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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Seriously ??? You douchewaffles couldn`t think of one frickin sentence with the word sound in it..?? :sneaky: :lol:
  2. The coilovers that fit the older 69-73 510s are the same size as the ones you would use on your car,, the camber plates are the same as well.. BUT ,, the newer 510 has way smaller springs so you can drop spring farther down past tire even with wide wheels,,,( within reason of course ) so the need to have coilovers isn`t as great,,,,older 510 ones it will probably hit the tire no matter what size.. It`s pretty much the same as all 510s 610s b210s in that you just cut lower spring perch off and drop it down,, the clamp collar is just to keep the height you want and so there is no welding at all involved.. I never knew how to do it till i found out on this site and the picture whores on here that made understanding it easier than just reading...I bought the clamps off Ebay but you can get them other places.. ...The clamps on my sons car (the one in this thread) have been on for a year and we have lowered them for summer and then raised them back up 1 3/4 inches to save tires for winter,, he drives this everyday so lots of miles means he was chewing through 14s pretty fast,, and the clamps have never been an issue.... i am posting a link to a thread with a good explaination and the pictures i used back in 2010 to figure out how to,,, when i did my 71 510...thread is from 2012 so you can see the info is still applicable as ever... http://community.ratsun.net/topic/44740-510-front-strut-how-to-lower/ ....If you still are scared ,, at somepoint make a point to come out to a meet and we would be more than happy to show you exactly what your looking at in the pictures. Hell we might even rip a tire off to show you if you need....well, that sounds kinda creepy. ..
  3. I usually just go tight as you feel comfortablewith,,, with box end then rap them with rubber hammer ,, they are pretty big bolts so probably wont break to easy.. the manual i have says,,, Torque convertor housing bolts to 32ft lbs. Tighten drive plate to convertor bolts to 28ft lbs. Not sure what the differance is.. ??
  4. bananahamuck

    Pizza party

    It didn`t matter ,,, i was just bumping the party and that`s all i could think to write.. :D
  5. Man i don't know, beings Cdub's a civilian aircraft worker the rules are probably pretty convoluted as to how you would even file a claim..Right now is probably a good time to just suck it up and bitch about it ,,,,,,, on his way to and from his job. :) Hey Chris,,, since we are on the subject ,, could one of you guys attach a piece of paper with my address on it on the dash of those frickin flappermobiles ,, asking if they could fly just a tiny bit frickin higher then tree top level when they go over at 1:00 in the god damn morning..!!!! ? Thanks.
  6. Well this American indiginous person gives you skin name of. Tripinovershit OR One who needs to clean garage
  7. Nope never was mine but,, it is in fact the very reason the car on the far side of it was bought,,, it was just visiting when Punkin 210 was running some parts for me and others to Portland area and traded me shipping for a drivers side seat belt , ( and a magazine with a feature on his truck in it ) out of the green parts car..I believe ,, yours on right ,, still had the original motor and 4speed but had just got a weber at time of picture. The car on the far side is my sons A10 warthog,, build thread below ,, clickity clickity http://community.ratsun.net/topic/36659-doodies-new-datsun-now-fat510s-79-a10-warthog/
  8. bananahamuck

    Pizza party

    So are any of you queers going to this shindig or what????
  9. Sounds like it`s going to be alot more cars this year
  10. I was playing with my sons ipod and found it was alot easier when the ads are individually posted like your doing because of my fat fingers...but maybe it`s user error more than anything,
  11. I vote macco if you got the exta cash for it, they have the new guys just outta trade school painting the cheap jobs, but a couple runs is fine if it`s all one solid color... Oh and i like the OG blue but bright orange red to match the engine might be cool. Just say no to primer black. Hope to see it out at a meet , with its brother with another father again.. Back in the olden days..
  12. I do not think so it got to be mostly "on location" around the world tour and i have come to realize because of my youngest i will never go out of the states ever again so watching travel shows is really depressing.. And maybe your older than you think Peter Pan :lol:
  13. Yan is good but his recipes are pretty complicated,,,,,, I like the Simply Ming dude that cooks three different meals with the same main ingredient better he makes some pretty nosh shit........ But i dig Nick Stellino the most cuz he uses easy to copy examples and easy to find in a normal store, ingredients .. God i'm hungry now
  14. Whelp,,, Ratwagon 1600 isn`t American so not sure how that is an excuse. Unless your being funny....Then yes,, to qoute another member,, Yan Can Cook!! :D
  15. Ahhhhh,,,,,,,,, okely dokely then .
  16. So i keep seeing others mention your dad and grand pappy like they know them....Are they members here,, or big into Datsuns,, or neighbors of some of these weirdos on here or what??
  17. Someone scooped up the pea green 620 on Littlerock Rd today,,, you snooze you lose ..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tdaaj


      Didn't even know it was thwre

    3. bananahamuck


      i could have swore i showed you ..Cuz it was north of here about a mile. maybe it was Datsnoob or something.

    4. bananahamuck


      on another note i wonder if his truck is still in his garage

  18. bananahamuck


    The last i heard,, the owner and his buddy were trying to trade it for some bags of crack..
  19. nl320 http://redding.craigslist.org/pts/3679959103.html Rare 1964 datsun pickup - $1400 (Montague, CA) Rare 1964 datsun pickup type:NL 320 Engine 1189cc HP 60hp Engine number 337453 car no. 4-l320-60090 Original engine an transmisssion Body is good. Was driven and then parked. Good condition No non op, no paperwork, abandoned, No Starter. 530-340-5955 530-459-5820 If no answer please leave a message I do believe this is the same one trying to be sold in the For sale section for a LOT more....
  20. It comes off just fine with lacquer thinner if you don`t let it dry on there.. i have A black spot and i was shoving that and mat up into the roof pillar at arms length ..
  21. Coming from a gal who covered most of her truck with that stuff,,, jealousy maybe.. trying to keep the Rock down by not using the technologically advanced material?? Yeah just use a "piece of metal over the hole" ,,,seriously,, we wont make fun of you from our space age coating ,,, coated vehicle.. :lol: Yeah but i figured since he wasn`t fixing it now.... how could patching it up for awhile be worse than leaving a hole? and to that extent why use all those overpriced miracle metal preparing , cough cough snake oil, cough cough, chemicals if he`s just going to rip it out (or not ) later.
  22. later this week?? you have no idea what day it is do you??? :rofl: That`s is the good thing about using that POR crap you just dry floor,, put on some gloves ,, dump the shit and throw the mat on it then smooth with brush.... like i said it`s like superglue,,, humidity sets it up,, so dampness in the air actually sets it up faster unlike normal paint....And it`s rubbery so it can take a beating.. Make sure you have lacquer thinner for cleaning skin Just dont do whole floor so you can still cut out when you fix it right..
  23. Don`t be mislead ,, the stuff aint the miracle cure as everybody says but it will harden up without a catalyst and cover the hole..
  24. hey i gots some POR15 left over from patching the sons Toyota and a shit load of strand mat ( heavy) and woven roven heavy and i think some light weight woven ( but not positive on that) ,, if you want to slap some of it down,,,, BUT !! then cutting it out might be quite a bit harder.. The shit sets up faster the more humid it is like superglue ,, so now might be a good time cuz the shit aint gonna last it`s early release day for Tumwater and have to get one of the boys back for track practice.....That and have to wait for call about one of the twins... so not sure if feasible to get it to you today. Oh and FREE you cheeep fucker.
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