed everywhere but under it,, it`s kind of being punished for alternator crapping out the week before POTD but it is still is the safer choice of the two
  19. ........WAC 204-10-022 (6) Bumpers: A motor vehicle must be equipped with a bumper on both the front and rear of the vehicle with the exception of motor vehicles where the original or predominant body configuration, provided by a recognized manufacturer, did not include such bumper or bumpers in the design of the vehicle. For the relevant model year, bumpers must accommodate recognized manufacturer impact absorption systems pursuant to applicable SAE Bumper Standards or equivalent standards. Bumpers are optional equipment on vehicles defined as street rods and kit vehicles by the Washington state patrol vehicle inspectors. I think the year of your truck is the defining factor he ( state peetroll ) is using against you. Because even though your truck may have not come with a bumper it was designed to have one...Dont get mad at my answer im just the messenger.
  20. First time i have seen this thread...........Your exhaust routing, one word , NIIIICE !!
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