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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. if only 50 are being made shouldn't it be like 1 per person so more people can get one?
  2. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=115850738472944
  3. this is a little much huh? i agree that your entitled to your opinion but two threads of you more or less yelling seems like a bit much to me.
  4. nobody answered Kelly :( anything goin on after 10?
  5. you could name her boo. She was a surprise to you, and shes white like a ghost...and boo is kind of like baby girl :D
  6. I hate the wheels that are on it but i also suck at photo shop so heres mine
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGSVYgcy24Q
  8. I asked Mike to check one of his and he said "The mounting bolts are 8 3/4" top to bottom and 23" side to side. This is for an L18 and L20B with air conditioning. If the air con is bigger maybe it is thicker (3 core) but they would swap."
  9. uh i dont have the measurements anymore....i dont think i have a measuring tape here either....
  10. So my radiator is leaking and i don't know where. anyone have a spare? When it sprung a leak in Eugene we soldered it and it held, its not that spot. im 100% sure its not that spot. BUT the guys there had to custom order one for me. Take my measurements and such and find another one that would work. I'd rather not have to do that if someone has one here.
  11. I could try that, not sure whats wrong with it. ed told me it was dead. ill hit up some junk yards soon
  12. damn i dont know if i should even bother entering one... :unsure:
  13. yea its not much here for the lost title replacement. you can probably search online for what to do. The Oregon DMV site has listings of prices for everything and that is on there...
  14. not really a bro but...i guess i am kinda just a girly bro :lol:
  15. he's gettin a new l20 from me tomorrow if things go as planned. We've been trying to do it all week but i had to babysit monday and the weather was crap today. Hopefully tomorrow will work out
  16. wow that last comment makes me sad :(

  17. oh that was yours :blink: sorry for your loss. this is why i want to garage mine for the winter but i need it as a DD
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