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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I am positive there is already a thermo switch ( or at least a hole for one ) on the top of the intake towards the front somewhere ,,,,,,,,, just wire into that.
  2. I think just moving the wipers into the cabin like that would take me $3000. and two years to accomplish . :rofl:
  3. And what if someone else is driving it ie. alignment shop,, and forgets or doesn't know to turn on switch??
  4. Tied up,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, as in,,,,,,,,,, "bring out the gimp" ?
  5. In other news and what-not Fuckin Ted gave me this for FAT510s wagon project but left the axles at the dudes house and said dude moved ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so that sucks. BUT i did a few favors today in order to maybe get some "alternate" outer mounting plates welded on so maybe use axles that are at least ,,,,,,,,,,,, somewhat find-able on the planet earth and shit
  6. So after trying everything to fix my air hydraulic pump for my press,, so i could reuse the pressed on collar to save a few bucks ( collars only sold in full "kits" ) ,,,, i gave up and just cut the fuckin fucks off. The bearings and the grease and axle seals I ALREADY HAVE!! :sneaky: should be here in a couple days. Moved the park brake swivel thing to the drivers side and cut off the trailing arm bracket and painted the whole shitter-ee ,, not really to look nicer,, just to make it cleaner by default . . Spent some of the day driving around Olympia with this clown,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for science.
  7. The same guy who hauled them away.... clucking Ted
  8. The front part of that frame from that red truck was loaded into a truck and it drove away the same afternoon as the Lefty's burger shack meet..................................... that you missed ,,, Mr. Datsuns -Datsuns-Datsuns. The rest back there are 620s Scalpumlips might have a pair to sell you , but he is always driving out to the Quinault nation rez or protesting the goverments with sternly worded texts from his iphone 6s plus,,,,,,,, or something and of course ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you know who,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, might have them still.
  9. I'm almost positive Datsnoobs has yet to be finished ,, it was started in about 2011
  10. For fucks sake resurface that god damn thing,,, why would you ever risk it slipping or chattering for what $30. bucks or so
  11. Help get micros car to Canby . here's his ad http://wellington.craigslist.org/clo/5566277379.html
  12. Have you checked your valve clearances? So from what i can get out of your responses i get two different senerios.............. You have owned the truck with the SUs installed for a few years ,, it ran perfectly fine when you parked it and after a few years ( i guess, since no actual time has ever been given and there is alot of difference between 1 year and 5 ) it now runs like you describe. OR did it run fine then start running like crap so you parked it ( for a few? ) and that is where you are at now ? Quite a few times if my antique type car ( or even lawn mower for that matter) runs great then starts sputtering and farting out of the blue ,, alot times it's water in the gas.. and you did say you ran it down to empty . SUs should have a drain plug on bottom of bowls
  13. He was the lead school bus mechanic for the district .. He worked there so long he simply retired at full benefits anyway,,,,, but ex wife gets something like $4000. out of that check so he's still broke as fuck. Now he just hangs out between UAs listening to AC DC at ear splitting volume. :D
  14. are you talking to me ? Remind me since a ton of those goofy vehicles have went through ( or stayed ,, yeah scalpum i'm looking at you) in the past 6 months,, considering i have no interest in owning any datsun truck .
  15. No special meeting needed,,, just help a bitch if they are close to you . :)
  16. ANYWAYS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me and Fuckin Ted freaked out a young dude and his lady driving a light blue KC 720 last night in front of Han's burger in Lacey,,, don't know if they will ever come out to have a burger with us though.... If you ever saw Ted eat you would know what i mean ,,, it was like a special sauce horror show. If you are out there,,, you two should roll with us sometime. FYI Han's may be dirty as fuck restaurant but they are cheap juicy burgers.......... A++ will trade again.
  17. So your excuse is he's older and doesn't have a job and he spent money on tools ?? :P Weren't you out of work most of the year? Do you realize how much harder working on cars is when you're "not young" he turns 59 in July ?? He has only had that lift about 10 years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, most of this "experience" you speak of ,, was wallowing around on the greasy floor like the rest of us. If it matters he "makes" about $1400. a month on disability and gets $500. from renter ( sometimes since renter was truck driver and got DWI lost his job) ,,, and i think his mortgage is something like $900. so not exactly Bill Gates. :lol: TL/DR Excuses bro .. Or is this where we invoke the "to many hands in the pot" rule for stuff not getting done
  18. Not to call you a slacker or anything BUT you do realize he pulled that thing out from under a tarp that it sat under for ten years,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, about the same time you pulled your motor?? Fully disassembled and in primer also... Hell the engine it has was in a D21 sitting in a cow pasture less than 2 months ago . :rofl: .
  19. Did the trailer hitch look like this? :rofl:
  20. Not all over the net,, probably just here. That might a easily gotten part since those are SUs ,, try giving Ztherapy a call.. website>> http://www.ztherapy.com/ member Vindats1 has a set of 411 SUs for sale but she has a ton of parts for 411s,,, maybe she has one she would sell. http://community.ratsun.net/user/58-vindats1/ she is easier to get a hold of through personal e-mail but i can't find any of her for sailing ads that has it posted.
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