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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Yes you can weld them ,, just turn down the heat,,here`s the ones on my car Been driving it like this for two years now. .
  2. Oh shit!! that totally sucks!!
  3. I have no intention of buying one but would really enjoy checking out what you end up making at the show... :)
  4. I will be honest ,, when i saw your first pictures i thought well here`s another noob that has bit off way more of a project than is humanly possible too even get road worthy... You sir are an Datsun artist,,,, and I am stupid. .. and i really dig the look of your car ... B)
  5. Man i would love to have the passenger fender and door off that zx in the backround The two guys look to be working on a first gen 200sx.
  6. Jesus tap dancing Christ ,, that`s like what,, 20 minute drive?? add that to the $1.00 walk in admission and divide by the goofy look now on your face = shut the fuck up and go.
  7. Looks like a later style to me ,,, because it seems blocky.,, bulky looking,,, as compared to the thin elegant flowing early ones... If that makes sense.. It could be your pictures though..
  8. Almost looks like you could make a homemade adapter to be able to put an old GM Mono jet type one on there....Ford made a tiny old carb for those falcon sixes but they might be harder to find parts for..
  9. Oh i thought that was how they came stock ,, cuz almost every sentra i see around here looks exactly like that one.
  10. Open up the bleeders one at a time and hook a hose (free flowing ) into a bottle to catch fluid,,, and have a little helper just constantly fill master, whilst you pump , it`s very wasteful but sometimes it gets the flow going rapidly enough to flush funky bubbles out.. No promises though.
  11. I second this emotion . ,,, for the sake of science . But i wouldn`t change much ,,, maybe a set of 40s so you can hear that thing through the firewall better.. i would just drive the hell outta that thing
  12. DTP PMs at 4:20 coincidense........................................................................................................................................By the context of message ,,i'm not so sure

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. I'm BLUE
    3. bananahamuck


      Stashing Chinese dinner down pants to keep it warm for later.. While thinking of a comeback.




    4. bananahamuck


      Probably should have kept it in box.

  13. If your asking if this will fit an L18 ,,,yes it will bolt up exactly like stock ..
  14. Well that makes sense ,, i thought you just picked them up lately.. Hey man even with the funny nose glasses,, most of us can still recognize you...Maybe get the ones with bushier eyebrows and thicker mustache next time. I don`t know why all those got lumped into one quote
  15. :thumbup: I will have to measure the distance between the boards on my pole building and get back to you.. PM style
  16. . I like this statement,,,, and unless you need something big that would be hard to ship, the b210 guys on here could probably help you find anything you need..
  17. Can you do larger size than stock ,,, like BIG ? if so how big? for the garage wall of science.
  18. Forget that other car right now,, you only posted 2 pictures man. Please empty out your stash immediately before the mods lock this one up too. And throw a couple of the torino up for good measure.
  19. I have noticed since the nerds and dorks stopped going into insomniacs the place is just crawlin with chicks.. And you can`t tell me the quack like a duck song wasn`t memorable...
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Laecaon


      Does that Safeway have Cameras in the parking lot?

    3. bananahamuck


      Wayno ,, yep


      Laecaon , real safe neighborhood so probably not.

    4. wayno


      Well that just blows, as I recall, that was an original car, someone had to see it.

  20. Yeah, he be lurkin, but he has a thing for newer box style type Datsuns though,,,,, so your safe. Ok, yeah i re-read about the weird coilover goings on i am positive i seen that one, and it must not have had anything i could use, interior wise.... I am surprised that the struts were still there though cuz i have posted on here to at least 3 members to go look at them .... what`s up with that?? Thanks man
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