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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. America must remember her allies and agreements made by presidents of the past? In that case we owe Russia the WWII war reparations Roosevelt promised Stalin, and we need to unbomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Russia was supposed to attack from the north, china from the west and the allies from the south. Following that path would have kept us OUT of the Cold War... but Truman was a fucking idiot. Now, we need a unified front. America is in a serious situation currently. There is peril on more sides of things than they are letting on. The Paris Accord is viewed as a way to keep third world countries from developing into first or second world countries. If you talk to people in Brazil and tell them they need to close their factories because of carbon emissions and watch their kids starve to death rather than chop down the rain forest to make farmland... they'll tell you to get fucked. We have to go one on one to make real headway. If you tell Brazil, we'll teach you better farming techniques so you just have to use the rain forest you've already cleared you have a dialogue. Each country needs to come to the table as an individual nation to do what makes sense for them in a one on one. Much more effective than trying to establish a global rule, which is perceived as the American Empire in the lower GDP countries. The Paris Accord doesn't take the lower GDP countries into adequate consideration. Therefore it will fail.
  2. sooo we are doing name tags? If that's the case soundline is actually spelled with a symbol, kind of like how Prince used a symbol for his name. Kinda looks like this: B=====D
  3. Thanks guys. If I were gonna wheel I'd do a straight axel swap.
  4. I don't have an exact count but... hundreds of rounds fired at me. That's just inside American boarders. I took jobs protecting people. I put myself in those situations because there are legitimate threats to good people. I'd do it again. I believe that if you can protect someone, you should. Both of those shootings I became a meat shield.
  5. Look, those ppl know the Benghazi thing isn't over. They were the same team that did the transition from Bush to Obama and had been in place for the last 9 years. Those people are not getting hired by anyone but Erik Prince. They won't be picked up by a private firm because they're under active investigation. Second amendment, I have been shot TWICE in America. You will find no single individual in this country with a firmer stance on gun control. Use both hands, apply smooth controlled pressure, and don't anticipate the recoil. Both times I was shot it was by a convicted felon that had illegally obtained a firearm. If you want to defend yourself and others you should. Take a class, get a permit, buy a gun, train often. Criminals do.
  6. Actually my last warn winch was too fast for such a light rig. I have come-alongs and a highlift jack with straps and all that jazz. I don't "wheel" it. I mostly just camp. I don't like to break my shit, which is what wheeling is... I have a nice LC Engineering 22RE on a stand waiting to replace what it came with. Should give me a 30% increase in power with all the other shit.
  7. Currently you can sign up for DHS's daily report. It's all the declass stuff they brief the president on... seriously... I read it everyday for the last 8 years. It's entertaining, apparently it will only be more so. All of that is correct. But... only if you're talking commercial scale. Individual homes can be equipped with battery packs and solar charging stations from Tesla. They were offering them to "preferred owners" at $36k just before I decided I'm not remotely pretentious enough to continue to drive a Tesla... anymore. That was over a year ago, and I haven't bought a house that I'd want to keep enough for the investment. It's cheaper just to crack the wifi signal off yo' meter with an iPhone.... won't save any polar bears... but it allows you to pick how much you think you should pay each month for power. Yes, I'm serious. No, I don't have the app.
  8. You can literally build the panels too... I've seen the STEM nerd kids do it. We have a National Research Lab here and all those brainy fuckers kids go to the STEM school. Literally geniuses breeding more geniuses. Their science fair is a trip. In the sixth grade my shit was on Lima bean sprouts... these little bastards are doing theirs on creating bacteria that eat oil if it's spilled in the ocean....
  9. We actually did drop farms. Bridges, power plants, schools, everything needed for updated infrastructure. We've probably done more in the way of updating infrastructure in Iraq/Afghanistan than we have here in the last 8 years. The real money is in those reconstruction projects after the fighting when the country you "saved" is saddled with "war reparations" that are backed by the US. https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2016/07/12/14/31/NA071416-Iraq-Gets-IMF-Loan-to-Support-Economic-Stability There's a SHITLOAD more of these, but that's a $5 billion dollar loan to Iraq to rebuild. US businesses are making a killing off that kind of deal. When I retired from global market work and refocused on nuclear technology I was getting paid exponentially more that I will ever be worth working in those kinds of countries.
