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  1. yenpit

    510 question

    Yup, all 68-71 510's automatics were column shift, 72-73 were floor shift. Swapping to manual is relatively easy if you are mechanically capable. All of the parts are pretty easy to source here (I typically have most of the necessary parts available!), there are some guys in TX, so you might find regionally. You'll spend $300-500++ on parts, including a transmission (that will be the biggest expense!), cheapest way is a 4speed (cuz they are a dime a dozen!), best way is prolly a 280ZX 5 speed. I documented my swap on my 70 510 here last year.......... http://community.ratsun.net/topic/40424-yenpits-1970-510-4-door-beater/ ......and I think you will need to go here for the auto-to-manual wiring trick, which was kinda complicated to figure out, but once I got it done it's easy! http://community.ratsun.net/topic/45721-510-auto-to-manual-reverse-lights/ Hope that helps!
  2. Hey ratty, sorry forgot to "subscribe" to this thread, to see replies!! :thumbup: Sounds like a few of the same guys as last November........we will be there on SUNDAY 27th.
  3. We have a few people getting together to attend the vintage race at Pikes Peak Intn'l Raceway (PPIR) just south of Colorado Springs, on SUNDAY OCT 27th. I think Bob3 said that we can drive all of his cars around..........What? Oh, he didn't say that? ..............never mind!! :rofl:
  4. Yes, a great resource for pics, and for cross referencing parts etc etc! If you are looking at a part where the part # changed (sometimes a couple of times!!), good luck understanding the VIN # breaks.....they can be confusing! :confused:
  5. GR, buy the felt window "run channel" right from Nissan, in a roll, I think it's enough to do a pair of doors. I did my 510 last year......it's alot of piece-by-piece work, cuz you have to at least take the door glass out of the vertical channels and move it out of the way, OR better yet just take it out, but it's straight forward work. After installing, the car sounded like a Mercedes Benz when I slammed the doors!
  6. If you are shopping for rust repair patch panels to fix the rust behind the rear wheels, spend the money and buy the Australian patch panels, as the Wolf Steel/Alfa Parts patch panels out of Canada are not very good. I believe the AU panels will reach up the rear 1/4 enough, at bumper level/trunk floor where your worst rust appears to be. Be ready to have to patch up the INNER panel behind that, which you will have to fabricate, as I'm not aware of a new patch panel. Is that replacement door the same Bamboo color??!!
  7. It will be a 1968 only ashtray, not the same as the 69. If you are buying from a parts car, ask the seller to check the heater/air controls on the dash.....should be horizontal controls for the 68 (the 69 controls were vertical). Any early production 1968 2dr 4dr or Wagon will be tha same. Good luck!
  8. Welcome to the forum! Love the original color & the great patina!! Yup, 69 model year, titled as a 70. Nice!!
  9. Man ham8urger, where were you when I lived in Holland & K'zoo!!?? I had 4500 sq ft of warehouse space full of 510's (had 4 cars last summer!) & parts, in Holland, up until October 2012, when I moved to Denver.......ask jser12! Anyway, killer build!! I sold a 72 2dr shell that I had had painted Chevy Hugger Orange, very similar to if not the same as your car, but that went away to MN. Over the years I sold 6-8 510's in the area, so there are cars around. I'll PM you later with some contacts!
  10. My project last summer was a 4dr!! B)
  11. It's amazing how much more popular the 4dr cars are in other parts of the country, like Australia........even the 4dr Sedan door seals were available long before the 2dr Sedan!
  12. Yes, I bought a set of reconditioned ones from a forum member a few years ago, and they were pretty nice! I sold 5 or 6 sets of 4dr plates to somebody in Thailand/Taiwan a few years ago, likely to be reconditioned, cuz they were not in very nice condition (he knew that!). You are correct that LOTS of decent parts were thrown away, when new ones were available so cheap, right from Nissan. Man, I would have loved to have been involved with Datsuns in the 80's-90's!! :thumbup:
  13. Hey reese, trying to send you info on the 510 interior mirror that you are looking for, but looks like your PM message board is full!
