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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I know i guy named Darrin that worked for a place called Mcmann & Tate agency,, but i haven`t seen him in years.
  2. DTP,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, your cloaking device is not working

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      *self destructs profile in
































    2. Kirden


      Haha, awesome count.


  3. Uhm yeah and i traded for this runner driver,,,,,,,,,,,,the lizard mobile i'm driving now was the parts car for this. How do you like me now?? :P Someday my brother will paint the parts he has and give me my fender and door back,,,,,,, yeah when pigs fly
  4. Blah,Blah Blah ,,,,, you guys are so full of shit it`s fucking funny.. :lol: From what i have seen most guys that only love Chevys are the same type of guys that love to only suck dick.. :rofl:
  5. Thought you sold all that motorbike carb stuff?
  6. That happened to our 83 zx ignition ,,, but it was because i inserted the wrong key.. It`s weird how it turned to on but it wont back up for anything short on a sawzall.... I had to replace whole ignition switch.. :hmm:
  7. When i put his car/house on sightings i blocked out most of his garage and house in ms paint before posting.. I gave de-erections to my house ,, cuz you would have to know which road he lived on and how far away from those intersections he lived.....Which again could be 20 feet up to about ,,,,,, what,,, Centralia................. :fu: But it don`t bother me ,, i got`s a German Shepherd ,, some pretty trigger happy neighbors and a big fence with bobby traps inside. ,,, squirrels thrive on nuts right?
  8. You should adjust the valves HOT ,,, it might not help, but i adjust cold to get it running then adjust at full running temp. lots of specs at link below http://olddatsuns.com/
  9. Welcome new guy ,,, have you checked out this thread?? http://community.ratsun.net/topic/50263-a10s-u-nite/ .
  10. Oh i never said you wouldn`t be there.... :rofl:
  11. I by no means think of myself as a hardcore Datsun guy,, I drive 2 count-um 2 minivans,, but there` has been a butt load of craiglist type goings on as compared to the past lately.. :lol: On another note what section would i post a couch that has a rip and a grease stain from a W58 on it??
  12. Left clicker is destroyed from playing online flash games so it sticks ,, although it makes shooter games easier ... card games not so much :D :D
  13. If your not worried about it being stock maybe a GPS one would work for you... They get cheaper and smaller on the bottom and page 2 of link http://www.speedhut.com/gauges/Speedometers-Gauges-Only/1:4|39:1/i=96&p=1
  14. April might be Tacoma / Puyallups turn, so they can stay close to home..
  15. Of course Jrocks ok with it, no big fucking surprise there ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now Mr.Turtle just needs to figure out how to get out of going hisself..
  16. What ever happened to the orange automatic one in Seattle.?? The guy only wanted $500. bucks because the flexplate was broken or something like that Nevermind it sold ........ Sorry i thought i just checked it the other day too.....here`s the thread SOLD http://community.ratsun.net/topic/47745-1250-1974-620-auto/ SOLD
  17. After hearing Brownie half the night,,,,,, me imma staying in something with a roof on it.. :lol:
  18. Probably aftermarket,, i sold a set that came on a mid 80s Tbird a long time ago.
  19. It wont have a flex plate because it`s an manual car
  20. Same guy you saw at Costco.....Donovan showed me where the guys crashes, it`s very near that crap.
  21. Your right ... my mother should have slapped me in the face.. but i have done a tiny bit to fix it...
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