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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. Except if you ask a girl if she wants to see your roasted meat, she not expecting to get a full frontal of your taco saber... Is Golden Gardens still going? I used to take an S13 when I lived on the other side of the mountains. Last time I was there was like 2010. It was fun. Lotta cool old school shit.
  2. I'm also not keen on groups of ppl. Not my thing. Which is why I work on my shit in the garage and play troglodyte. So are we doing the "hello my name is" name tags? It's REALLY hard for me to not write "fuck off" on those... and never hand me a sharpie. I start drawing protection symbols of the Great Lama Drukpa Kunley,
  3. I used to teach courses on firearms to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. People that had never held a firearm before. Some of those ppl do competition shoots now and I get lots of stories about ignorant fucks out of my former students. Favorite story so far, cowboy action shoot. One of the trick shooters, that pistol twirling shit, was showing off. In a single action only, if you press the trigger with the hammer forward, nothing happens. You have to manually cock the hammer. So he's spinning a single action something and one of the other participants asks him if he could spin a S&W 442 (.38 spcl double action). Dick face doesn't check the weapons condition and as he flips it over his shoulder and catches it, he cracks a round off striking another shooter in the meaty portion of the thigh, who in turn draws and fires center mass with his cowboy action pistol. A .38, light loaded with shot.... This... is why I don't comp shoot.
  4. Watch my thread... there will be a plethora of fuck ups I'm sure. Might have to make a few of them to get what I want. Which is why I bought an industrial Singer sewing machine. I fully intend on running that bitch into the ground getting this the way I want it. I was honestly planning on trailering the truck down, but I saw what Redeye took last year.... and honestly gained a lot of confidence in my truck. There's no electrical tape on the break lines, or fist sized cracks in the exhaust manifold.
  5. A good friend of mine tried to convince me the literal translation for "asada" was sword.... he wanted me to use it as a pickup line.... If we're doing potluck I'll bring something cold, because my shit is slow...
  6. So... 25th? 32? Tuesday? We caravaning from tricities kitty or what?
  7. I'm in. Industrial sewing machine should be here tomorrow and the rest of the parts for reupholstering my seats should be done by next week. Barring anything else fucking up.... ...always put that in there. Always.
  8. That's some impressive cable work. I'm amazed at the ingenuity I see on here. This car has had so many bottom fixes done to keep it on the road, it's nice to see someone actually going back and redoing it correctly.
  9. I think I can piece it together. I have a knack for pulling shit together-ish and a few friends I can call in if I get hung up. It won't be some shit that would win first prize at a fucking Audi meet, but it'll be done by me. That way I know where every little flaw is. Changing the seat and carpet make an entire difference rig smell. Get all that ol' funk out.
  10. Eh, just tape over it with duct tape like a p\o did on mine. No one will know. I've only seen loose connections like that in rigs that spent a lotta time in the Forest Service. The vibration from driving fast on rough roads could do that. That's the fun part of having an old rig.
  11. It's all ordered up. I'm guessing it'll take at least two "Barney the Purple Dinosaur" production worn costumes, maybe 3. I hit up eBay and they're cheap as fuck. So, once the dinosaur skins come in, it's game on.
  12. Like a fucking BAWSE!!! Love it. Whole concept and execution came together nicely. I like the triple speaker door/kick panels?
  13. Alright then, fuck it, I'm game. Worst case, I'll farm it out. Seriously though, I can't do any worse than the seat cover that's currently there. I'm looking up sewing machines and fabrics. My buddy suggested I use latex, however I don't want my 620 to look like an S&M dungeon on the inside. I'd actually like to use more of a canvas style material that wears well and will take to scotchgard.
  14. We would get absolutely nothing done.... I know us. He was EOD (disarmed bombs) and got out with no desire to work for anyone else, and no experience in upholstery. He built his own business in three years I jokingly jib him about making custom pontoon boats for gator hunting reality tv stars. I'm definitely gonna do some more research on this before I pull the trigger. I build all kinds of shit I have no formal training in. It's literally four seams. I might fuck around a little just to see how it looks.
