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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. So, after following this thread for a while, solely based off the information and articles I've read here's my education suggestions. We are all being played. If the right and left keep us going at each other using tribalistic ideologies that our "tribe" is better than your "tribe"we'll never make effective decisions on how to make things better, and the corrupt will hold power. It's a good play from a psyops perspective. Keep people arguing over "who wore it better" and which Marvel movie is the best and they won't care who leads them. More people watch the super bowl in 'Merica than vote. It looks like most other countries are the same. I asked a visiting Canadian scientist today who the Gov. General of Canada is (David Johnston, he represents Queen Elizabeth II and her interests; and acts as the Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces) ... and she couldn't tell me.... but she could tell me how her local NHL team was doing. My suggestion would be to get involved at your local, provincial, state, county, district levels and follow what those people are doing. At least know who they are. That would have a much larger impact than attempting to convince others on your position via the internet. None of us can change MSM, but we could help get better local leaders into positions of authority.
  2. Yeah, we need you to pick out colors and curtains. And you can braid Kieth's hair while the rest of us work.
  3. I plan on invading Hoboland as well. And bringing steaks. And cash.
  4. How dare you skip a car event.... your Ratsun's designated, unpaid Australian car show correspondent. Keep this up I'll post more horned beetles in this thread. Put some 'Merican VW in here for ya'.
  5. Dude... I've seen air traffic control towers built by dudes in flip flops. They're pretty much standard footwear in 60% of the human population.
  6. Quitter. You can help Gato build his garage. He needs a "man's touch" in there.
  7. Of my three options, all of them run... but the floor is cut out in my 620 and no seat... mechanically it's fine now. I just need to redo the interior pieces. The solvent should be here Monday, and I'll have time next week to play with it. Carpet kit is in, seat foam, cover material are here, so is the industrial sewing machine. Once I get the floor done I'll do the seat, and then front disk brakes, stereo, kick panels, and she's ready for Canby.
  8. I'm honestly not sure how that's pronounced. I actually prefer to get news from Joe Rogan's podcast... mostly because he drinks, smokes weed, tells jokes, and... I STILL get more actual news than most "news" stations. And some funny stupid crazy shit. You... are... hoarding 620s... they better be a L22, a KA24DE, and a SR20DET truck if you're gonna collect them.
  9. lol, when are we hanging out Hobo?
  10. I could up the troll factor. Want me to redirect this thread into a dispute about political ideology? I could discuss recounts in Florida during Bush/Gore, talk about Roe v Wade, NWO, why Truman shouldn't have been elected, or about how the 1485 War of the Roses caused the shift in political climate spawning today's conservative v. Liberal fight? Or... just make up an indefensible argument. I'll randomly pick a religious ideology and proclaim it is THE ONLY WAY for all humans... Or.... you could just tell me what day your garage is getting fixed so I can run a saw and not my mouth.
  11. I think a couple of your moms hit me up on Tinder while I was away. If you're lucky I'll be your new stepdad.
  12. 620. There's a 210 part out locally on CL though Hobo if you need one. I sat in on the pre-construction meeting for gatoland today. It's gonna go swimmingly
  13. I'd like to find a new grill, speedo, tail lights and badges.
  14. So THAT'S where they all are.... some hermit is hoarding them. He parting one out? I could use a few pieces...
  15. Is it Kermie? So... it'll never be on the road?
  16. Come on... I was close. I'm only 3 years late...
  17. Got fucked by my phone on this post.... eh, whatever. My phone reversed the order of the pages and I didn't double check the date.... this is in response to page 1 not page 600+...
  18. You'll never see me w/out a gun. I have a 50 state carry right, including sanctuary cities, federal buildings, blah, blah, blah. I have to keep my training up or I lose it though. And pass a psyc. But whatever. I've stopped a few things. Glad I had it. But open carrying is asking for trouble.
  19. Lol, no one wants to get tagged by me. Do any of the locals have a 4x4 datto?
  20. If only all the moderators on this site embraced this concept. Good for you, I can't wait to see where this build goes.
  21. Scott Pruitt is the pick for EPA. Rick Perry will be running the Department of Energy if confirmed by the senate. http://www.amny.com/news/politics/senate-confirmation-hearings-for-trump-s-cabinet-picks-what-to-know-1.12789473
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