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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. I think Mr. Muck just volunteered for braiding duty.
  2. Nope, it was literally just a bunch of stupid college kids learning about how the Bill of Rights worked. I honestly didn't care about the WTO, I just wanted the extra credit for going. That's why my sign wasn't for or against anything. We couldn't push through and we're almost instantly swallowed in the crowd. It took hours of going in, finding one, pulling them out, going back, finding another and making them stay way the fuck back. Got the job done, those rubber rounds leave nasty welts, and the sonic shit they used was very painful. I got a surgical type mask from one of the aide stations but it didn't really help with the gas.
  3. Doesn't matter. Clackamas Co Fairgrounds says the event is outside their policy. They won't be associated with "hate groups" like DNW. Why can't I get the stupid popcorn icon to work?
  4. Fuck that, it's not my job to tell him the laws. I just talked to the OR AG's office and there's Civil case law in Oregon that would permit the person who refuses entry to be personally sued, the organizers to be individually personally sued, the county to be sued, and any organizations involved, including sponsors. All you need is one person with a legit medical dog to be turned away... and they're all fucked. Guess we wouldn't have to worry about parking passes next year. The fallout from this world shut it down. I CAN'T believe they'd be stupid enough to have this rule... a major lawsuit for this is in the media like once a month.
  5. "It is required by the fairgrounds that the owner has the service animal certificate with them and that the animal is wearing its service vest!" This is illegal. "When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, only limited inquiries are allowed. Staff may ask two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task." https://www.ada.gov/service_animals_2010.htm
  6. It felt very setup. It was too coordinated. This was in a time and place without smart phones or FaceTime. None of us had cell phones. There was clear comms between the cops, I know several guys that were there. At the Police Academy they brought in some cops from the State Patrol, Seattle PD, and a guy that was a Sgt in the State Guard to talk to us about it. Two others in my class had been there as protesters. Most of the colleges in the state had offered credit, or had organized trips to attend the protests. I'm sure my professor had no clue. She resigned right after. Once we got there, our friends in masks and bandannas moved us up. I was 18. No mask, just a sign that said "respect our opinions". The people in masks that I saw were all fit, strong, and moved as though they knew what they were doing. In hindsight I had all kinds of warning bells going off. I wanted to leave once my Vans hit the pavement but there were 5 of that had ridden over in a station wagon, and I hadn't driven. Now when I attend a protest, it's different. I go alone. I take my kit, and I use my WTO experience to my advantage. I stay in the back, no sign, no mask. I know my exits, and if I don't like something, I walk.
  7. This isn't the first time. http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/WTO-riots-in-Seattle-15-years-ago-5915088.php Read through that. At the end... our friendly neighborhood paid protesters get paid AGAIN by the city. Those 157 arrested split $1.25M in payouts. I was at those riots on 1 & 2 Dec 1999... it was insanity. The exact same shit that's going on now. The protesters attacking businesses were coordinated. Those of us that were just stupid kids trying to be peaceful were forced into the police sucking in lung fulls of tear gas, and pelted with less leathal rubber rounds. They kept shoving us from behind to keep us as a meat shield between them and the police. The cops called in every available officer from every jurisdiction in the state. They worked in rotating shifts, sleeping in military tents that were set up in the "no protest zone". By the time my friends and I were able to find all of us and gtfo it was nearly dawn... I couldn't believe what I saw there. I went as part of a college course on the Bill of Rights.... I was getting my associates degree in criminal justice and I saw how broken the system really was.
  8. They can't. The police are outnumbered BADLY.... In the county that I used to live in had probably 10:1 official gang members to cops... based on claimed gang affiliation upon arrests and incarcerations. Add in everyone that's affiliated with groups that have bad intentions that have never been arrested.... you have no idea how many there are out there.
  9. You know that La Raza is a left wing hate group? They're affiliated with many Norteano Street Gangs. "The Race" is mostly about killing all white, black, and Asian people.... it's like the Latin version of WANGS.
  10. Rifles can be loaded inside a private residence or building. If driven somewhere you have to have the rifle unloaded. If you have a concealed carry permit you can carry a loaded concealed handgun in your motor vehicle in motion. Same with motorcycles. Further.... there is no clear case law on how many concealed handguns you can carry. The most I've ever personally seen was 11... on a Hobo with a backpack. That Hobo will be exempt from Hoboland Bum Fights. 2 is very, very common. Aaaaaaand in my county basically 1:8 ppl have a permit. 1:12 have a handgun on them. We have a suuuuuper low crime rate. Considering how many people are walking around with guns, very few shootings.
  11. Open carry, anyone over the age of 21, that can legally own a handgun can open carry in any area not listed as a "gun free zone" or specifically prohibited, like police stations, court houses, establishments whose primary revenue comes from serving alcohol, or some higher education facilities. It's best to check before. Businesses and private facilities can restrict persons from entering their facilities with open carry firearms. Not many do, but they can refuse you service and ask you to leave. Or call a patrolman to remove you and have you trespassed from their market or whatever.
  12. So let's talk about Gun Laws. Here in WA State, 'Merica, you can open carry, we have no duty to back down, we have a mutual combat law, civis can legally shoot and kill anyone committing a possible felony assault on anyone in their immediate presence, civis can shoot anyone who by any means unlawfully enters a dwelling, and cops can shoot you while you're asleep in your car if they see a firearm. Most schools have teachers that carry concealed. We're instituting laws requiring schools to have active shooter response plans, and we have about 12,000 guys/gals that can carry anywhere except commercial airplanes. We also have a "shall issue" clause with regards to legal concealed carry permits for civis who don't require any training, just paying a nominal fee (typically less than $100 USD) that's issued by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the residing jurisdiction of the individuals home. Typically the chief in a city or the sheriff if they live in the county. Anyone over 18 that passes the ATF background can buy a rifle same day. Anyone WITH a concealed carry permit can buy a handgun with a clear ATF background same day, 3 day grace without. If the firearm has a barrel under minimum length you can buy it with a Federal Firearm Law Tax Stamp $200 takes about 4 months. Same thing with purchasing suppressors, and explosive rounds. Full auto firearms are illegal here unless they were purchased before their prohibition. You can also possess most explosives... which is really weird. And you can have ballistic body armor, as long as you don't wear it during the commission of a felony crime. Lastly, you can't have any firearms with ivory on them. So... some freedom... but some restrictions.
  13. Just tell them you want the "Charlie Sheen Special". #8Balls&Aids
  14. Now take the woman out that bought you the car.
  15. I met the Gato Mother, she's a very intelligent woman. Go take her out to a nice dinner and leave the trolling to those of us whose V-Day looks like this.
  16. Why is it that I can call a Toyota dealer and get preeeeeeetty much anything for my 89' pickup? I ordered a speedometer cable and got a brand new factory one. But I can't do that for my 2000 Jeep? Or my 09' Cummings... the or the Buick?
  17. Your .gif is missing a ball gag. Just in case my source is wrong on my earlier comment. https://www.gg.ca/index.aspx
  18. I thought we were stopping by Foxxx's? I'm positive you could find both of those things there. And maybe be more positive after.....
  19. I'm sure Hobo can find you a nice blonde wig, then corn row your pubes.
  20. Only if we can follow it up by a Glass Bottom Boat. Besides, I thought you said "I hate (this) thread" and "I never post in it"
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