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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. I think I have a few Glock shirts somewhere. You want me to kit up to go to Gatoland? Helmet, hard plates, NVGs in the daytime, ill shotgun two Rip-Its, put a MONSTER dip in my lip, and we'll show Pasco wtf is up. We can talk about polishing those stupid swirls out of our barrels and then stand in a circle as we urinate on a burning hi-point.
  2. Smith & Wesson Military & Police Edition Shield 9 is my preference between that and the Springfield XD 9. Like I said though, get the one you shoot better. There's not a significant difference in quality between them. I've shot the shit out of both. I like both. The P89 is a bit dated. The AR pistol is for fighting in a house. Long story, but here's what you need to know. This is SUPER important.... ...go get a pen and paper... I'll wait. ...no, not that pen, the other one... that one won't work... ...14.5". That's what you need. With a welded muzzle brake, you'll be at 16". That's a rifle. If you're gonna have a 5.56, get the rifle. Pistols are too limited and loud... and temperamental. Save up, buy a nice one, figure a grand, and just have an AR and an M&P or XD. No cerakote, slide milling, $2,000 optic or picitanny mounted flesh light.
  3. First, those guys are idiots. Sure, I have a few pimped out Guns, but it's because I'm a gun dork. My "on the job" Glocks have all factory parts. I polish a few things up, but they're all stock. I've had one for 17 years... has over 15,000 rds through it. Works fine. Second, he's fucking lying. Spring only goes in one way. Take an empty mag and look at the follower... its angled slightly... you flip that around bullets will go in but not come out. You flip it over... the base plate side of the spring is bigger than the follower side... that plastic thing won't fit. Gunsmiths use that as an inside joke that ppl took literally. Those people are fucking idiots and dangerous. H&K, Beretta, Smith, Colt, Springfield, Kimber, Nighthawk, Ruger... all make good guns. Shooters preference.
  4. I'd love to disagree with this by providing a well reasoned and referenced argument. As I'm unable to do so, I'll point out the one major thing they did was in advertising their products using "escorts".... that's really the only new thing. However, it's totally tangential to your statement. I've seen shitloads of guns blow up. My favorite Glock specific story, on of my compatriots, I'll call him 'Jake', at a private security firm I was doing a job for on loan from the company I worked for. We were teaching a firearms class to super rich and influential people and he was trying to show off. I was in the veeeeeery back of the room with two state senators from Co. I'd seen the writing on the wall with this show boating ass clown, so I figured I'd hide in the back, using the social elite as a meat shield. Of course, I realize the irony. The Sen's were both abhorred by Jake's behavior and were following my lead. Jake had a Glock 23 third gen with a Crimson Trace red laser guide rod.... not much says "I'm a douche" to a gun guy than that. Jake decides he's going to demonstrate that the weapon won't fire if the slide is out of battery. I do this same demonstration but... I use the blue slide one that fired paint pellets.... Ol' Jake decides he's gonna one up me by using his loaded pistol... against a concrete barricade. The Sen's and I have a maybe 4 ppl deep meat shield and I catch a glimpse of this asshole starting to do this. Here's the problem... the guide rod touched the cement... not the slide... that .40 S&W hollow point smacked straight into the stone snapping the frame and sending dust and shit all over. Not to mention only like 4 of us had ear pro on, in an indoor range. My ears were fine, cause I wear the volume adjusting 3M ones. The ricocheted bullet came back into the gun at a slight angle breaking dipshits hand and sending the frame frags back into him. A few ppl up front had minor injuries from the debris. I had to tape him up, but I did combat triage... so I helped the least injured patients first. He was shit canned, I taught the rest of the days of training and... I got my pay, and his pay for the days he missed. They're slowly making the grips better, improving materials with newer polymers... and shit. Minor changes. They're making the production models more like the guns I carry. Gustav did shoot left handed during initial testing of the 17 & 18. Really the best part about the Glock 17 is how simple it is to make it F/A. ;-) I like Glocks. I carried them for years, but they're not the only guns I have. I prefer their rake angle to their competition. Mostly because my right hand is mildly deformed from improperly set fractures. It comes down to personal preference with most modern firearms.. just no Hi-Points...
  5. The problem with the AK47 is... they work. I've seen ones that fire with holes rusted up the stamped steel receiver... We'll have none of this though... Unless you really do like Glocks.
