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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Sorry, but there have already been MULTIPLE states showing that the voting processes/machines were tampered with, Wisconsin being the latest. The only places I have seen ANY news reporting on it, has been on conservative news outlets. DUH, the leftist "news outlets" won't report ANY of it, thus those that waste their time over there will never hear about it. The dems lie & cheat every single opportunity they see. Trump did not/does not. He was a loud mouthed, arrogant, rich boob, but that guy MADE SOME GREAT THINGS HAPPEN! "Riot whispering"? Seriously? Jan 6 was a dem set up, just like the "Russian dosier" HOAX. All far left dem lies, but there ARE some good dems ie Manchin etc. Ugh 🙄
  2. A customer just brought by a set of aluminum D slot (kidney) mag wheels, that came with his 1970 240Z..............."made in Japan" on the back. Anybody know what manufacturer made D slot mags in Japan? All I've seen were made in the USA. He is getting them media blasted next week, so maybe we will see a brand name (ie American Racing etc), once they are cleaned up......?? They appear as your normal aluminum D slot............nothing "special" visually! Thoughts?
  3. If you come up empty for an actual Datsun pulley, look for an old school British resto shop in your area (wherever that is), cuz many of the early Datsun parts were basically licensed/copied from British engineering by Datsun. I worked in the British parts industry for years. Is that a cast pulley? I don't remember the British counterpart being cast, but if the same engineering design in stamped steel, one might work......? There might be a "spacer" behind your pulley (the British DID have a spacer), so if you find a British pulley that fits the shaft but rubs on the generator itself, look into spacing it out with a deeper spacer. Good luck with your search!
  4. This, this, this. I really like this guy. Straight to the point & boy, does he ever come up with data! I haven't watched the last few of his video's......this one hit it right! 😎
  5. OK I'll play along..........my statement of "all doctors here in the USA have been threatened" was MY opinion 🙄. How about MANY doctors........?? I asked my doctor if she would prescribe HQC & Ivermectin, both of which have been ABUSIVELY banned by whomever.....the CDC, FDA.........the administration? (PS that medical board that I could not remember before is VAERS). She said she could not. I then asked her if she would help me with dosage, if I got it online (it IS available). She said she could not, in fear of loosing her license. She is an educated medical doctor & a firm believer in holistic alternatives, which is exactly what I want in a doctor. I know many medical/clinical people, some are very good friends & they have similar sentiments/beliefs as you...........I'm ok with that & we respect each others beliefs. I do not bust their chops, they do not bust my chops................respect. There have been MANY doctors here in the USA & abroad, that have stepped forward, claiming that they were threatened. There have been a scary large number of doctors that HAVE lost their license, practice etc because of how this administration has handled this mess. I personally know health care workers that LOST their jobs, because of their choice of not getting the jab. Some held out until the last second, but ended up getting the jab to keep their job. Makes my stomach turn. If you read about (ie my link above) OR have seen members of frontlinedoctors on Daystar or TBN, then you would have an idea of just how controlling & censored all of this is (perhaps you have & you still do not believe any of it.........which is fine with me). Do you see me spouting off all the time here? Nope. Have you seen ALL of the collections of data through objective observation and/or experimentations, thus formulating a hypotheses of their findings, when done, they submitted them for peer review & got censored, never to be seen on main stream media? Those reports/findings are ALL linked within frontlinedoctors, for those that have an open mind to such, can watch, listen & learn. Again, do it or don't. As a regular Joe in the classic auto industry, I do think in systematic ways, in the pursuit of knowledge etc etc. When all of this began, I started paying great attention to it all. I asked many questions of these friends. I watched & listened to many opinions on ALL levels of media. I even watched & listened to the dems/left/the administration, until I made my own personal assumption that they were, for the most part, full of crap. Having said that, yes, I watch & listen to mostly conservative opinions, news & media..............but ALWAYS with a grain of salt. I made a personal decision to NOT get the jab. I started paying great attention to the outcomes of those that did get the jab & I am perfectly happy that I did not. I have had CV. I did NOT simply refuse because I was told to. I systematically pursued my own knowledge & made my own decisions. This whole mess has become completely politicized. It's all about the science, huh? I actually DO believe that..........I just do NOT believe that this administration is actually following the science. They simply lie about whatever they want, to gain their agenda, whatever the f**k that is! So here I am getting questioned by someone who sounds very proud to have been "........vax'd 3 ways to Sunday"! Good on ya!! 👍 There are those on here that feel the same way. Good on them!! 👍 Don't try to rattle me, simply out of respect for MY own personal decision. It is that simple.
