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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. 119?? Ssssshhiiit Put a quart of Jim beam in one of my relatives and they could probably top that in a big block powered 76 mini-Winnie out on the 101
  2. Some clever photo cropping in the Ebay ad i must say. http://saleofcar.com/datsun-510-t/0116296 :rofl:
  3. Thank god you work in the aerospace field as you would have never made it in the collections agency industry.
  4. I show no missed calls my sky scraper height friend ,, but i have horrible service here and sometimes the call never gets through.. i have an old Ford truck on Craigs list of things for sailing an i think i got 300 texts asking me if it was still for sale so if texted didn't notice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not sure why they are all so concerned though.
  5. I helped build 3 riding lawn mowers for those races in Morton years ago ,,, but never went to any myself... When I grew up on the coast they had a "loggers jubilee" in Hoquiam ( still do i assume) and all the logging families that lived around us would always scoff at how those weren't "real" loggers ,,,, so never have went . Anyway,,,,,,,,,,,,, what's the fucking plan Stan?? #getyourshittogether
  6. Why does everyone keep telling me yours was bright orange,,,,,, that is nowhere near bright orange. buncha dickheads round here
  7. Deftones is that downtown??? i think The Slippery Pink over by the Husky gas station is a better place for seeing first nations ladies.
  8. My older sister drives a newer Buick,,,,,,,,,, she says the ladies in her quilt making class tell her it's really neat.. She had an 88 le sabre that had really low miles... Me and my now dead brother borrowed it one day to drive to get hamburgers in town,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ended up in Coeur d'alene Idaho... in a surprisingly short amount of time i might add. :rofl:
  9. For whoever cares about attending this show, and making Justin Beaver great again... We should be leaving here about 9:30-10 am going i5 then muddling up the 405 then back to i5 for the remainder of trip............... Might stop a few times ( obviously not in Tacoma or Everett as we don't wanna be stabbed or raped,,,,, or stabbed while being raped ) so have no idea when we will be rolling into Blaine and what-not. If it matters,, the flatbill wearing last gen Rx7 punks chickened out ,,,,,,,,,,,,, not really surprised. For those that could give a shit about some gardening bullshit and who have seen a "bridge" before.. http://www.vice.com/read/vancouver-guide-to-the-strip-clubs-of-vancouver Let's make Justin Beaver great again!!
  10. Might want some ZX stuff ,,, is there any interior at all,,, and what color?? What about the windshield ?
  11. Refitted engine test stand to mount Ka24e on.. Borrowed a Napz bellhousing from Scalpum-lips Got an oic of FAT510 putting the engine together You were expecting done pictures??
  12. 4 green yellow blue-ish and the warthog
  13. This thread did seem quite a bit more active awhile ago,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maybe it's the lack of god damn pictures Did you notice a sign out in front of my house that said "Dead A10wagon Storage"? You know WHY you didn't see that sign? 'Cause it ain't there, 'cause storing dead A10wagons ain't my fucking business, that's why!
  14. You are right i'm not going but not because i'm scared to drive the 411 that "far" ,,,,,,,,,, arf arf
  15. You guys are pussies. Just drive the damn things it's not world changing to actually drive a Datsun more than 1/2 hour from your houses fer Christs sake. You both expect others to drive hours to your parties now get your shit ready to go,, cuz Danfiveten don't wanna be alone this weekend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and that's all i have to say about that..
  16. You gotta open up that little green box thing that looks like a Polaroid and paste in there stole these from 2 different places on falsebook just now . If me and VTR can do it ,,,,, you can do it.
  17. You have facebook?? Post them on there,, then copy image location off there.... then post them in that little green box under the smiley face in reply box here......... badda bing badda boom. pics will only last about a month on here that way but you could easily put them on photobucket and replace them in that amount of time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or not
  18. No i did not take any pics of that waitress at the Bethal cafes zoomers,,, your eyeballs were in the way every time i tried. Ok how bout this?
  19. But more than likely we will be shaming you for months into going with us................... and then bitching cuz Ted pussed out for some arbitrary reason only he could come up with.
  20. You left on a catch-up on all the shit we have been putting off all summer , weekend ,,,,,,,,,,, but like i said if Dr, Zoidberg and Jason and those other Boise knuckleheads actually carry out their plan for a summer campout next year.. We will be forcing at least a rest stop BBQ leg stretch in the trishittys next summer.
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