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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Right off the freeway ,, basically where hwy 18 ends ,, on the westside of i5 https://goo.gl/maps/9Wcsz6RD7dM2
  2. Yes ,, i put it here cuz Shoreline thread info is buried in amongst all the hipster steakhouse talk ....... Mostly because we aren't going to Shoreline and maybe some Tacoma / South Seattle douche bags might show if it is in title where and when and what-not. And some might open it up, since shoreline thread is in discussions and it doesn't say post ass or tits .
  3. So we are rolling up to Federal Way tonight ( Wednesday) and we will be there about 8pm you should go... I know a bunch of you fags live like 10 minutes away from the frickin place so get off your ass and take the ole lady out for a burger for Christs sakes.... Uber duper gets off at 7 in hawks prairie ( LACEY) so if we grouped up there we could roll out up north maybe to the parking lot by Fat Burger ( LA fitness(?) at about 8-ish pm It's about 1 hour for all of us or about 35 miles somewhere about here might be empty https://goo.gl/maps/8pGMFYb2oH52 they have gluten free burgers Met up with Tedward Tentacles on the hiway and Juan-ear is sitting right here at my table they are both rolling up. And come on scalpum ,,,,,,,, it's just one night away from pawn stars ..
  4. So BUMP?? or not?? http://community.ratsun.net/topic/68821-federal-way-fatburger-wednesday-as-in-tomorrow/ going to also install it into events on front page if it's a go .
  5. Wednesday Uber duper gets off at 7 in hawks prarie so if we grouped up there we could roll out up north maybe to the parking lot by Fat Burger ( LA fitness(?) at about 8-ish pm It's about 1 hour for all of us or about 35 miles somewhere about here might be empty https://goo.gl/maps/8pGMFYb2oH52 Hey Gluten boy ,,,, they have gluten free burgers There's also a burger king and Popeyes chicken mcdonalds,,, all that shit ,, that are pretty close
  6. Ok i was a tiny bit busy doing other shit this morning but besides that here is why i couldn't text anyone .... If anyone cares it's now at 61 Take note the JM " almost there" one is Ubers that he sent at about 8:00pm last night No text means there was to many coming in for my ole typewriter phone to even process. I will never have any idea what i was receiving but i hope they all got it off their chests,, and what-not
  7. Hey !! Some of us have lives!! Fuck you guys!! On another note i think Flat was right aboot the wife,,,,,,,,,,,,, cuz by his posts ,,,,,, that is exactly how i feel when am forced to spend time with her.
  8. A 300 year old woman (approximately) that loves that car like her child .... She lives somewhere out in the area between the road just north of that location and the roads that Micheal T Simmons on ,,, and that road that is the backway to Jdick-lips shop .... i have talked to her a couple times trying to get her to take it to Canby or Blue lake.... She always says "that sounds nice maybe i will" ...... nope That interior is amazing
  9. Since the Ancient times, the men knew how to regulate water, either with stones or branches and trunks from the trees. Egyptians, Greeks and other cultures were able to drive the water from rivers and fountains for public use or irrigation. valvula romana tipo plugBut the Romans were the real developers of canal systems. They bring water form fountains and rivers to the villages, sometimes at long distances and saving important obstacles by means of aqueducts. The valves were plug or stopcock type, made in bronze, nowadays ASTM B-67. This material was well known by the master of the "Collegia Fabrorum". It was rich in lead, no cracked, anti-corrosive, ductile, able to weld to the pipes of bronze or lead and good friction properties which facilitated the rotation of the plug. The parts of the valve were a body, a holed plug, a bottom, and a long levy for turning the plug. Sometimes a pin was forced with a hammer into the valve, and then the plug could turn but not be removed. That was a way to avoid taking out the plug for defrauding water which seemed to be a widespread practice at these times as some holes found in the inlet of the valves. At several Mediterranean towns were found small valves, all of them had similar design, such as in Rabat, Djemila, Istambul, Avarches, Augusta (where there was also found butterfly valves as taps) and Naples (were the plugs were cylindric). Romans used a primitive diaphragm valve, made of crude leather that was manually closed over a weir, to control flow and temperature of household bath water. There is also evidence of the use of angular valves, mixing valves and also check valves for avoiding back flow. The funny thing is the spelling and sentence structure is so bad,, i have reason to believe this write up was done in a collaboration between Paradime and Jrock :rofl: :rofl:
  10. Looks like Scotch broom to me,,,,,, that shit is an insanely invasive plant,, and it has a huge amount of "oils" or something in it so when it catches fire it literally explodes in a ball of flame. The roots should be very near surface ,, if you put a chain around stalk you should be able to put it right out with even your 2 wheel driver.
  11. Uber dicknose .... Are you going to go out after working if Flatstanley ever makes it here ,,,,,,,,,, or Wednesday in Federal Way if he decides to do that ?? its only an hour not 3 ,, and i can guarantee you we aint eatin at no expensive ass,, sissy la-la,, hipster place that cooks your shit on some god damn "stones" ,,,,,,, we are eating where they cook your burger on a fricking American made grill, and slopped into a paper bag cheap,, all with a god damn smile on their face......................... . all it will cost is a little gas money......................
  12. When i was 24 ( a year younger than yourself) i worked 6-7 days a week including Christmas in the winter... Built and raced circle track cars after i got home in the evening and raced every Saturday during the summer ,,, and driving from here to Seattle and bought a property and put in all the utilities with cash ,, and had the girlfriend ( that had a legal secretary job with the State Patrol) move all our shit over to property (including cars) and didn't once call my girlfriend , now wife,, to even ask how she felt about it.,,,,,,, sooooo yep i stand buy my statement
  13. it's Portland everyone is so smug face about being health conscience that's what bums turds look like there.
  14. What is the orange car?? Yeah i'm lurking your stuff man.
  15. Comments were turned off ,, but if they weren't i would have posted,,,,,,,,,,,,,They did shit work and should be fucking embarrassed.. You know why they want you to drop it so badly ? So they can come back all Tristin style and make another cash grab on something else ,,,,,,,,,,, mark my words.
  16. Pictures are perfect size for me ,,, could use a few more though.. :D There is a show in Waterfront Park in North Vancouver B.C. on the 28th of August and i am positive your car would be welcome,,, you should sign up it's only 20. dollars entry fee. I have nothing what-so-ever to do with this show other than going ourselves,, but follow links in this thread link and badda bing badda boom. you're in like Flynn . I believe they will except entries at the gate.. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/69917-caravan-to-canada-aug-27th-for-show-on-28th/
  17. If Federal way... Qtip wouldn't come on here and cry about being not included ,,,,,,,,,, if come to Oly we probably wouldn't have to put up with his shit ........... it's a toss up really :lol: Local could be AT THE MOST Me, Fucking Ted, Scalpum, Phixius , duece duece, Maybe Jdong and Hans,,,,,,, and maybe someone else ,,, but that would be other locals call not mine.. I am waiting for a couple clowns to get off work to run the location of meet-up by them.
  18. For vapor barrier just get yourself some visqueen at the home depot nearest you. But if it's the drivers door i wouldn't worry about sticking it to permanent like,,, since when your window falls off it's track you will be removing it to fix that.. :rofl:
  19. So we have secured accommodations out near Blaine in a field, that may or may not be filled with very large Angus steers ... Still not sure when we are leaving here but it is still a long ways off and none of you cork suckers are going so what the fuck do you care.
  20. I figured he could stay where he's at one afternoon and you, trophy and jedi and whoever,, could do a thing,,, and another night he could actually put out some effort and go a little south of his location,,,,,,,,, and do another thing...
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