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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I don`t know maybe it`s why his typing is legible tonight..... Have you tried reading his build thread ?? It`s like a monkey put a bunch of letters on a Rubics cube and is dictating it to a fucking ping pong ball..
  2. bananahamuck

    Pizza party

    Like i told you when you were here, we are going to try and make this,,,, but go over again what you need us to bring.. I know it says somewheres to the front of this thread but i didn`t get this fat and lazy overnight..
  3. So does that answer your question as to what happens?? ..
  4. I think this was my first and only post in this thread.
  5. Crackers second sentence of his first post is the condensed version of everything below.. To adjust valves nothing HAS to be at top dead center... Just warm your engine up to operating temp .. take off valve cover ,,,rotate engine till tall side or pointy side of any cam lobe is pointing up-ish..(you can do this with a screw driver on starter if needed ).. and slide appropriate feeler gauge between cam and arm ,,, tighten or loosen till you can just barely shove correct size feeler in and out.....Then mark on side of head ( where the cover gasket would be ) with a magic marker type pen which ones you have done and when all are marked you are done.. Again there is no set order you HAVE to do them in just do the ones that are pointing up at the moment and mark so you remember..........simple is good. You can do it cold but only pussies do it cold...
  6. You aint finding a AWD XR4ti ever,, so don`t waste your time..Those 2wd cars look light but they aren`t really ,, they have independent rear ends but for such a small car they are kinda boats.. (edit) you beat me and my one finger typing skills to the post ^^
  7. Buy it, beat it, sell it
  8. My only input would be to stay away from uni-directional type tires cuz they have a tendency to howl almost like a wheel bearing going out...That doesn`t sound like a big deal but it will drive you fucking nuts overthinking whether or not your bearings are going out or not..
  9. Different lengths are shown starting at post 3 http://community.ratsun.net/topic/45295-ruby-510-wagon-l20b-5-speed-driver-build/
  10. The needing to be towed should have been your tip off
  11. Any ratsuners doing the Carlton Banks? http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lw3sd2sixt1qbe2so.gif

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones
    3. Rotary510


      Dude I am in FG...what ever happens there? I need a place to hang out with my Datsun on the weekends

    4. bananahamuck


      Rotarydude,,,I think you missed the status you were aiming at ... Jon521 below is serious about Carton Or ,,,



      I was making fun of Carlton Banks ,,,the TV character

  12. Man don't encourage him,, he'll be posting that wigglin dong picture again..
  13. Hey thanks for asking if we wanted one at the meet.. Said no one ever .
  14. Ad says rims are, 4 uber rare Hayashi Racing Techno TRV/TV-R
  15. Ok ,, before Jason makes another repost Or Phrank has a chance to run off Or J-Lips welcomes another person to his shop i shall post some pictures..
  16. Redbanner said he went out for cigarettes and ended up in Tumwater.. :thumbup: I will post more later when the kids computers /ipods/and Xboxes lend my poor 2004 tower a few bandwidths
  17. Hey i see your new, so if you see a freaky510 post about a pizza party ,,he`s very near the location you show as yours and although i have never made it to one they sound like a damn hoot .... Someday his pizza party and my ableness to attend will meet-up.
  18. How much?? And how much for the jeep tub next to it??
  19. Does anyone that may be going to Oly meet tomorrow happen to have large blue tarp?? maybe throw it in your trunk .......Not joking.......rain is supposed to slow down but ........well just look out the window.. thanks

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Ted man::

      bring that sumbitch !!

    3. tdaaj


      It's only 10/10 but ill bring it.

    4. jrock4224


      hahahahaha u are welcome inside not sure about the camp stove but we will make it work

  20. XXX Rootbeer has made it clear to us that if these rules are not followed, this will be the last time they allow an import car event at their business. Yeah right..... :rofl:
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