  6. Well said, i honestly think........but if you read what frontlinedoctors say (or watch them on TBN & Daystar), you will see that the number of deaths of the vax'd is actually way more than is reported, perhaps to soon outnumber the non-vax'd in the very near future. This info should be reported thru......dang, can't remember the CDC/FDA website to report complications 😣, starts with a V.......but they are not doing it. Why not? Likely for the same reason all doctors here in the USA have been threatened of loosing their license to practice, if they prescribe and/or administer HCQ or Ivermectin...........my doctor told me that straight up, cuz I asked her if she would help! There is documented proof, in MANY ways ie reports, video's, commentary etc, showing that there have been many deaths (and of course simple complications) of the vax'd. The non-vax'd have been targeted by the media AND the administration. We are NOT the problem...........Covid is & those that created it. Again, I PRAY for my friends & family (that includes you knuckleheads) that these things will never happen, as I am not one to wish anything bad on anybody (well, maybe the puppeteers behind this mess of an administration............well, maybe Fauci etc...........and I guess Putin etc...........but you get my point!!). I will say it again..........take some time & read what is available on that website! What you actually get out of it is your own business 😊. Be well all!!
  7. Clean off all grease oil. Use red Loctite. Torque to spec. We use a bright nail polish to mark each bolt head once in the torqued position & do a quick visual check EVERY TIME BEFORE OUR CARS GO OUT ON THE TRACK! If we see the nail polish mark NOT LINED UP, if we have time in the paddock we pull that bolt, clean out oil/grease, Locktite, torque & RE-mark with nail polish. If we do not have time, we simply re-torque. We typically have to re-do all of the bolts at least twice a season. We re-do all of the bolts on each car before the beginning of each season. We considered safety wiring (race tieing) them, but if we have a failure that requires us to remove an axle & are on short time (it happens!), the amount of time to RE-safety wire is hard to swallow. Our system of nail polish & visual has worked well........but YES, we have a bolt or two loosen up each season.
  8. I posted this a year++ ago in the CV19 thread. For those of you that want what is likely THE most up front answer as to the vax's & what are in them, take a few & read up on it.......... www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org For those that do NOT want to even go there, for your own reasons, don't read up on it. It is that simple. Many of my close friends & family got the jab. I did not & never will. I have NEVER given any of them a hard time. I HAVE been ridiculed by quite a few that have gotten the jab, There shouldn't be an argument. Personal choice......period.
  9. Do they simply "flip" the USA spec rack? I have seen that in some other British car applications! 👍
  10. Our USA spec Ford Escort is COMPLETELY different than your UK spec Escort (yours is cool 😎), thus I bet the UK spec Escort steering rack is different........?? I'm not aware that our USA spec Escort was ever available in a RHD country................??
  11. Yup, aftermarket rear sway bar end links! If they were mounted up in the "cup" of the rear lower control arm, that was one manufacturers way of linking the sway bar to the suspension. As Mike said, they removed the rear suspension rubber bump stops to install these links. You probably should re-install some OEM rubber bump stops..........I have good USED if needed. I have also seen bolt on sway bar brackets that straddle the rear control arm & hand made welded on brackets! If you don't have the matching rear sway bar, toss these end links or keep around for some other fab work!
  12. yenpit

    78 280z 2+2

    Welcome! I'm not aware of anybody making body repair panels for a 2+2. The newest manufacturer for Z panels is kfvintagejdm.com, but he is NOT making any 2+2 specific panels...........only panels for the 2 seat Coupe. The front clip is the same, the windshield glass is the same, but beyond that all the way to the tail lamps, every body related component for the 2+2 is different than the 2 seat Coupe. You MIGHT be able to start with Coupe panels & modify them, but that takes metal working skill! You will be relying on finding good USED parts! If you are trying to post pics, I don't think your process is working. You must host & post pics OR in your response window, look down in the lower left, see "Drag files here or choose files......." from your computer. Good luck!