  10. Thanks buddy, I'll do 2" high density and we'll see how that goes
  11. Thanks, I have a new engine for it in the garage. I figured I needed a spare 22re, but the original runs so nice I haven't swapped it
  12. Yeah, looking at grid production right now our dam is making 23%, -3% solar, 8% wind, everything else is coming outta the reactor. Solar this far north in latitude is not great in the short days we have. And it's overcast, but they're no making enough to run their own diagnositics. Best choice for renewable on an island is a tidal generator. On a volcanic island I can't imagine why they're not using geothermal like Iceland does. Those are two massive energy sources that are relatively easy to harness. CA is nowhere close to being sustainable.... but really not many states are.
  13. Cartels have been using these bitches since they hit the market. Wanna get freaked out about it? watch this: http://nationalbirdfilm.com US has killed A LOT of civis with them shits. Isis has seen how devastating the outgoing administration used them. They're just turning the tables.
  14. Really good question. The first reactor ever built is this one, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/B_Reactor It broke ground in Oct 44 and had achieved reaction by Sep 45, 11 months later. When the gov is doing something for a weapons project the red tape evaporates. They just made slugs for bombs there. It's still standing and you can tour it. If you do it let me know and I'll try to schedule so I can be there. I have a bit more access. I don't have the plans for those on my plate. I know they've been discussed and you could file a FOIA with the Dept of Energy and they'll tell you. I don't have a security clearance at this place, so I'm not divulging anything that's not readily available on the internet. Honestly this tells you everything you need to make the bomb listed... it's not rocket science.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Man There you go North Korea.... now you just need to reverse the chemical equations and you'll know how to make big boom... considering they've had a reactor since 63' they've probably had nuclear weapons potential since 64', 66' at the latest. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_power_in_North_Korea I tried to find a link to my favorite little nerds "perpetual drone" but his Facebook page is locked. Must be grounded. I'll msg his dad tomorrow and see what's the what on that thing. But thermocouples are hella easy. You just take two dissimilar metals and link them together. The energy potential between them creates electromotive force creating an electromagnetic field. This is what your thermostat probably works off to electronically determine temperature. Unless you have old equipment with Mercury.
  15. How deep was the factory foam? 2"? 5"? I have no fucking clue on this... my current situation is reverse engineering but foam is cheap. I just don't want to double stack it.
  16. I don't know who told you this, but it has no factual basis. I remove these rods. I know exactly what they are, what they do, and how to contain them. The rods coming out of these power plants are physically warm to the touch. They're stored an a concrete pad in a fenced security area after they are spent. What I assume you are talking about is the waste products that occur from weaponizing the contents of those rods. Those substances created by the chemical decomposition of spent fuel rods can create problems. It can ignite, and cause devastating results. But, that's like saying we should ban fertilizer because you can use it to blow up a federal building. Also, an EMP won't shut down a nuke facility. They're operated by manual mechanical devices. To further that point, the reactors are a massive faraday cage. So you're going to need to use a bunker busting conventional munition or nuclear explosive device. While I do concede that the events of three mile island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima are regrettable tragedy more people are killed by medical malpractice than those three events. Fukushima went critical because of damage incurred by an earthquake. The same thing could potentially happen at energy northwest or at any other nuclear plant. This is also possible if an earthquake took out the Hoover Damn, or any of the multiple damns on the Columbia River. There is a lot of misinformation that was created in the 40's, 50's, and 60's. Those ideologies carry today. There are positives and negatives to all forms of energy generation. The big problem in the CA desert is actually the permit process as to environmental impact according to research in the DOE. Which will most likely fall under Rick Perry.... a guy that said he wanted to close doors on that department during his bid for the presidential nomination.