  14. Ya'll might not like hearing this, but part of the "hope" that all these new repro parts will actually come out, is that it will lure new 510 owners in, that have avoided the cars knowing that parts simply weren't available. This also means that more cars will be restored, and that the values of the cars will go up. Some guys love the challenge of hunting down the NOS parts, and the best USED parts they can find, but being a seasoned classic car parts guy, it scares alot of potential new owners away. I have seen many an owner sell a classic car after purchasing, because the parts were too scarce. The guys that have been involved with the 510's since the 80's-early 90's were used to buying OEM parts from Nissan on the cheap...........the reality of it is, that those days are gone, and times change. The sill plates are a great example. They are near impossible to find in good shape USED. I have an NOS pair for the 2dr, but I wouldn't sell them for anything less than $300.........and I'm confident that somebody would pay that. I have only offered them for sale a few times, but obviously those guys weren't interested at that kind of mulla. That somebody (who might pay the $300) would likely NOT be one of the guys that have been around 510's for many many years. I have the highest respect for guys like that, but you are correct that my potential buyer wouldn't be one of them. Now, if the plates end up being repro'd for around $200, and they are really nice repro's, then my NOS plates will likely drop in value. That's the classic car parts market for ya!
  15. Welcome to the forum! Always great to see a car get saved from the crusher! qwik510 knows a handful of the guys down your way in NC.
  16. Somebody yanked the complete L20B out of it by the time I got there...........wonder who got it!!?? I have a 79 L20B carb off of a truck last year..........you want it?? PM me!
  17. Plus, they are "split" at the rear door seam for the 4 door...........that is killer!
  18. Bart's car is KILLER! Check out the build thread! It is a TURN-KEY race car ready to go...........buy it & race it!! Bart, hate to see it go, but good luck with the sale!
  19. Hey thisismatt, long time! PM sent! Buzzbomb, yes and thanks! Let me know if you're ever looking for anything for your projects, cuz I'm a Denver junkyard rat. There was a pretty clean light blue '80 720 KC 4x4 L20B 5speed at PullnPay Denver northside 5-7 days ago. There was also an '83 720 KC, oddly with an L20B (that should be a NAPZ shouldn't it??), but that truck was worn out & beat to hell!! PM me any time. And yes, if that truck showed up on CL, and it ran & drove, I would have paid that kind of mulla +++ for it (I am looking for a truck to haul stuff). I do know that an elderly guy owned it, cuz I found notes under the seat, and the handwriting style suits an elder. I also know that it sat for a while, cuz the smashed hood was rusty where the paint had splintered, and there was tree sap residue on most of the top surfaces of the truck. Still, it was ultra clean for a 1979! A sad day indeed.......... :crying:
  20. Bump! We gotta keep this thread going.........mods, can this be "pinned" up at the top?? This deal that Dave @ FutoFab has going is likely the biggest step towards the future of availability of restoration parts for the 510 market, since all of the parts started disappearing from Nissan years ago. Pinned at the top, the newbies will always see it, hopefully people will support Dave 100%, which means more cars will be saved from being parts cars or going to the crusher! To the top, to the top!!!!!!!
  21. Problem for me is most of those parts would be bought on speculation, cuz I don't know enough about who wants what parts on the 620's.........I'm a 510 guy. Also, lack of storage space these days......I went from 4500 sq ft of warehouse space in Michigan to a couple of storage units here in Denver. I did pull lots of the parts that I know will sell on eBay (already have a bunch listed), based on what 510 parts sell, and what parts I have heard are in demand. The back window is a slider, but the rubber seal is soft & beautiful condition........is the slider glass seal the same as the solid glass seal? These are the 620 parts questions that I am slowly learning! Yup, a 5 speed (also another truck 5 speed at another yard), but a real gamble if it's good or not, and I wouldn't use it within the 30 day return period. I got the fenders & valence, hood is damaged (looks like something fell on it dead smack in the middle!). Nope, never saw it for sale, simply ended up in the junkyard. This truck really should have been saved, but once in the yard, it's for parts only. Sad.
