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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Oh i don`t know, he sounds like a typical Z owner to me..
  2. Not to run you off or anything ,, because you should be able get the answer here ,,,but ,, have you been to 720 world?. http://720world.com/forum . . Now i aint saying get the answer here then go over there and ask same question .......because...most likely your answer here will be given by a couple of someones, that are also the ones likely to answer it over there.... and they know who they are.. :D . But more info about a specific model is always a good thing...right
  3. Yeah there`s something about free cooking meat that brings all the boys to the yard.
  4. Not take away from whoever was the food vendor but that shell gas station at automall makes some serious grub burgers .. Real question Since the track is so far away from other food places ,,would the event be letting propane bbqs so we could bbq for ourselves ... I understand if it`s to much of a liability but thought i would ask..
  5. I think it was a bad day to stop sniffing glue.. :lol:
  6. You been watchen to much FOX news channel man...... If you think what you posted is true,,, take your 510 go up to Wolfkill fertilizers in Monroe and try to buy 100 lbs ,,,,,,, no 300 pounds of fertilizer and tell the counter dude " Hey you don`t need to know who i am or what i'm using this for,,, and tell them you can use it anyway you want and i ain`t giving you my I.D. cuz this is Amurica and you are violating my free rights to buy whatever i want" ....... I bet you won`t get shit. Well , that`s not really true,, you might get your license plate recorded And it will probably be the last time you get security clearance for even a school job..
  7. Do you need a hinge because you lost or don`t have one?? Or do you need one because your door drops because the bushing is bad?? Nevermind ,,, when i clicked out of this post ,, i saw you just up-dated your list.
  8. The z in the background looks to be doing the Marty Mcfly .
  9. With 13.5:1 compression you could only drive it far enough to make it back to the 55 gallon VP barrel in your garage,, cuz where you gonna get fuel on the road?? If you cant drive it ,, it doesn`t matter how cool it is , you might as well be a corvette owner..Hey i gotta cool car in my garage and i have only driven it 1000 miles in the 10 years i`ve owned it............ollz in real life.
  10. You take the vehicle to the correct licencing /inspecting agency and they look over all and i mean all your receipts and then inspect whole vehicle then issue a V.I.N. number to said vehicle and only that vehicle... . . The OP used a very bad example of his argument by using the switched VIN tag truck ,,, then backed it up with examples of vehicles that had alot of work done to them , which were not done to be deceitful in order to skirt laws... but to improve the performance and fun factor of older vehicle...
  11. There was a 78-79 wagon at the Arlington pick-n-pull a month ago .. someone posted there is also a 1980 there now ,,, I don`t know if parts are the same but Datsunaholic does i bet..
  12. Well they do usually have a dog show that same weekend,, not sure where the hog showing contest will be held ,, but i'm sure you guys will find yer fine ladies a good place to " show them off " .. :lol:
  13. Does Franklin Delano Millersilvania still got the goofy Nissan thing that would fit in perfect with this bunch or did he get rid of it ,, to be even more of a hipster fanboy with another make of automobile?
  14. . Is it just me or have you seen that building more than a million times and still wonder how you would pronouce the name ? Is it Wheel , weel, well-ee, Wheelie ?? Tell me i need to know
  15. Maybe spend half the night sending it to all the local news programing and consumer investigators ,,, i know it`s about a 99.9% chance they will ignore your pleds ,,,,,but what if they don`t and show it...You know when my neighbor got robbed king5 showed him on NWCN every half an hour for a whole day.. If they ignore you you could always send it again tomorrow night and next and the next,,, A bunch of drunk rednecks hauling a couch around looking for a place to dump.. pig fuckers
  16. I don`t know anthing about car mechanically or ever seen it in person ,, but it has changed hands a few times in only a couple years..
  17. Get some carb cleaner and spray it at the base of carb and the linkage if idle changes alot try to narrow down where leak is.. I have seen carbs that aren`t flat on the base, maybe from over tightening ( guess ) if it leaks there try spreading vasoline on area sometimes this will help narrow it down also... You could rip it off and take a straight edge to adapter and the bottom of carb.. Dabbing vaseline on suspected area sounds weird but it will seal area quickly and temporarily but can be removed easily. If it`s leaking through the linkage,,,, a new carb may be in your future.. Picture of adapter i took off a truck recently that ran exactly like you describe ,,, holding it flat against pole and screenback sandpaper is being held up by another person not pinched by adapter.
  18. Yeah but that thing must have one hell of a parking brake..
  19. Dude looks genuinely freaked out ,, look how he`s holding the card.. :lol: .. He does eat cheap Taco bell so he should be easily turned to the Ratsun side. I really like that color .. :wub:
  20. It`s a small town fairgrounds so they just let us in a different gate ,, fyi,, the camping area is beyond huge,, it`s the grassy parking area to the west in Google satellite view,,, so if you want to be a long distance away from others there`s plenty of room to do so..... or not. My brother and my goofball friend went to bed in their tents at 9:30-10:00.. How they can sleep with all the giggling going on i have no idea though .. :lol: .. many people bring their kids ,, me included,, so it`s a really safe, fun, relaxed show.. The car show takes place in area closer to the buildings by the rodeo arena .
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