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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. I was there. I know plenty about Iraq. And yes, Canadian Forces were with US Forces during the invasion. They will rape and kill you as quickly as they would me.
  2. Steve isn't a marin now. He's a pvt contractor like I was. That job is crazy, but he's right. They would kill you in a second.
  3. No, because you know every car in Yakima. I'll hit you up after I get back about an S13.
  4. Fine, fine, you can be the zebra. How good are you at determining freshly pee'd pants, and already had been pissed in pants? I was basing my assumptions off the concept that Gary Oldman is in everything... although his performance in The 5th Element was paramount.
  5. It's like you're running the chop shop.
  6. Fuckin' A. That would be correct. I used the wrong vein/vain/vane. Too many languages, too early in my day. Buuuuut... you're not opposed to forking? Gato's Bumfights 2017 is gonna be the best event yet. One of said bums has asked if he can wear a costume. I'm voting yes.
  7. Never give up. Yellow arrow: Upload yo' image. Blue arrow: Copy that shit, paste in your text reply.
  8. No flip flopping Hillary. I got da' emails. You signed off on the bum fights already. Too late, you're fighting a good one now. I'd like to have this amended to "no forking". Thou shalt not take the Oldman's name in vein.
  9. Love those wheels. They're so 1996 it hurts.
  10. Well then, it's settled. Sausage Party!!!
  11. And that sir, is how you post a meme.
  12. He lives in Naches.... if he doesn't have cars in his yard.... there's nothing to break up the sounds from his neighbors...
  13. Which is why you have the Goon. Load them all up, and bring them all down.
  14. Nissans break.... they're like Jeeps. If you want a car that runs, buy a Honda or a Toyota.
  15. It's tri-coat red with that dark solid black exterior? That paint looks clean enough you could shave in it.
  16. YOU CAN SEE THE FUTURE!!!! I've eaten bacon and drank garden hose water before. 80's baby and GWOT made me.
  17. That was Walker Wilkerson. I've met him a few times, nice dude. I'm actually terrible at drifting. I didn't have what it takes to go pro ten years ago, I definitely don't have it now. I'd make an S13 garage queen. I don't wanna break anymore 240's. #S13LivesMatter
  18. Nah, I was living in Federal Way. My integra Type-R was stolen in Yakima and stripped though... Yes, all jokes aside one of my degrees is in Electronic Systems. Which I literally went to night school to get, while I was in the military, so I could get my fucking blinkers to work properly.
  19. The VQ I had was hard to drive. It just felt off balanced, it was a motherfucker to swap it too. It's easier to put a chevy LS than the VQ. The RB car was my favorite exhaust note. It was a fucking straight piped drift slut. Loud, and hammered... at one point my dash was zip tied in place in that car... loved it though. She'd turn heads though. Mostly outta disgust. It was stolen and stripped down to the frame though...
  20. Nice truck bro, you bringing it to Gatoland? You running an SR in it?
  21. Lol, I've done it. I started with an 89' in 03'. KA24E, I put ITB's on it. I'd spin the rollers at like 124 whp on a mustang dyno. Then I went to a KA24DE, I ended up putting a turbo kit I pieced together with pieces of Mitsubishi's, Subaru's, all kinds of crap. I got it up to I think 170 whp before I grenaded the block due to catastrophic overboost. I did my first SR Swap in my second S13 in 04'. Took me FOREVER to get that bastard to turn over. I thought for like three weeks I'd spliced the harness wrong. Turns out my starter was dead... After that, game on. I loved that second S13. Then I imported one legally. It was an 89' Sil-80 with the CA18DET in it... and it was black... that was my baby. I've run KA, CA, SR, RB20/25, and a VQ35DE car. Love all of them. Some ppl like classic mustangs... I love S13's
  22. If you're serious, PM me the details. SR is an easy SWAP... super easy. It's a nice car Kermie. I like it and I like that you are keeping the KA.
  23. There won't be anything to wash it down with.
  24. It's a pig nose so it if the stock engine is in it, it's a single cam. I'd have a fucking SR20 in there in a weekend.... I probably have a KA oil pump. I still have lots of S13 parts.... I'll let you know if I get serious about buying one, I'll pay a finders fee if you find me one a magnet will stick to the rear quarter panels on both sides.
  25. Rule is still in effect. But.... since you're the king rat, you get to pick your bum.
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