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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Didn't ask ,, was to cold out today.
  2. Tumwater pick n pull was told it could be dropped in as soon as tomorrow ,, they wanna sell whole.
  3. I just installed 8 foot florescents and if you open the main door wide enough it almost lights up one side of the vehicle i'm working on,, outside in the gravel .
  4. Datsuns haven't cost me that much monetarily , but in looking for information i didn't have, i joined this group of jackoffs,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so i guess they have cost me my soul.
  5. Nope ,, not do it yourself , , we were sent to that one last year by parties that will remain unknowns smart phone ,, cough,cough,scalpum,cough,cough and it's a drive thru type... And the damn thing wasn't even open that day either. My car has 50 year old rubbers and it shows,, and Juan-ear was driving his leaky roof roadster so i'm pretty positive
  6. And done with cheap tools you probably already have around the house.
  7. Yesterday January 2 2017 , it was 33 degrees in the sun, the wind was blowing,, the whole parking lot was covered with rock salt,, it was so cold 3 guys didn't even drive their Datsuns,, the burgers looked like E-coli on a bun,, the fries tasted like they had been swept off the floor,, my youngest spilled his full pop all over his self right when we sat down, and Fucking Ted was late to his own meet.. But i took a couple pictures thought i took more,, but it was soooooooo frickin cold Hobo feet ] This clown lives right across the street from this place and he still drove the backyard ditch finder 2.0
  8. Maybe ,,,, i took some with my phone,,,,,,,,,,, it's not as new as your phone so the storage space for car meet pictures probably isn't as large and the built in camera is most likely less pixels so they wouldn't be as clear as the ones you posted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but i might have.
  9. Me too,, my parents used to drive us all the way from the beach to do our back to school shopping. Man they had everything It got flooded twice in just a couple years and they closed it in 1995,, last time we shopped there my wife looked like a balloon with Donovan .. It's now a indoor swap meet / yard sale type affair and most of the upstairs is sectioned off as rental storage units .. There is a grocery store too.
  10. Me and FAT510 went on a short cruise to the YardBirds taco truck after we got back from meet-up this afternoon.
  11. Aaaaa yeah , you probably wouldn't say that if you lived closer and that fucking hound was literally spelling it's name outta shit in your yard every week. Oh,, and just a heads up,,,,,,,, Ted ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it don't cost anything to start a new thread ya cheap fuck. Fucking Ted
  12. Yeah i'm quoting super old statement but i think it's a good idea ... When we are killing time after Childrens hospital visit, we hang out in front of the "Sail Sand Point" boat launch ( tiny one/two man sailboats) and quite often there is car clubs hanging out in parking lot i have marker pointing to.... It's pretty cool being right on the water when all those little boats are out and about and lot is gigantic . Just my .02 https://goo.gl/maps/wJvexaoa78U2 Or have it at Teds ,,, cuz i aint havin it here with Teds dogs loose bowels,,,,, shit, i end up spending a half an hour shoveling turd piles after he leaves.
  13. Ok ,, if i have to "spew" as you so condescendingly put it .. MY opinion of Eagle Adam and the dealings ( monetary or otherwise ) with me have all be very good,,, OUTSTANDING to be perfectly honest .. BUT as a Datsun community it is owed to ALL the members of this community to know the facts.. And that is only gotten to by hearing the story over and over if that is the case. . ___________ Now on to the problem ,, as it were,, at hand THE second post in this thread was made by YOU ,,, and it started with THIS sentence Going to gouge the campers again for a day pass this time? it ended with this sentence That's bullshit. Now if that aint shitting in Mojos event thread i don't know what is All that considering since i have been on here ( 2010) YOU have NEVER hosted a BBQ a meet up or even attended anyone elses for that matter.................... I have instigated many ,many Datsun/Ratsun meet-ups and BBQs at different locations ,, that i hope maybe ,, 10 people will show .. I know how much even small meet-ups cost ,, let alone all the texting on the phone or PM-ing on here to see if host needs anything or if they have enough money or time for that matter,,, to put it on. Mojo is in charge of a event that is over a hundred participants each day and you ( again never even had a small event yourself(?) ) have the audacity to shit on again and again ,, Over what $30-40 fucking dollars ?? If you wanna shit out insults at me least look at the fact flatcat asked very nicely for you to stop,, and 510freak made most everybody elses point of view ........... your being at least as big a dick as me ,, and if you actually read what i wrote here you would realize that too. Tough love,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you need some.
  14. when the engine is running you can see-ish through fan like one of those flipper picture movies ,, that is if you don't stick light into fan that is.
  15. Oh,, i thought you were asking not making a statement.. Yeah it's a bitch just make sure you mark timing mark tab on front cover and v in the pulley with a welding paint stick real good and use adjustable timing light so you can really jamb that sucker in there. You might have guessed why one would repaint the fan a bright color like white or like my idiot friend did,,, paint florescent orange stripes on the end like a WW2 airplane.. It won't hurt less but at least you will see it coming. I'm also assuming J1300??
  16. Are you checking it with old timer timing light or advance-able type?? Have you checked to see the timing mark ( on pulley ) doesn't show up on other side of timing chain cover,,,i changed a chain AND PULLEY once and it showed up on the drivers side somehow... Engine still ran completely normal so i'm not sure if it was chain or pulley.
  17. Says the guy who thinks bitching about $180. is a waste of this forums and the Datsun communitys time to even hear about.. ;) Lou ( and Keith ) become the voice of reason .. Who woulda thunk it??
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