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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. I'm thinkin even in the shower she's still dirty...;)
  2. so for the stepsister saga (read earlier statuses), a fibrous mass has developed, docs dont know what it is, so more studies by more docs and more brain being removed...IMHO enough is enough, im sorry

  3. ooohhh the joys of a propane heater... :)

    1. ariascarlos1990


      its all about the kerosene jet heater.

  4. $1500 for a wagon http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/cto/2215957751.html
  5. So my coverage is up next month, and I've been trying to look around (unsucessfully) for a new provider. I'm being yanked around so I wanna look for someone new, even though they're the cheapest I've found ($800 for the year, just liability, but I do want more coverage since its built up now). The site I would try to get quotes from don't seem to have options for earlier than '81. If it matters the car in question is a '73 Z, but just to have a ballpark for pre-81 is fine for me.
  6. at what point do you say enough is enough? the step sister that fought lukemia, is blind, had half her brain removed, now has an abbsess and has to have THAT removed...

    1. jefe de jefes

      jefe de jefes

      That sucks man. :(

      Sounds like she's a fighter though.

    2. Blitz


      yeah...shes only 6 too

    3. hellamikey


      that's just fucking heartbreaking. I'm so sorry man...

  7. how do you fuck up removing an ingrown toenail?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. philcas1987


      Get it out now. I've seen them get real bad

    3. SublimeDatsun610


      clean that shit with peroxide prior to any nail removal. if all else fails see your Dr. cuz i dont want to get sued for giving medical advice!

    4. Blitz


      lol nah I had it taken out the 5th but the doc just did a lot of stuff wrong, didn't numb it completely, didnt cut it all the way etc

  8. Drove my baby after sitting for a week, feels good man

  9. so its kinda hard to keep balance when you dont have your big toes

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      you dont have big toes ????

  10. watched labowski again last night....so great

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FoxyRoadster


      Thats just like your opinion, man.

    3. Skib


      i am the walrus.

    4. Skib


      i am the walrus dude.

  11. wow, b210 decent shape, $900! http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/cto/2183369796.html
  12. got gold for xbox live, now its back to FM3

    1. SoCaLKiDz


      Hit me up ill play. XSo CaL KiDzX

    2. freaky510
  13. Anyone coming from Long Beach area? maybe a caravan can be in order.....?
  14. my once in a lifetime shot...well, who knows I might get another chance in april.... tee hee
  15. got my w2.....another disapointing tax return....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blitz


      well, i usually go by the gross, with federal withheld, and I've been pretty close to it.....



    3. Jassifrass


      well hopefully its not as bad as you think :)

    4. elmerfudpucker


      Yea like that Stimulus bonus, BS. They took it right back, WTF was the point.

  16. LOLSMOG OHNOEZZ 2 that I wanted...but they were actually already taken...
  17. it may be blasphemous....but...but....I miss my miataaaa

    1. INDY510


      at least it's not a Volkswagon

    2. FoxyRoadster


      Get a roadster, dont need a plastic car like a miata.

    3. INDY510
  18. wow, sunny and no clouds not even an hr ago....now its cold and cloudy...wtf cali

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laecaon


      yea portland can go from snow to sun in 5 minutes then to rain in another 5 minutes.

    3. 808DA6


      Yup. Sounds like Cali wants to be like Or.. That SUX!

    4. Blitz


      guess you guys are just that awesome up there



  19. 4 door 510 http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/cto/2168003822.html SSS 411 wagon http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/cto/2166222370.html "Datsun 510 1972 Sedan Full Restore JDM Super Clean - $8500" .......looks familiar lol http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/cto/2163960918.html
  20. Ok....seems like I might be able to come down. Put up an address, itll be easier for people not familiar to the area. (I kinda know it, but I can already see myself driving around...:lol: )
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