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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. Shhh! We can't discuss buying/selling things in this part of the forum. I'll get banned. PM me. Umm.. nothing to see here mods. Move along.... just two dudes discussing things that relate to a BBQ meet.
  2. Sounds like we need to make it a stop on the Canby 2017 Trail.... And... back on topic.
  3. It would be like 30 pages. Basic summation of it is, most of my guys caught something at Foxxx's, a shit hole strip joint in Tacoma. The daytime tues DJ "DJ Soundline", a chick named Djinn (literally, that was her first name) and I were the only ones that didn't get said STD. I'd sit in the booth with her and openly shit talk off the mic while my guys were getting discount lap dances from Tacoma's C-Squad and JV strippers. It had somehow become my responsibility to make sure they didn't do "anything fucked up" as delegated by our Capt. As the "team medic" (a glorified EMT/Med Tech) I had to drive the van. They'd sit in the parking lot and POUND beers at 4:45p until they were all piss drunk and then stagger in. Somehow... they thought I WAS the DJ as Djinn wanted nothing to do with any of them. Apparently she knew which strippers were contagious.... and didn't want an STD. This only went of for a few weeks before it all got shutdown by our commander because she heard screaming coming out of the men's room. She was pissed about all these restricted duty profiles on her desk and called me in to "fucking explain myself". Technically she called in my whole team... but they were all trying to get antibiotics at sick call... so it was just me. I told her most of the first 5 min of the story and she kicked me out of her office... where I was smoked for about three hours for "not being a better wingman". they "blacklisted" Foxxx's so I didn't have to do that shit anymore. The name stuck though... I'm still friends with Djinn and several of my old teammates. So we still make jokes, and I kept the handle.
  4. Please tell me that place is still open. "Soundline" was the Tues day time DJ there... it became my handle because of some very, very funny shit that occurred there.
  5. What's wrong with winter camping? You need a lot more food because snowshoeing will eat calories, but it's still fun. I did a lot as a kid, then more in the Forest Service on wildfires. I've been in some pretty severe storms camping that made me start taking a tent. I have a Nemo and a Snugpack depending on if I'm solo camping or not. My camping group ground out after we lost three of us to unnatural causes, so I mostly go solo. Bags always packed for local adverse, season appropriate, camping. It's right next to my backdoor, just for those days that you're like "fuck people" and need a few days without seeing any of them.
  6. They're there, they're just not on. They're fluorescent, which I'm not a big fan of. I'll change them around when I need to, I've only been here since August. The majority of those totes have random S13 or 89 Toyota parts. I also have a shipping container full of shit at a friends house. As heretical as it sounds most of the time I spend in my garage is spent maintaining my body... not working on the 620. Waiting on parts...
  7. This will give you a basic idea... half of it is crossfit shit, the other half is tools, truck, heavy bag.
  8. It's not for me, it's a gift to the host. It's a cultural thing for my ethnicity, we bring gifts when invited somewhere. It's considered "absolutely motherfucking rude" to not do so. Lotta ppl don't give a shit, but I still do it because it's me. So, I'll bring better food. No big deal. I RARELY drink in public. Alcohol limits your blah, blah, blah, so I choose to drink sparingly. No bud for me though. I have a federal job with random UA's that I'll lose if I smoke. Plus weed limits your ability to blah, blah, blah. Cigars though, they just poison you... slowly... which I'm perfectly fine with. Lol
  9. Dry house = no booze and smoking inside is gross. When you go to a man's castle you follow his rules as law. No big deal, I'll just bring something else. I have a few friends that have dry homes for various reasons, it just means I bring nicer food.
  10. As long as you're not the DJ at Foxxx's we'll be good.
  11. I'd just like to take this opportunity to point out this post.... I about fucking choked on my cigar.... well played muck, well played.
  12. You have something to say RJ? Don't worry Ranman, I'll look you right in your face. I'm mucho better at shit talk in person. Too much gets lost in translation on a forum. You don't get tone, vocal inflection, body posture, gestures, or facial expressions. My voice carries like I'm talking into a megaphone too... so it's much more fun to sit around and bullshit with a group of car guys than to message them. At least for me. I don't need to be the king of shit. I'm much better as another joker in the deck.
  13. Hahahaha why would I hide my smartassedness? Like I said bro, I'm not hard to figure out. We can get our own little shit going on the side too. If you wanna do monthly coffee meets and bullshit sessions, that's totally doable too.
  14. Ok, so I'll bring some more sausages... Are dogs, cigars, and booze welcome in Hobo county?
  15. I should be at Hobo-fest. So, we can shit talk after a face to face.
  16. The other thing I'm looking for to complete the Datsun is a 74-77' Honda CB 500cc+. I'll cafe racer it.
  17. From what I've read, neither are you buddy. You definitely play the game.
  18. And I haven't spoken with you, Mr. Muck, so I won't make any derogatory comments towards you. However I chose to do so with Gato because it gets some yucks. It's more of a "the first person to laugh at an insult loses", versus me intentionally attempting to aggravate or humiliate the person I'm talking to, or about. If you would appreciate participating in my jests, feel free to PM me. Just let me know what's out of bounds. It's to build cohesion between members, not cause intentional harm.
  19. Who was Smoke? I actually only talk shit to people on here, like you, that have my digits. I make lewd jokes, but it's not hard to sort me out. If I get to you, hmu and I'll drop it off.
  20. Gato said you liked to watch. Lol Yeah inside jokes are much better in the moment. One of my instructors at the police academy would tell the people who were "acting" as criminals, to "channel your inner Oldman". To be honest... I didn't know wtf he was talking about. I had to google him because I didn't know who Gary Oldman was. This was considered heretical by my squad, so in the evenings, if they didn't fuck anything up, they'd get to pick a movie of his for me to watch....
  21. You're implying that I would act in the exact same fashion. I would not. I accept the things that I've done, and you disagree, we are at an impasse. The past cannot be changed. If you want to speak to me of my brother that was killed in Iraq or my Aunt that was killed on 9/11, you will need to do so to my face. Not on the internet.
  22. It's not exclusive to non-Iraqis either. You belonging to a different faith is sufficient cause for a beheading in the name of Allah. There's a higher esteem with killing anyone from a UN Country, especially Christians since they're still enraged about the atrocities from the Crusades. Basically, if you're not one of them, you are to be killed. That is their interpretation of their religious rights.
  23. I did read it, and the answer is "no". I have never kidnapped an unarmed non-combatant and ritualisticly beheaded them. Nor will I. The supposition that I would kidnap, torture, and kill Iraqis because I can/could is appalling Mike. I expect better from you, which is why I initially chose to ignore the comment. If you'd like to press this issue we can discuss it at Canaby in person. I won't debase myself into a debate with you on this forum.
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