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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Clean one owner. in other news I forgot to add ,, i went down to Fernado's and got me some real nice floor boards for my 2door 510 ,, i have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off ,, trying to get a few things done before i have to do the berry picking thing so might post pics of those tomorrow night. In other,, other news Have my bid in on this ,,,, and it is quite a substantial amount for such a crap heap,, don't have my hopes up to high as it has already been promised to someone else ,,,,,,,, for now,,,,,,,,,,, or at least till i figure out a way to make his untimely demise,,,,,,,,, seem like an accident ..
  2. Why is it so important we discuss this off the board?? And about people not being "upset" about you asking if ratsndats sucked attendance from Canby,,, let me put it this way if your kid craps his pants and you take them into a store,,, just because no-one acts offended,,, doesn't mean it don't smell like shit.
  3. Picked this up for extra front crossmember to be chopped up for oiling pan today... Crazy thing is i tried to buy it from RATDAT3 but he sold it to TV studio then my friend bought it for little of nothing off Ebay,, stripped what he needed for his grand kids car,, then i now have it,.. It is probably the biggest pile of shit i have ever bought that was actually titled .. I was supposedly used in the TV show Grimm, in the background , something to that effect anyway. I can't speak for ole Farmer but i am positive i was talking about completely different people from Boise.. As much as you think knowing a guy with 150 Z cars makes you famous ,,, i have no idea who the hell you are.
  4. So for historical reference here is the car your rear seat came out of.. Have been out there visiting numerous times since i picked it up,,, but camera has been forgotten every time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Until now!! Ok ,, in your best stereotypical Asian voice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Waaaa Taaah !!
  5. It was a cop out.. plain and simple. Can't ever do October-fest type cruise/meets on weekends,, or even watch any football except what you might see at lunchtime because have to harvest Cranberries...
  6. Could you move this to Naches so us hardcore guys wouldn't have to drive our Hyundai's as far to give out our stickers and T-shirts showing how "hardcore" we really are?? i would drive my Datsun but ,,,, you know ,,, they are so uncomfortable smell like an old car and such,, what a bother really... Datsuns, datsuns, Datsuns............ or some other such bullshit.
  7. The Maxima?? Hydraulic lifters make some serious noise if bad... They will still work-ish, just make a ton of noise.
  8. Maybe,, :cool: but we would probably tag on somewhere on the north side of bridge on 30.. Maybe somewhere near the top of the hill and just hop in back , when you guys go by...
  9. Yeah,, he don't have no internet so he aint seeing this i can assure you that.. We named dropped the shit outta that dude,, he knew almost all the old geezers we mentioned as "references" and he is very bitter from being fucked over in the recent past,, so took quite awhile even with my bubbly personality for him to warm up as little as he did.. So very , very, very few are going to get past his " nothing here is for sale!!" ... That compounded with if i posted a location 3 miles wide 99.999999% of even the most hardcore searchers wouldn't find it as it's hidden from satellites and the hiway by trees,,, and down a unmarked driveway.. It's our hidden gem we were tipped off to by another old geezer, for 2 years now but finally worked up the nerve to drive up that scary dirt road to our certain deaths :rofl: ,, and were driving cars that matched the kind of vehicles were were asking to buy... Usually search in more gas efficient,, or family friendly vehicles to cover more ground. I think that's why Fucking Ted gets so pissed off when guys incessantly complain his shit is priced to high,,, i bet we drove more than 1000 miles just this summer looking for stashes of Datsun shit... The guys that usually complain ,, hell they can't be bothered to even pick up something you give them for free..
  10. Dude ,, we stopped at this old guys house to ask about Buick he has in front yard ( seen a hundred times) and he eventually shows us a fricken Subaru 360 sitting in horse barn,,,,, no pics but i invited him over to look at all my junk to try and get some of his leeriness of strangers to subside enough to get pic ... Most unexpected thing ever. Jesus Christ we just stopped for a second i think we were there 2 hours.
  11. Stole this off Fuckin Ted's book of faces page You know this is fake because no Z guy would ever "stoop" so low as to ever be associated with other less desirable Datsun cars,,, to ever go on a cruise... :rofl: .I got a couple pics, but i just got home ,,, left at 8:00 to go to Tacoma,, so i can barely see screen let alone get kicked in balls by photobucket right now. ,,,,,, Hoping to make the Portland cruise next weekend
  12. Knowing some of these guys,,,,,,, free ones ,,,,,,,,,,,any they could get without any effort on their part and free... With free shipping to their house of course................... You would be rolling in orders in just a few months. :rofl:
  13. WPL411804621 I assume they meant to say "first" in the linear type way not literally the FIRST ever.
  14. Cuz i was passing on the left hand side,,
  15. Should re-name this,,,, Diary of Anne Frank cruise. So cruising around with Scalpum-lips earlier i realized it's Wednesday ,,,,,, are we still going to junkyards tomorrow??
  16. Was there any ceramic child shepherds with a sheep knickknacks not sold?? I'm in for those if not dibsed
  17. If you would have actually read the thread,, you would have found that there was 6 events ( there should be 7 but that is it's own thread ,, right Ted??) on these 9 pages of childish arguing . :lol: .. Trust me my friend you wouldn't have to wear any raider or claprinick paraphernalia for everyone to know you're from somewheres else,, It's the goofy ass cursive word written on all your plates.. And not sure where you were going with the gun comment, but when i was group texted about meet-up me and FAT510 were looking at handgun ammunition at Cabelas..( as in literally holding it in our hands) When out of the blue Scalpum sent this text out,,, and i quote " This fat guy needs food" :rofl: :rofl: I texted back that we are on the way.. And in this picture at least one is most likely packing and one is probably less than 20 feet from his.. And did you see police SUV ??? When we went to Fatburger ( it's in this thread) i yelled at Juan-ear cuz he kept bumping it into people in the restaurant cuz his holster was dangling out so far... And i am certain at least 2 others had loaded weapons ,,,America ,,,, fuck yeah! If you give JRock or tdaaj or even Scalpum your phone number,,, trust me you would be notified of any last minute hamburger meets... But be leery of tdaaj picking the place,,,, he might drive right by on his way to somewhere not even in the same town and shit.
  18. So i'm not sure if you remember our conversation from awhile ago about my friend (copy-ing yours) and making his own brackets,, and about him telling me if you use SSS hubs you don't need a bearing spacer do-hickey .. We were at Tanas the other day and she sold us a few sets of sss hubs ,,, stood them up next to my " yet to still be installed" drum brake hub,, and this is what it looked like. Clean black one is drum I didn't take a picture of it but if you place a straight edge on top of hubs they seem to be exactly the same height.. The boards i had them placed on for that test weren't NASA certified flat though, so your finds might be a little different. And also his and daughters were both SSS cars to start with and haven't had mine apart enough to measure/check if spindle is same,,, he seems to think they aren't different.
  19. I seen and waved at and even texted Jdong in the stickersides special at Trosper and Littlerock roads,,, but he was staring at the light like Shirley "cha-cha Muldowney ...... and he didn't see me..
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