  17. I think it's supposed to be a chick. I'd have to do a function check at da club before taking it home for sure. I don't like surprise wang.
  18. Actually if a feminist wants to make EXACTLY the same pay as her male counterparts... enlist. The US military was among the pioneers of "equal pay". 15-16 years ago when I was in, the got exactly the same living conditions, food, pay, housing and assignments I did in my final field.
  19. Yeah, so I work in the nuke industry... those modular plants were put together to deal with power grid failures. I would love to get my filthy mitts on one. Use it to power vitrification of liquid and substrate tank waste in WA,ID, and NM... you'd be printing your own money and cleaning up the environment.
  20. Actually, from my work in the energy industry, the big power is made at Energy Northwest's nuclear reactor. It produces exponentially more than the wind farms in Goldendale and ellensburg WA. The solar fields here are a joke. Seriously... the cost vs output for commercial solar fields is stupid. The damns are great but there is much more environmental damage. The reactor generates so much energy the grid can't handle it and it has to be ground out. If you wanna solve the "energy crisis" they need a reactor in SoCal. You're right, a shitload of the energy is wasted on lousy transmission. Those electromagnetic fields around high voltage lines aren't free. The US turned its back on nuclear energy about 30 years ago. For better or worse. Those things definitely produce the juice. I did get a chance to observe a new piece of tech that uses the energy potential from thermal variations in each room of a house, to include the attic and crawl space, that manipulated the current by way of thermocouples to generate energy. They had a house in the tri-cities rigged up with it. The system was designed by kids at the local STEM school who'd partnered with engineers from several local companies. It nearly generated enough power to run the entire house when I looked at it last fall. The patent was... regretfully purchased by a division of Exxon Mobil... so I doubt we'll be seeing it commercially available. The kids however were making remote operated drones using the tech that generated enough energy they could remain continuously airborne until component failure.
  21. That two bit bullshit home grown bumper had to go. I picked up an All Pro Off-road front winch bumper and a Trail Gear rear. They came raw so I finished them myself with some Rustolem auto paint. I think they came out well.. Little tune up with an LC Engineering Valve Cover and some shine. KC Led Foglights and a Smittybuilt XRC 9500 # winch. It's not the fastest, but it definitely does the fucking job. I upgraded to Corbeau Buckets that are hard as a motherfucking rock.... the white you're seeing in the harness hole is a seat heater. I put those in because you really don't need harnesses.... it's a street driven truck. But, you sometimes need to warm someone's ass up. Ask the last idiot I pulled out of the snow. My exhaust manifold was cracked at the collector so I tossed this Trail Gear stainless on it. Honestly, totally worth it. I have a shitload of new parts for it. Once it rotates in I'll get it all touched up. Other things, I have a power master alt, optima red top, H4 headlamp conversion, rancho shocks, blah blah blah.
  22. So, this has been going on for a while, but I'll post up what I did. 1989 Toyota Pickup 204k mi, 5 spd, 4wd deluxe. The tires had been fucking up, because the tires had been sitting for like 5 years. Dude bought it new then ended up giving it to his daughter who gave it back when she got outta college. Put some new 32x12.50 on some nice Dick Cepek wheels. Now I like to do some long range shooting and I do search and rescue. I needed to beef up some shit.
  23. I lost the Silvia I'd imported and my 240SX in my divorce. I'll get another one, but I wanna make my 620 where I want it first. I'd go to Monroe, that's where Formula D is every year. I love some drifting. I'm fuuuuuuuucking horrible at it, but I love watching ppl that don't suck. I'm down for whatever with meets.
  24. This is just what you get bro. No since in putting on a show. I like to tell funny, inappropriate stories, make jokes, and draw dicks on stuff. I'm sorry, I mean draw Buddhist Protection Wards. This btw, is a real thing.... read this KO. http://www.badassoftheweek.com/index.cgi?id=176117624362
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