  15. Yeah, I watched a bunch of tutorials on how to put your markers and anchor points on the fabric. Making sure you line those up is the key.i won't have the same finished product because I fucking hate vinyl. It just takes some patience and going slow on a sewing machine.
  16. I covered some of this in my build thread, but I'll start one here to get wider opinions. Im going to swear in this thread. If such words offend you, feel free to throw a block party on me. If you're still reading, you're my kind of fucking person. Ok, how hard can it be to do anything? Few YouTube videos, an Internet forum, and a shitload of time can solve nearly all problems. This, is kinda where I started. Im going WAY out on a limb to say that is not a factory Walmart cover.... Under that, is this: Under this is was four black widow spiders.... which... equals bug bomb. Seriously... I'm out. I hate spiders. Dunno why, just not my thing. So, while I'm locked outta my garage for the next, whatever the directions on that can say, what do you think? Can a guy, with zero sewing experience, acceptably reupholster that seat? I need to fix some of the springs, but the frame is in good shape. I'll need new burlap, then cut the stock seat cover apart, trace it out on new fabric, and sew it back up. Then hog ring it all back together. What do you think?
  17. Do you have 'that friend' who randomly calls you out on shit that he knows he can handle you in? I definitely have that friend. Fortunately he's in Florida. So I'm talking to him about my 620 because the dude does custom interior shit that is top shelf. So I send him a pic of my situation. He laughs at me and so we start peeling back the layers. I don't have all the pics because this devolved into drinking and FaceTime... but here's the gist. "Take that $9 wal-mart seat cover off and show me the good." What are we at a wet t-shirt contest, well whatever. "Ah hahahaha you're fucked." "Oh God, shut that light off and put a bag over both our heads." "That's not that bad. Who the fuck wrapped your steering wheel? Helen Keller?" Conversion continues to spiral until, under threat, he agrees to actually help. Apparently, this is not "that fucking hard" to fix. The factory seat cover is in fact fucked, but, it's 43 years old. It's stitched vinyl "hog ringed" (not sure if this is a technical term, or just pan handle Floridian... seriously... not sure) over padded foam, over a burlap, horse hair, burlap sandwich. That's on top of a metal mesh. Some of which is broken. So I thought "fuck it, I'm out". After a discussion about where gators shit, we came to the conclusion that "it's not that hard" to fix the original seat and recover it. I thought there was some 'magic bullet' to doing interior upholstery. "Hell no, I'd just cut that shit out with a razor. Trace it on new material. Then charge you $500 for the pleasure of me sewing it back together." It seems the only 'magic' that would occur in his shop would involve him and my mom.... yeah... let that sink in. In response to the drunken Floridian I decided I could probably do this shit myself. Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Post them up. Who's the resident Ratsun interior guru? Lemme guess... its Mike. ;-)
  18. Unfortunately it was a "Last one" that's now unavailable. After I cut the parts I need, you're welcome to the rest. I doubt I'll use more than 1/3 of it.
  19. Shiiiit I had a forest of S13's for a while.... and... alas....I now have none. Divorce is such an ugly thing.
  20. That shit is wild up there. I drove through on New Year's Eve like 2013, sounded like Falluja. Sooooo many full auto AKs and fucking pipe bombs going off by the fairgrounds.... give a motherfuckin' Cymru flashbacks...
  21. Shit... don't fall asleep in your car at the fucking Car Wash in Yakima... at LEAST in Pasco you gotta be awake to get shot.
  22. She runs fine, I just disassembled a bunch of shit to try to clean it up. She won't be as cool as your 520, but I might eventually catch up. And yeah, I took an early retirement to get the fuck out of Yakima...
  23. Gotttdamn... you just laying motherfuckers out on the table and smashing nuts with yo' fuckin' hammer. You better remind ppl not to throw rocks and shit while they're in Pasco.
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