  22. OK Datsun 620 enthusiasts! NOT MINE, but there is an original paint 90K mile 1979 620 standard cab pickup in Colorado Auto Parts self-serve junkyard, DENVER Colorado. Don't know why this truck ended up in the yard, but I would have bought it immediately, cuz it was so clean! The body is ALMOST RUST FREE! Mostly stripped out now, but the mostly stripped out cab is EXCELLENT with NO BODY DAMAGE & original paint. Looks like PERFECT front clip inner sheetmetal (rad core support, inner fender panels etc etc), perfect rocker panels, really nice floor pans. The "short" bed is decent, with NO major damage, last owner had a custom cut 1/2 board on the floor of the bed so the floor is really nice, BUT there is some rust starting in the outer horizontal body seams(as usual!)......but still a pretty nice bed! Truck cab still had the doors, passenger perfect, drivers had a little rust, and a really nice tailgate as of 10-3-2013! * THIS IS NOT MY TRUCK, GO TO COLORADO AUTO PARTS on Radcliff in Denver!!!! I will try to answer questions by memory to help save a wasted trip for you. I can pull a part for a fee for my time & labor, but my guess is that this will go to the crusher soon.................
  23. A buddy spotted a 510 at a local auto repair shop, so I HAD to go check it out! Turned out to be an original unmolested dark green 4 door, with no hubcaps, a little rust that I could see, and what looked like faded original paint. I parked, walked straight into the shop (don't like poking around other peoples cars), pet the dog while the guy was on the phone, introduced myself as a HUGE 510 enthusiast and tried to hand him my card. He looked at me, said it was a customers car, that they didn't need any parts and basically said "Good bye (and get out)!". I was stunned that a shop owner could be so freakin' rude to a walk in. So instead, I "stalked" the shop that evening from a parking lot across the street, right around 5:30, hoping to catch the owner picking it up (nope, didn't pick it up that day). Sat there for 45min until the techs started leaving, and one of them came across the street (to go to the store??), so I approached him. Nice guy, told him what happened earlier, he said the owner can be a dick, and I explained that I was simply interested in talking to the owner. He said it was an older woman, the car was her Dad's (now passed away), and that it was likely NOT for sale. He graciously took my card, and said that he would pass it along to her. First contact! Well, no call, so I had an idea! If the car was at this small local shop, there's a pretty good chance that she lived nearby, so I went on a neighborhood "car stalking". I zig-zagged the neighborhoods within a mile radius, with no luck. Found lots of other classic car gems, but no Datsuns! So I started heading home, and realized that it was lunch time, so I stopped at a micro brewery for a sandwich. I chose to sit outside on the deck, right on the main drag of the street to watch cars, facing back in the direction from where I was originally searching. My sliders & fries arrive, I've got one stuffed in my mouth, and I swear to God the 510 darted across the street 2 blocks down! I froze, contemplating quickly if I should run to my car for the chase, but realized that I hadn't paid my bill yet! Damn it!! So I finished my lunch, not taking my eyes off of that intersection, cuz there was a 50/50 chance that she would double back after her possible errand, right!!?? No luck, so I paid my bill, and quickly drove down to the intersection, found a spot to park, and waited for almost an hour. No luck. Lost her. Maybe hanging out there again some weekday evening, right around 5:00-6:00pm, hoping she drives by................I'm freakin' obsessed!!
  24. I know the dizzy is long gone. What do you mean by "upper control arm spindles"? Upper control arms or maybe the "dogbone" that the control arms pivot on? Sorry, not familiar with the 720! I might be able to ge there tomorrow............
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