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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. It's obvious to see the apple isn't far fall from the tree. LOL He knew he fucked up.
  2. Spammm

    1. Guest


      You made some Espam? How was that shit? :D I loave Espam Ho-ray!!

    2. INDY510




      green eggs and SPAM

    3. INDY510


      yo grill likes spam?

  3. Already fixed THAT problem. lol I'm terrified of what falls off next :(
  4. GOT IT!! Pulled the cam lock apart and re-greased it all and loosened up the stuck release pins.
  5. Hey, if that's what floats your boat. srysly thoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. There all under Salem for location. B210's and such!
  7. My task for you Ratsun'ers tonight; Help me release this Cam Lock.. Just got it today from DJaztek12 and pulled it out of the box and twisted the cam lock to release it and nothing. It seems like either I'm doing it wrong and theres some sort of trick to it, or it wants to be a PITA tonight. The reason I'm asking this is because I have very little experience with safety gear, so I just want to know if I am doing it wrong, or if I need to spray some WD40 in there to loosen it up. It's definitely seen some use in the past and smells like grease and gear oil (Makes me wanna work on my car.) Got a good price, so I'm not complainin'. Anyways.. Help??? Before I get impatient and grap a GD pip wrench off the shelf and start twisting. Provided oics..
  8. Yeah it didn't work :( I thought it might, but it just won't budge. I ground it off today with my new little die grinder and I'm going to drill into it tomorrow with a heavier EZ out. The one that went in before was WAY undersized.
  9. Kicking this Simpson harness's ass trying to get the cam lock to release. lol kinda fun...

  10. Congrats man! Good to here he's doing good :) Good to know he''s gonna be here one day talking about this as well.
  11. What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?

    1. Skib


      time to get a new fuckin fence

    2. metalmonkey47


      No, time to move the fuck outta Africa!

    3. sick620


      elephant oil change time

  12. Bump? COme on, someone's gotta chime in with something!
  13. We can go through withdrawl together :D Ratsun brodas. Oh the agony.
  14. I want in on this thread... okay I'm done now. Thread polluted.
  15. Hey man, you got any pics with the freshly painted rims?? I'm kinda excited to see how they look on the car
  16. My GF says her eyebrow hurts. Discuss?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Laecaon


      Drink water... Probably a sort of headache, and being summer and all probably a little dehydrated.

    3. Skib


      bwahahahaha good :D i <3 screwing with ppl

    4. deadmonkey


      Falcon punch... she'll forget all about her eyebrow.

  17. Pics of the car? Thats a difficult choice
  18. Someone answer my question in brakes?

    1. Pumpkn210


      3 and a half!



      Your welcome!

  19. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/4768-ratsunnet-rising-sun-stickers/ http://community.ratsun.net/topic/13024-ratsun-rat-n-wrenches-decal-part-ii-new/
  20. X2 Also check for corrosion on terminals in the fuse box. I had a problem for some time where my turn signals and headlights wouldn't both work at the same time. Solved it by cleaning up some unseen corrosion on the fuse box.
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