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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. That's the place. I'm new around here, I moved in in Aug and I got messed up at the site in Sept. been indoors a lot since. Just healing up and waiting. I'll be sure and put some good stickers on it once I get it squared away. I'm tapped out for tonight though. I'll move trucks around tomorrow and pull the Datsun back in.
  2. Nah, just cut it homie. I'll be over here though.
  3. Hey, as long as they give me a window and work within it, I'm cool. If the machinist says "I'll give this back to you by next February." Then in March I'll come looking. You give me a price and a window, I'm in, no bullshit. You miss a deadline without communication, we have a problem. I'm glad to hear you've each got a guy. Now I need to borrow a guy for a job, then you can have him back. I've met a few hot heads, they tend to race cars. I can deal with that to as long as respect is maintained. I asked for some reputable shops, I got some. When I'm ready to pull the trigger, I'll tag one of them in.
  4. That's exactly where I got it. Shit hit CL, and I'd been looking for a 620. So, I pounced. Not exactly what I wanted, but for the low price, I pulled the trigger.
  5. Actually I wrote that post at like 4a and my iPad died. I thought it posted then... but I guess it posed now.... fucking apple and their shit. So the "hobo" part of that post was about the splitter under the drivers side that's not hooked to anything.
  6. Thank you sir. I'll start sorting this shit out once I roll the Datsun back in tomorrow. I think I finally figured out why my Jeep has been running like shit. 3 of 4 O2 sensors were the wrong part number.... so, I put four fresh NTK ones in it. They're supposed to like those ones, so we'll see how it runs now.
  7. Fuck Gato, I like it! I like the older models but I thought a 620 was more in line with my long term goals. You saw the CL post. Dude had the truck for a looooooong time and got sick. He was hanging everything up and his daughter was closing things down. So I get why he did what he did on the truck. No hard feelings, I just get spun up sometimes. It's a character flaw you most likely won't see in person. Unless someone is harming the defenseless, disabled, a woman, or a child. Then you'll see how I actually handle bad business. Hobo, that's kinda what I was thinking but I can't find a second tank. So I'll bail on it and rubber stopper the hole.
  8. Which is why I'd find an extra head, and send it in. I'm patient. I've been building cars since I was 14. I started like everyone else, working on a piece of shit to flip, and did a frame off resto on a 68' Bronco. I farmed out the engine, trans, xfer case, and did the rest. You could tell a 15 year old kid did it.... but I got better. I moved into imports after my first deployment in 2003. I've been a Nissan guy since. I talked to my old S13/14/15 buddies about this and they told me to follow the recipe that worked so great for us when we first started working with SR Swaps, which were uncommon 13 years ago, find a specialist. Because of my previous job, I'd get called in for wiring. If I got stuck, I have a few dudes that I could call. I've learned that if someone does something 50 times with an S13 wiring harness he knows some shit that a guy that's done 5,000 B series swaps in Hondas won't know. Also, I learned I'm no race car driver. I have a fair amount of training, but I push too hard. I'll err on the side of "more" vs "not enough". Which means I'm better at chasing something than being chased. And.. I'm worthless in a drag race. It holds no interest for me. So, low, slow, carbed, L20B with a good head, intake & exhaust with a good carb setup and I'll be grinning driving my mismatched paneled 620. If these shops were in Baltimore, I'd find something more my level. I never go to MD. But Cali is a fun break from 20 F in Feb.
  9. Yeah, I get your point. But those two shops are both close to mi familia. I have business I can do while I'm there. Cali trip is not a huge inconvenience. I'm out and about collecting airport stubs more often than I really like. I'll talk to both shops when I'm in cali next in Feb and see what they say. From your posts on Canaby... I kinda figured you were skipping it. Inconsistent parking/camping/access fees along with t-shirt and entrance tickets killed you off.... I can't promise I'll be anywhere that far in advance. Gotta check the rotation roster the month before. I did however leave a msg with Au Canadá to find out if their State Dept took me off the list. If so, I'll be heading to Vancouver for R/R
  10. Now that I know the players I can get in the game. Wayno, this will never happen with me. I'll go right to the source. Face to face. Not a keyboard warrior. It won't really fix the problem. If I have a shop build me something and I like/don't like it, they're gonna see the expression on my face. Good or bad bro. On the same token, when I finally do see Mike, Gato, Matt, and others I'll thank them personally for their help on this project. I'm not a big crowd person, but I'll eventually run into you guys.
  11. American Racing (Made in the good ol' *cough* PRC).... 15's Looking down.
  12. Is this yoooooooour truck Gato? Did you bless me with all these fun problems? J/K homie, it's cool, I knew it was a mess when I bought it. Dude told me as much. Yeah, I'm down whenever. Truck will be outta commission for a little bit, but I'll get it there. And yeah, there were more Skylines until WSP's import task force crushed them... I have seen some crazy cars here though. Lots.... lots.... of $$$ here.
  13. Which is what I need. Names of ppl that I could hand a good head, and get back a better one. You read a bunch of one way reviews on someone's website, doesn't really mean much. But I'd prefer someone you guys have dealt with that has a better rep than 1 of 3 being fucked up.
  14. Yeah Matt, I found some very clear pictures on an older thread, and did some digging. This place isn't for me... Gato, I'm putting together a plan to pull the head I have on the truck and replace/rebuild it with one that has actually been ported, polished, new cam, valves, and such. I'd like to eventually be able to run 130 hp out of the L20B base. This will definitely require some head work that's beyond my scope of expertise. I have no problem paying for what I'm getting, but I take it personally when someone fucks me over. I totally understand that shit happens and things go wrong, but if it was intentionally done, we have a problem. Not trying to be a keyboard warrior, once I'm in better shape I'm sure I'll meet a few of you and we can all chuckle about this together. Currently I need to fix the wiring, fix the passenger floor, do something with my non-existent rocker panels, and upgrade to disc brakes. I work out at the site and those ppl drive like idiots.....
