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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. One of the nicest guys i have ever met,, i always looked forward to talking with him.. I will miss the dude very much.
  2. Seems like alot of work for a funny looking little car . she says. :rofl: .
  3. Oh, i WILL be in a Datsun,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :lol:
  4. A couple of us Olympia area guys are going to try to make it,, cars can make it,, but might need that Tony Robbins sumbitch to come by my house Friday night.... You would also have to allow a 84 celica in ,,,, cuz wife aint riding in no "nerd mobile" ,,,,,,,,,,,, her words ,, not mine.
  5. My very first ,,,, In N Out burger experience with Fucking Ted® and granny from the Beverly Hillbillies Thanks to BLUEBIRDSSS for sending us to Habit burger Saturday night,,,,,,,,, man that was so good we ended up eating there again after the show.....
  6. While standing in line for some delicious tacos,, You have seen these repops on Ebay and they look even better than the pictures on there can capture
  7. Got there at 4:30,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AM!! here's when it got light out There was alot more but couldn't get the angle to get decent pic on most,,,,, so here's what i got. ]
  8. i got a bunch of pics but photobucket is running amuck with my internets tonight,, i shall try posting actual car/swapmeet pics in the morning.
  9. Good to finally meet you too ,, ya bastard i like a good argue-er ,,, and to Wicked Jester for putting up with my shit . :D . We have been trying to figure out a way to get to JCCS for a few years now,, but maybe next year will be the year..... Oh and almost forgot,,,,,,,,,,,,, good to see you again too , Seeker-620 :ph34r: . :rofl: .
  10. Good meet up with you to man ,, we went to the Petersen museum and did touristy stuff this time but if there is a next time we should roll by your shop and hang out. And the dorkier / better one,,,,,,,,,,, FYI ,, FuckingTed is in background paying like $280. REAL DOLLARS!!! For a frickin Hot Wheels!!! That is a serious problem
  11. Wa state prices are pretty high also Next door neighbor died last winter ,, son sold his 2 bedroom ( rooms were so small you probably couldn't put king size bed in them) 1100 sq ft house with small detached garage on postage stamp size lot in less than 2 weeks for the asking price,,, $230.k .. And we live kinda,,,,,,,,,,,, kinda close to middle size city. .
  12. Doesn't matter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, leaving for Eagle Rock as soon as Fucking Ted® and Skalpum get here in the rental minivan of science
  13. Had toooo many tabs open thought i posted that in Cuz 'murica
  14. Just like Rome We fell asleep when we got spoiled Ignore human rights in the rest of the world Ya might as well lose your own As the noose of narco-militarism Tightens around our necks We worry about burning flags And pee in jars at work to keep our jobs But if someone came for you one night and dragged you away Do you really think your neighbors would even care? Do you really think your neighbors would even care?
  15. Remember way back when, when all we cared about was "blah blah blah Datsuns."
  16. Wow!! a lotta custom body mods went into making that B210 look so cool.
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