  13. You want a small filter on both........do NOT leave open & I would not suggest sealing up either one. If your engine is healthy, you should be fine with filters, to keep dirt etc out. If you see one or both filters getting oiled up and/or dripping, that means you likely have some blow by with the rings (some wear) & you will need to reconsider the use of a catch can 😎 We just got a customers 240Z in with a freshly rebuilt engine. The builder did NOT seal off these open tubes, did NOT seal off or install an oil filter. The car then went to body & paint, so there is at the very least, bondo dust & paint polishing compound everywhere. We told the owner about it, but it is a moot point now...........we will simply clean what we can & fingers crossed nothing "heavy" entered any of those open tubes or oil filter galley!! 😫
  14. Yup, I heard that too! The expressions on Harris's & Pelosi's faces were priceless!! They were sitting there WAITING for Brandon to screw up..........and he DID!! 😎😁
  15. Look regionally for pick up. Look closely for vertical scratches, as polishing is expensive. I have been shipping parts for 30+ years, just had a piece of door glass break, carriers do not take responsibility. It was my fault regardless. Luckily I had another one & it survived the trip to the buyer. I will no longer ship glass 😣 Good luck with your search!
  16. Have you considered the Acura Integra motor upgrade? It bolts in, I have the wiring diagram. The original 510 motors are old & slow. Only issue is the wipers park about an inch up on the windshield, but Stu Spencer on the Facebook pages fixed his by modifying the short arm at the motor. I think there is a great write up here on Ratsun.......?? DO NOT BUY A NEW REPOP INTEGRA MOTOR, cuz the wiring at the motor is NOT color coded, so more work to try to figure out! I sold all of my good USED wiper linkage assemblies, but I do still have some parts. FYI all 1969-1973 2dr 4dr & Wagon are the same. Most have broken studs & many are seized up!
  17. yenpit

    Found back window

    In answer, yes there are those looking to buy rear glass. Be careful.............I sell LOTS of Datsun parts, NEVER sold windshield or back glass (except local pick up) cuz of size/bulk & decided relatively recently not to sell any more large door glass. The cost & amount of time to safely package is big & even then, can easily break. The carriers will RARELY cover broken glass! You being in Cali, you should be able to sell regionally pick up only. Good luck!
  18. Interesting! I don't think any 510's ever came here with 3 on the tree & pretty sure all were front disc!
  19. Try this thread............same as your 1979!
  20. Not many easy straight forward options. The most common upgrade is the 79-83 280ZX, but requires a coil spring mod & the original 510 13in steelies will not clear the larger ZX calipers. Have you considered Z or ZX 14in steelies along with the ZX upgrade? If you simply need replacement 510 calipers, I might have a good set pulled off of a running driving 510 that we did a ZX upgrade on...........?? TJ
  21. Does your 510 have independent rear suspension (IRS) or a solid axle with leaf springs? All USA spec cars were IRS. Mike is correct.........the USA never got the L14 engine, all were L16. Canada I don't know?
  22. Same here in Denver. Most places don't care, 50%+++ of people are not wearing, even if signage is still in window. It's about time 😎
  23. I agree! I think the guys do a pretty good job here! 😎 I think the biggest reason for less "activity", is other means of social media ie Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc, where "the younger people" tend to migrate to! Even the510realm forum is much less active in the last few years. I am also pretty active on Facebook, but none of the others................🙄
  24. A good example of interchangeability is the 70-73 510 vs the 71-78 Z car, different factory part #'s! Because the switches are on opposite sides of the the columns, the repop switches are made for the Z car, but all you do is pull the OFF ACC ON START cover off & flip it 180deg, then it fits the 70-73 510! The early 1970 switch is the same, but the two wires for the ignition buzzer both have male spade terminals.........the 71-78 has one male, one female spade. All of the switch assemblies came WITH the electrical switch............if a car had a short wiring harness on the electrical switch (i thought the 210 did.......??), then the switch assembly would have had a different factory part #, even if the lock assembly was the same! However, I'm pretty sure the angle or something is different for the 79-83 280ZX, so if Mike says that's what you need, the earlier Z car repop switch assembly very well may not fit your 80-510! Hope that helps a little!
  25. The admins are part of it all............yer getting censored!!!!!!!!!! (sorry Mike) 😝 😡 🥴
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