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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. You must have been pretty sad to see them rollin away.. Wasn`t the "parts car" the one you drove over to the house.??
  2. Honda pilot this year and get inspired by the experience to get one of your Datsuns there next year. profit
  3. I just met a guy at the Planet of the Datsuns that seems to know ALOT about these wagons but we were so busy BS-ing that we never actually introduced ourselves ,,i will figure out who it is and get back to you... anyways ...shifter bushing thread clickity-clickity http://community.rat...ifter-bushings/
  4. Here`s a almost nightmare story,, but he seems to have caught it before it any damage was done.. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/41473-stinkyturbos-datsun-510-sedan-chit-chat-thread/
  5. what does it taste like when you lick it?? bitter salty sweet other..
  6. So is Cucumberland any wheres near the corn husk museum??
  7. This picture looks like it`s straight out of a Newman/Eastwood/McQueen 70s movie ...
  8. Wide should get a licence plate with ATDAWHL on it.. The story was a epic masterpiece
  9. Somebody got some new shoes .. :thumbup:
  10. Some of us southies SouthernSOBs are going down 512 and through Poopaloop cuz we gots business tah be taken care of in the burn of Au. Ya dig peace
  11. Isn`t one of those even a pinned topic in .............brakes
  12. I believe it`s an automated posting because it`s a monthly thing,, so it was posted by the "machine" not knowing that the 17th was a weekday and that the Getto garage would be postponed because of other meets for a couple months..
  13. Looking at your pictures it looks like you have a single point ..But in your top looking down picture i cant tell if it has a upper ring that you will have to machine down..I painted it with a yellow stripe..if it doesn`t your probably good to go...We used the same number Pertronix kit on both machined down ring and non ring type .. If it was a dual point it would have 2 dips where the wires go through ..The distributor in pic still has white plastic in them. some pictures if it helps.. Again pictures are of things you DONT want to see , but machining the ring down will only cost you about 20 bucks or so..
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83dHET-3gZM but seriously ,,,, let it go it was partly your fault anyways..
  15. So what, is this like pay-per-view, we have to subscribe to get updates? What the fuck Chuck?
  16. Good to see ole Ted on the forums... :rofl: :sneaky:
  17. And deduct for the chicken wire holding carb together and the fact new owner has to find, buy and install new window regulators that have been destroyed by the vice grips....... $2500.
  18. Well looking at the car in the ad they probably never drove the damn thing. :hmm: :hmm:
  19. Dude really,, he probably still remembers reading about that whole Red sea thing that was in all the papers back then..
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