  6. Comrade!!! You want gun to fight war? Although... umm... before you go waiving it around you should probably take your finger off the trigger, engage that weird, LOUD right side safety, and maybe lock the bolt back... oh wait... you can't. At least think about the camel statues safety... #CamelLivesMatter
  7. Web images. Mine are better. The cheek brace on the 9mm with the magpul pro pop up sights for a 9mm is fucking retarded, they're engineered for a 5.56 16" barrel. Therefore they won't let you make accurate, well placed shits with the 9mm cartridge. You can't get quick acquisition off them either, they're designed for slow, controlled distance fire, not compatible for this platform. The "anti-roll pin" on the lower will cause "trigger bind" in rapid fire situations, so the owner better practice malfunction clearances. That squeeze light has a battery life of like 17 min... so it's worthless. And the foregrip on there wouldn't fit my big mitts. That standard pistol mag with the Taran Tactical Base Plate is probably $50 and will hold 22 rds... a Glock factory 33 Dr mag can be found for half that... and holds 11 more rounds... also, no sling.... unless you have the worst kydex drop leg holster on earth... you're gonna be humping that pig all day, unnecessarily fatiguing your hands. That's a piss poor idea in a fight. The shotgun... oi... where to begin... that fucking pictanny rail has NOTHING on it... so it's just making you're weapon heavier for no reason. I know, it's being used to hold those pop up peep sights, but it's a fucking shotgun... throw that shit away. You don't see that on military or three gun competition shotguns for a good reason. Spend the money on something else, Black Aces make pretty guns but they're safe trophies. Buy an 870 or 500 series for $300, and use the $800 you saved buying another gun. What's the point of having a magazine fed, pump shotgun? It's form over function. Again, no strap... you don't wanna carry that, it's probably 7lbs, 8 loaded. It's gonna wear you down when you need to be crisp. No choke or muzzle break, and only one small recoil pad inducing unnecessary noise and recoil. Why tear your shoulder, eyes, and ears up for no reason? The AR pistol is gonna get you hung at trial. If you have shoot someone in self defense with that, you're gonna lose at trial. The teeth on it will blow your "jury support" and "jury sympathy" to hell in the unavoidable civil liability case. You'll dodge criminal charges if you do things properly but the civil suit will cost you your house. They'll paint you as a psychopath in ten seconds. Also.. that muzzle break is a super heavy piece of shit, the barrel is so short you'll only burn about half your powder cutting too much velocity off the round with a 5.56/.223. Again... no secondary support method, so hand fatigue. What do you do if your battery dies and you need a well placed shot? There's no backup sights... so when your knockoff Aimpoint fucks up, you're screwed. Or if you go hot/cold and fog your lenses up you're screwed. Blind fire and fatigued it won't hold up in the field. The Gen 4 Glock 26 just has aftermarket sights and a gaudy paint job. Again, in criminal or civil cases they'll tear you up because it looks more like a "toy gun". Remember to assume a jury will be the 12 stupidest anti gun assholes you've ever met. Sure it looks cool, but if you carry it, you'll wear off your finish. If you use it, you'll risk a huge lawsuit. Coating the take down pins is also... not a good idea. It causes premature wear on the gun, which means things those pins hold in place will either be too tight or too loose. After as little as 50 rounds you can start seeing failure to eject, fail to fire, fail to extract. The coating on it can cause that too if you don't polish it along the inside of the frame rails. You'll start to see "slide walk" or have the weapon fail to go into battery. The slidewalk is due to the abrasive nature of ceramic coatings wearing against the polymer. This will erode your frame, the serialized portion of the weapon and Glock will not replace it, so you'll need to buy a whole new gun... I could continue, but kinda pointless
  8. I know the teachers that carry locally have to go through annual qualifications. They're the exact same as the police. Literally, same instructors, same class.
  9. I'm just flipping you shit for finding some cool cars. You have over 500 pages of badassery. If it was a competition... I wouldn't even get a participation trophy. (<----- that's some yank shit where there are no points kept, and everyone gets the same prize so no one gets there feelings hurt.... something tells me this douchery hasn't made it that far south yet) Back to cars. 62' Ferrari GTO 250
  10. I checked with these guys today and they sell Aviation Gas. That's at the Richland Airport. Air travel to the Airfield in Ellensburg is temporarily suspended due to weather conditions but I'll let you know when my pilot lets me know if they sell av/gas there. https://www.airnav.com/airport/KRLD/SUNDANCE_AV Also he said this website was pretty good. Just plan out your route using this and call each station before you leave to make sure you can fill your car there. https://www.airnav.com/plan/fuel/
  11. Damnit VTR.... I spent a good 40 min looking for cool car pictures and then you just come in and dust me with this.... so much awesome in this picture.... This is the best response I have... but your shit is better.
  12. http://www.foxnews.com/science/2017/02/07/federal-scientist-cooked-climate-change-books-ahead-obama-presentation-whistle-blower-charges.html Whistle blower on Global Warming from NOAA....
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