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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. In honor of our vets that gave their lives TOTALLY kinking Italy's fucking ass in WWII ... A couple of us are going to have some pizza today around /pert-near 2:00 pm .. Over at Vic's pizza in Tumwater.. (Wildwood neighborhood) . It's a piece by the slice place so you don't have-to order a whole god damn pepperoni pie,,, to get a piece.... If you are "that guy" cough,cough QTip,cough,cough,,, they do have Gluten free as well as Vegetarian and Vegan pizza by the slice.... you pussies. Map link https://goo.gl/maps/3vt4UrYHGbt 2822 Capitol Blvd SE, Olympia, WA 98501,,,,,, If by some freak happening your from out of town somehow,,, map shows freeway going past but unless your Datsun can traverse a 50-60 embankment ,,there is no way that you are getting off on Capital Blvd. Don't be a douche and use some lame excuse to drive some bullshit KIA or Hyundai ,,,, datsuns,,, just drive the frickin thing. Me, Scalpumlips, Fucking Ted and maybe FAT510 are going ,,,,,,,,,if you wanna come,, come .
  2. i was thinking the one behind it was an aerosmith shirt for a second. What the fuck,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, budget cuts or some fuckin shit?????
  3. They only work 180 days out of the year man, and get still get 2 weeks paid "personal time" days during school year,,,, and having 2 school teachers in my family,,, i know they make more than you think.
  4. Why in pray fucking tell were you ever looking up storys about snakes biting peoples dicks off???
  5. I was going to come,,,,, but i see you weren't giving out any trophy's ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so fuck it i'm out
  6. KEVIN!! You should have totally went to Tumwater day of champions with me today ,, you would have kicked ass in most of the events.
  7. Yep.... what really got me comparing was my friend Bill (and his kids) have many 411s and i thought he mentioned he was going to use them on the SSS he is getting back on the road for his grand daughter to drive to high school next year...... As much as i talk you would think i wasn't listening,,,,, but somehow info gets through that steady stream ..........................................once in a while. :rofl: :rofl:
  8. They are on all sorts of cars,,, VWs SAABs I believe Mercades i'm positive any junkyrd has more than you will ever need http://community.ratsun.net/topic/13393-upgradingreplacing-your-injector-connectors/ .
  9. Yeah but like i said you gotta pull it out ,,,, when if he wasn't such a dumbass we could have just looked at the plate.
  10. , photobucket makes me sad Made this to put bearings and collars on since my press is tits up at the moment. used this to balance axle on while i pounded the crap out of it. Wheel cylinders are 70 510 since they were about $100. less each than "roadster" ones And finally ran brand new brakelines ,,,,,,, not exactly sure where u-bolts will sit so lines aren't completely tight up against housing and as straight as i would like them just yet...................... Could they have thought up a more complicated frickin parking brake ,,,, Jesus tap dancing Christ!!?? and for the record fuck you photobucket ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fuuuuuck you
  11. So not sure what ratio is in that 81 720 captain goofball has since ,,,,,,,,,,,apparently,,,,,,, he used the aluminum tag/plate to scrape grease off the engine id location and thinks he has lost it.................... I assume you would have to take it all the way out just to fimd out now,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if he will even sell it to you .
  12. I gots pics but am to pissed off to go on photobucket and be abused by that stupid computer locking up sum-bitch. and now that my creamy sugar loaded coffee is now gone,,,,,,,,,,,, i shall go resume the swift kick to the balls this car has become in the last couple days. you're welcome
  13. Thanks,, but you could have pointed it out BEFORE i pressed the collar on.. On a even more uplifting note,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at least i know what all those bolts and nuts were for ,,,,,,,,, in the god damn metal coffee can i kicked over yesterday............ They went everywhere ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, e v e r y w h e r e I should just give up and buy a camaro.
  14. Thanks man,,, the garage is only 24 x 48 x 14 at eaves ,, wish i would have gone 35` instead of 24 though i can't pull my 88 ford extended cab even close to all the way in for major repairs and shit. So anyone that hates me will be happy as fuck to hear that in my hurry to install bearings............... the first backing plate was put on backwards,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, spent all fucking morning pulling that collar and bearing back off .. :geek: My morning put to music :rofl:
  15. I will probably be doing the same thing as last year,, sitting on the couch watching shark tank reruns .
  16. What is the red car in the back,, another 521 ??
  17. Are you sure you don't have one of those radiator hose things in that giant cardboard box.. or over on the other side of that engine by the door?? Could have swore that military guy gave you radiator hoses , shit he gave you the exhaust even
  18. Actually 26 years ago.. :D Nah ,,, i really could give a shit less what the neighbors do as long as i don't have to go over and help them with it. a few months ago when i walked out to get mail and some asswipe had tore up the yard turning around up by the road ,, probably thinking he was all gangster.. It made me smile thinking the kid would probably still be sitting there stuck if it was the early 90s... We have to keep the driveway pretty flat now cuz there is 8 ton vehicle going down it twice a day,,,,,,,,,,,, but back in the day ( pre 5/8th minus screened gravel years) the driveway had pot holes big and deep enough my oldest boys would fill them with water in the summer and swim in them. :rofl:
  19. When i bought this place i was about 24 years old and we were "those neighbors" ... You know the ones with black tire marks originating from our driveway stretching in both directions down the street.. The occasional full size car caught in the shrubbery in the front yard. ( how he though he could drive over that bush i'll never really understand) . Yard completely chewed up from people "stopping by" and doing doughnuts in the front yard . Open header engine testing at 2:30 in the morning. Rock music playing at as high a volume as possible with speakers out windows so you could hear it better out in garage.................................. And now ,,,,,,for the most part ,,,,,,,,,, we have become those old people that just put up with our neighbors shit cuz it's easier that way.
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