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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. He takes his Subaru to a guy (his friend) in Lacey to fix ,,, yeah i know ,,,,, him taking anything somewhere ,, but he does.. It must be reasonable prices though. I don't know anything about Subarus either ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nothing. Gimme the specs on the rube and i could have him call his friend.
  2. I thought Hobosphincter was " Mr. Flip flop"? Koheartradio is more of a hoppity hop
  3. On the other side of that orange 510 wagon
  4. Put a god damn nut on there boy. I would give you that valve cover bolt i borrowed back but i heard through the grapevine someone snagged the ones we were going to get from PnP ,,,,, so you actually owe me 2 bucks now. Wanna read something insane,, the OG gooberhead paid $500. skins to get his road-star radiator fixed,,,,,,,, then he dropped $175. plus tax on a pusher fan .
  5. I bet a saw more than 10 Teslas on the freeway today. one of those little roadster things even had cat feet prints on the top of it,,,,,,,, weird for such an insanely priced car
  6. I asked cuz i may want to attend and unlike some "HARDCORE" guys on here i don't use some bullshit excuse if the event is farther than 30 minutes from my house,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to drive,, a more comfortable car.
  7. I think your butt buddy Al said it best seriously You guys cry like bitches when it's in your rat and dats thread.........
  8. If you are going on a cruise ,, when were you guys going to leave the shop and where are you going-ish ?? Or are you even meeting at that location??
  9. No,,, your speedo is just fucked up . On my 411 the speedo works but the mileage never changes ,,,, which is kinda fucked since i don't have a gas tank sending unit.....
  10. The Texans i know believe the people who move to Austin are very much like the ones that inhabit San Francisco ,
  11. Have you tried taking it down to the airport and running it through their baggage X-ray ?? cuz they would most certainly have some idea what it is i bet.... or Automatical extra part ,, you can leave it on but since yours makes noise throw it away. I think the "official" name of it is .move indicator switch,, or aka,, speed switch
  12. I lost my Milwaukee porta band saw a few years ago and things have never been the same ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i loved that god damn thing
  13. Now you see them walking down the road in Grayland cuz they are to broke to pay to get their license back.. :rofl:
  14. Meh,,,new money,,,,,, i grew up on the coast with Alaskan crabbers sons.. All their dads garages looked like that once a year,,,,,,, without the lifts of course,,,,,, when they replaced the cars they had bought the year before that they had rolled or blown up bashing down the logging roads .. i remember as a kid once riding with my friend Russel and his dad when he was all hammered , in a early 70s vette bouncing over the beach sand piled up by the waves,, trying to get in front of a 69 nova super sport that was painted candy apple red, that was spraying sand at us. :lol:
  15. That old guy lives over by the Pilot on 93rd,, as weird as that tail light set-up is,,, his neighbor has a car that looks exactly like "The Car" only white... i shit you not
  16. Get out while you can,,,, this place is a toilet.
  17. Aaaah just noticed why the weird emissions question..
  18. Oh i didn't read you were cutting it more,,, either way this thing is so close ,, actually already done really... it hurts it's still sitting. Not card board,,, a type of masonite you can buy something very similar to it at most hardware stores and such
  19. Yeah i saw those on the last page ,,,,, but if the engine leans over at all ,,, won't that be touching the frame??
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