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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. The kid said it would be $172. without any brakes at all , that's including a $15. core Says LSD oil only
  2. Those two people in picture are me and my son FAT510,
  3. I assume Eric was being funny and that's cool,, cuz why in the fuck would anyone what a hand me down CANBY Ratsun trophy and if on the crazy chance enough clowns voted for me to be funny, i sure as fuck aint going to Rat and Dats in Eugene to get it .. Not to blow anyone's horn or anything ,,, but do you know my son welded up the Canby Ratsun trophy that James and Victory gave away to Busta Nut ??? No ?? LoL BUT i have no desire whatsoever to be involved in any of your scams or schemes so please leave me out of it .. thank you
  4. It was the hot rod parts and tools one,, never did find it and it was the 4th one that we chased like that .. We were in that neighborhood because of all the sweet Mexican food joints that are in that area.
  5. Saw this yesterday parked in North Centralia,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, because some asshole can't take down their fucking yard sale signs.
  6. In Socialist Canada they just cut off extra material.
  7. The guy i saw driving it was younger ,, so he probably is just visiting.
  8. Paint stripper like you can buy at the hardware store.. I seen some Ebay parts get stripped with Permatex spray-on gasket remover even..
  9. Notice some of his completed items,, he must have had at least one more http://www.ebay.com/sch/swsalvage8t69/m.html?item=331837761866&forcerrptr=true&hash=item4d4312694a%3Ag%3A3DwAAOSwLpdW-zHl&LH_Complete=1&rt=nc&_trksid=p2046732.m1684
  10. I might not make it either since it's going to be dark the night before and the night after the meet and i don't wanna worry about breaking down in the dark.
  11. Skib ...... For fucks sake!! The,,,,,,,, NAPA,,,,,,,,,,,part ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,number,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,on ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the ,,,,,,,,,fucking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bag. It is 665-1348 ie..
  12. So she got you to move your new hot tub already?
  13. I feel really bad for DJ Jazzy Jeff
  14. When were you guys thinking of leaving there??
  15. Yeah i get it ,, we use those 1/4 inch square headed set screws in a ton of chain driven equipment ( those stupid Allen head fuckers are worthless on high side torque shit) at my dads farm and you lose those little sockets all the time,, but the local ( to him ) hardware store has tons of them... But i had a fuck of a time finding one when i had misplaced the ones i have and tried to find one locally ..
  16. Is that a new term for gay sex?
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