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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. More like 2 months and 5 days ago..
  2. Fuck............. i clicked the wrong tab
  3. my vote is ,,,,,,,,,,, DatDoug Hey maybe we could change the title to reflect the date of event,,,,,,,,,,,,, and what-not
  4. Ask over here,.. http://www.datsunminitruckin.com/ .
  5. #butwehavetolistentoJrockandTedsrants,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so-there's-that.com
  6. I can eat a dick?? and i don't want other Datsun "peeps" to come ?? Cuz if that is directed at me you are THE MOST ungrateful piece of shit i have ever loaned my compressor ( that i had to TELL you to get back from your neighbor you lent it to for fucks sake) or drive you to work on a few occasions ( that i never got gas money for) ,,,,,,,, And i hope that industrial battery charger you still have OF MINE has come in handy with the battery problems you have ,,,,,,,,, still. Did that pieced together from rusty shit muffler i spent till 11:45 one night welding FOR YOU for free,, to save you $300.,, make it to Eugene without falling off,, like the one you "fixed" with that flexy pipe garbage. ?? Does your marijuana clouded mind have any fucking clue how much the tools i have loaned you even cost??? And while we are on the subject ,,,,,,,, fuck you For information to others that may not know,,,,,,,, there has been 3 different pre announced meets we had very close ( within 2 miles) to Ubers location so he could in fact make it there ,,,,,,, even if he was riding a bicycle.... did he show?? Fuck no is the answer,,, so that is why i'm so pissed at his response that I don't want "others" to show.. A couple assholes were at my house and a few other assholes called them saying they were at another assholes house,,, so us assholes went over to those assholes and wah-lah,,,,,,,,,,,,, meet. UBER KEVIN You go suck dicks you worship in other threads,,,,,,,,,,,, don't suck them in mine.
  7. That is exactly why we aren't giving notice ahead of time any more,,,,,,,
  8. On Kevins Subaroo? But he wasn't there
  9. Does it have good windshield?? cuz you probably aint a gonna find one of those.
  10. .......... Ignition parts are plentiful since they are the same ones in many newer cars and trucks.. Seats , can be retro fitted for pretty cheap ,, who needs locks and straight quarter panels?? Brakes are kinda tough but with a little mixing and matching maybe......... maybe. It's not really about money it's the lack of parts to actually buy that's the problem,, or the amount of research required to find retro fit parts that will work.
  11. bananahamuck

    Happy 620

    Packwood in JayJays brothers ,,,,,,,,,, strangely enough,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, front yard.
  12. bananahamuck

    Happy 620

    i took a picture yesterday just for this thread . We assumed it was just a rear cut off and not a whole buried truck standing on end,,, too much stinging nettles to find out
  13. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/691-how-to-post-pictures-and-keep-online-photo-albums/ It takes a few trys to get the hang of it , but if i could figure it out,, a monkey could do it.
  14. As was your mum a few minutes ago i just saw it this morning catching in car forum funny picture thread located over on your side of the Pacifical waters and what-not .
  15. Right? Cuz if it was that easy,,,,,,,,,,, why didn't the guy selling it do it??
  16. Does anyone from Canada know if these are liter or gallon prices?? http://vancouver.gasbuddy.com/ .
  17. GRAVELTRAP!!! WAKE UP!!! Where are your frickin pictures maaaaan. Any badass 2002s show up this year???
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