  15. Lol, based on your listed location which is pretty close to Ranch Cucamunga... I'll go out on a limb and say you've encountered them before? If I remember right 101 will take you straight there, and depending on traffic is anywhere from an hour to.... a week to get there. As you can tell, I hate traffic in SoCal.
  16. They have NAPA in Canada? Maybe I will have to see if I've been taken off the Persona Non Grata as was agreed at the time the stipulation was put in place. Yeah, I ran a check on a couple business licenses that were selling "NOS" parts and they came back dirtier than a gas station men's room after a chili feed. Like I said, if I get fucked over, I'll knock on the responsible persons door so we can have a chat. The CA Datsun place is a little pricey but they have some head work available that I like. Before I send someone more than a few hundred bucks though, I like to see how they handle smaller transactions.
  17. Cool, at least knowing what system it attached too will let me trace it out in the shop manual.
  18. Have any of you done business with: https://www.californiadatsun.com/tag/18-620.html Just curious, was gonna order a few things. My week has been retarded so I haven't made it to any junk yards. Got shut down for a few days, which happens unfortunately. So I've been working on wiring issues. I'm slllllooooooowly working my way through them. I found some NOS sites online that seems... umm... eh, I'll just say it, sketchy as fuck. Any suggestions? If I get shipped fake shit, for real shit price.... I'd be the dude that would bring it back to you in his carry on.
  19. I see what you're talking about. Do you know what that vacuum should be connected to? The second piece actually has a small bolt that comes up into the cab. When the shop manual arrives I'll check it against what I'm looking at. I'm taking a break from this mess today.... as I have another mess that I need to focus on. Gonna have to eat this elephant one bite at a time. I cut all the excess wires out, hooked everything back up, and it runs. Headlights work, still no tails, but they're on their way. I checked the voltage regulator with my multimeter and the voltage output is within specs for the original L18. Looks Like the L20 runs off the same operating voltage. No big surprise there. I put the regulator back on the fender where it was supposed to be bolted. I'm looking at Windshield washer replacement bottles as... there literally isn't one, and something I like for a fluid catch can.
  20. Ok.... let's play a fun game called "What the fuck am I looking at?" I have rewritten this several times because I wrote it and got fucking confused.... so feel free to ask questions. The yellow arrow is pointing at something that seems important because it's metal and between the carburetor and brake master cylinder in the picture. It is, as you can see... attached to nothing. Before I throw it into my magic bin of unknown wires and unattached parts... I'd kinda like to know what it is/was. Ready for number 2? The flashlight is showing you where on the truck this part is located. Since I couldn't use my words... I'm pointing to you on the doll the bad man touched me... Again... not even a hint of what this goes to. I have like four hunches and... they're all wrong because I can't find shit in the service manual. Which... probably means my hate filled haze of the hacked wiring hasn't subsided, but I wanted you to take a look at this while I sleep so I can wake up refreshed to how obvious the answer is. Feel free to heckle me for not putting this together on my own. I expect original insults though. Put some quality effort into it. Lol Thanks again guys/girls/either/both.
  21. I've spent most of today finding out what a fucking train wreck the wiring is in this thing.... Let's cover a few high points... the voltage regulator was bypassed onto a circuit running the ignition... The stero was wired using power from the headlights... There's duct tape patching the fuel line... 4 fuses were bypassed with hard wiring... So far I've discovered 44 wires that don't actually go to anything. So... standard datto. Lol It's just going to drive me nuts until I fix this wiring. These are the kind of short cuts that make for a long walk and a huge tow bill.
  22. Holy goat shit batman.... apparently... the proper thing to do, when you blow a fuse.... is just wire around it. I actually lost my cool on the mess... and had to close shop and walk away. Normally my cursing is jovial, light hearted swearing that's good for the soul. 43 fucked up wires later and I get mad. Everyone has a threshold and experience has taught me when you hit that point.... close the hood and doors and walk away. That's when you start fucking yourself over. On the plus side, I fixed my headlights from being able to decide to turn themselves the fuck off. Electricity is lazy, if you give it the option to go to ground where you soldered your radio into your headlight wire.... without putting an insulator on it... the electrons will short to ground. Trust me, no matter how badly you want your Clarion Cassette player to work, this isn't the hot wire you should tap. Turns out seeing where you're going > listening to the radio. The iPad is a fine device but it doesn't work worth two shits if your hands are filthy. So I ordered an actual used service manual so I can touch the paper. Also... overheating is inevitable if you have a coolant hose that goes from just below your radiator cap, to nothing.... dumping out onto the road. Duct tape... is not designed for fuel lines. I don't care what you've heard in the truck stop men's room... that's not a "fix" that's a band aide on a bullet wound. Eventually you're gonna bleed out. There's also some kind of valving bolted from the factory under the driver seat. I have absolutely no fucking clue what that's for. There's a nearly identical valve assembly right next to the carburetor on the fender that's hardlined back into the frame rail. I haven't checked to see where this goes. I'd take a picture... except I'd shove the poor little bastard off a cliff if I walked back in there right now. Basically, my truck is a zombie... I can't explain why it runs at all, but it still runs. Honestly though... this is probably good for me to be forced to redo everything.
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